Desolate Devouring Art

Chapter 58 - Ferocious Tiger

Chapter 58 - Ferocious Tiger

Liu Wuxie took the rice paper and placed it beneath the cut painting. He had ripped apart the oilcloth and silk threads, leaving behind the ink paper. The top portion was still intact, while the bottom was heavily damaged after the silk threads were removed and soaked in water.

After preparing the paint, Liu Wuxie dipped his brush and began to carefully apply it on the rice paper, pressing it firmly against the ink paper. His movements were gentle, as if he were caressing an infant’s skin. But then something strange happened—faint traces of ink began to appear on the rice paper as if they had been imprinted there.

Liu Wuxie then placed the rice paper in water and moved it back and forth. As the ink on the rice paper began to fade, he lifted it out of the water and laid it on the table. The rice paper was strong and water-resistant, thanks to the addition of demonic beast fur, which allowed it to absorb water upon contact. As the rice paper slowly dried, the upper portion of the landscape painting was revealed to the onlookers.

“This...” Kuang Zhan staggered, unable to believe what he was seeing. The Kuang Clan’s paintings were carefully crafted works of art, yet Liu Wuxie had used a handful of common materials to produce an identical copy. How could he not be shocked?

The crowd gasped in amazement, unable to comprehend what they had just witnessed. Du Mingze felt the urge to slap himself for his earlier foolishness. It was now clear to everyone that the painting Xiao Mingyi had purchased was a forgery, produced using this very method and sold at an exorbitant price.

“Lei Tao, tell them how much the materials cost,” Liu Wuxie said, sweeping his gaze around as he wiped his hands dry with a playful smile hanging on his lips.

“Young Master, I spent a total of six gold coins.”

Lei Tao’s words were met with gasps of astonishment from the onlookers. Most people would be willing to take a risk if the potential profit was three times their investment, but the profit from this forged painting was a staggering 160,000 times the cost of the materials. It was nothing short of a robbery.

Xiao Mingyi slumped to the ground, muttering to himself in disbelief, “This is impossible...this must be fake...this must be fake...”

But no one was in the mood to comfort him. They were all still reeling from the shock of what they had just witnessed. Xue Chou and Wan Yichun backed away even further, unable to meet Liu Wuxie’s gaze. This day had turned into a nightmare, and none of them had seen it coming.

“Young man, may I have your name?” asked Kuang Zhan, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He had realized his mistake—the painting was indeed a forgery. He resolved to investigate the matter and find out how it had come to be in their possession. He knew that if he didn’t get to the bottom of this, similar incidents might occur in the future, putting the reputation of the Kuang Clan at risk.

“Liu Wuxie!” Liu Wuxie bowed lightly. Kuang Zhan might have a foul temper but had acknowledged his mistake, which was rare.

“Young Master Liu, I solemnly apologize for having wronged you earlier. If there’s an opportunity, do pay a visit to Kuang Clan. I believe we can chat about art.” Kuang Zhan was eager to leave so that he could begin his investigation. He knew that there must be other forgeries being sold in the market under the Kuang Clan’s name, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

“I will pay a visit if there’s an opportunity.” Liu Wuxie said humbly. Throughout the entire encounter, Liu Wuxie had maintained his composure and had not been aggressive, earning Kuang Zhan’s admiration.

“I’ll take my farewell!” Kuang Zhan left with the white-clothed man, and the crowd automatically moved aside for the two.

“Lei Tao, leave behind six gold coins. Let’s go!” Liu Wuxie glanced at Xiao Mingyi’s party. He couldn’t be bothered by these people, and he compensated Xiao Mingyi for the painting before leaving.

Lei Tao tossed six gold coins beside Xiao Mingyi and followed behind Liu Wuxie. The events of the day had been a revelation to Lei Tao, and he felt a newfound respect for Liu Wuxie.

Xiao Mingyi, on the other hand, was left reeling. The painting he had purchased for 1,000,000 gold coins was now worth only six gold coins. He had fallen from heaven to hell in an instant. His face twisted with rage, and he snarled at Liu Wuxie, “Brat, I’ll make you suffer worse than death, and I’ll personally take your life!”

But it was a pity that Liu Wuxie couldn’t hear what he said anymore as he had walked into another passage with Lei Tao.

“Brother Xiao, it’s getting late. Let’s go back,” said one of Xiao Mingyi’s companions, trying to comfort him. They quickly left the Thousand Seal Chamber of Commerce, not daring to linger a moment longer. Along the way, they were met with mocking stares and whispered insults, adding to their humiliation.

As for taking revenge against the Thousand Seal Chamber of Commerce, that was impossible. The Thousand Seal Chamber of Commerce’s background was as strong as the Treasure Pill Pavilion’s. Not to mention, they had willingly made the purchase, even if it turned out to be fake.

As Liu Wuxie and Lei Tao walked through the passages, Liu Wuxie’s interest began to wane. He used his Ghost Eye to find some authentic paintings, but they held no value for him. Instead, it was the fakes with their high price tags that drew more attention.

“Young Master, this is the last passage.” They walked through all six passages, and it was getting late. Lei Tao wanted to return, fearing that Bi Gongyu might worry.

But Liu Wuxie suddenly stopped with his gaze fixed on a tiger painting. This tiger looked vivid as it ran down the mountain, charging at him.

“Excellent painting!” Ordinary people could only treat this as a regular painting, but his face changed when he observed this painting with Ghost Eye. This painting gave off an oppressive aura that swept across his soul sea.

Martial intent! Liu Wuxie exclaimed inwardly. Only a grandmaster could have created such a work, and studying it could enhance one’s talent and soul energy. Despite being heavily damaged, the tiger in the painting remained intact. Yet, no one seemed to take notice of it.

Liu Wuxie quickly grabbed the painting, not wanting to miss his chance. When he saw that it only cost 100 gold coins, he knew it was a steal. A painting with martial intent would normally fetch a price of 1,000,000 gold coins or more.

The signature was damaged, so no one knew who the artist was, which explained the low price.

Liu Wuxie called over the deacon of the Thousand Seal Chamber of Commerce and Lei Tao paid for the painting. Liu Wuxie had come empty-handed, having left his blade at the Treasure Pill Pavilion. Since they needed his help, Lei Tao was happy to pay for the painting.

“Young Master, is there anything special about this painting?” Lei Tao whispered, not daring to underestimate Liu Wuxie.

“That’s a secret!” Liu Wuxie kept the painting like a treasure. He swept his gaze around and left after seeing nothing caught his attention. It was already late, and Bi Gongyu was probably waiting anxiously for him. They ate briefly along the way before returning to the Treasure Pill Pavilion, where Bi Gongyu was indeed waiting for them.

“What happened in the afternoon? Why did Yun Lan start a big fight with me?” Bi Gongyu questioned Lei Tao the moment they came in. Yun Lan had come looking for Liu Wuxie after his disciple lost 1,000,000 gold coins. He tried to reason with Bi Gongyu, but Bi Gongyu’s words left him speechless.

Lei Tao recounted the events of the afternoon, including their encounter with Wen Song and Zuo Hong’s intervention to resolve the conflict. He was particularly animated when describing their visit to the Thousand Seal Chamber of Commerce and how Liu Wuxie had embarrassed Xiao Mingyi.

As Liu Wuxie listened, he rubbed his nose and furrowed his brow before excusing himself to retire to his room and rest for the competition the next day.

As Lei Tao spoke, Bi Gongyu listened intently. An hour later, he let out a deep breath upon learning that the painting Xiao Mingyi had bought for 1,000,000 gold coins was only worth six gold coins.

Meanwhile, Liu Wuxie had returned to his room and hung the painting on the wall. To the naked eye, it appeared unremarkable, but when Liu Wuxie used his Ghost Eye, he could sense the powerful aura of the tiger in the painting. The pressure was so intense that it made him feel suffocated.

As the tiger’s eyes suddenly opened, a powerful gust swept through the room, causing the table and chairs to creak under the strain. It was as if the tiger was high above, looking down on Liu Wuxie as he struggled like a raft in a stormy sea.

“I can’t back down. The moment fear rises in my heart, my path as a cultivator will be severed.” Facing the pressure from the tiger, Liu Wuxie mobilized his soul energy to confront it.

A powerful gust appeared in his golden soul sea, and as it compressed, Liu Wuxie’s golden soul energy grew stronger, with more golden lights appearing in his soul sea.

What a powerful painting! Not only can it temper my martial intent, but it can also temper my soul sea! Liu Wuxie was inwardly surprised. The strength of a person’s soul sea determined their talent. Liu Wuxie may have had the knowledge of an Immortal Emperor, but he no longer had the body of one. Knowledge alone couldn’t compensate for talent—the body was the foundation, and knowledge could only aid in cultivation. Only when both were strong could they complement each other.

As time passed, Liu Wuxie was drenched in sweat. His cultivation hadn’t improved, but his talent had increased several-fold. The golden light in his soul sea had grown, and he gradually adapted to the pressure from the tiger.

Suddenly, the tiger raised its head and let out a mighty roar, causing the ground to tremble. Liu Wuxie staggered, nearly falling, and his mind went blank.

Two hours passed...

Four hours passed...

Six hours passed...

Late at night, when everyone else was asleep, a deep roar erupted from Liu Wuxie’s mouth. The tiger was provoked, and its powerful aura bore down on Liu Wuxie’s unsteady body as if he were standing on the edge of a cliff, about to fall.

Suddenly, the Sky Devouring Divine Cauldron began to spin, and the painting was consumed.

“This...” Liu Wuxie was taken aback. He had intended to use the painting to strengthen his soul energy, so that he could use his Ghost Eye for longer periods in the future.

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