Desolate Devouring Art

Chapter 53 - Pill Gathering Pavilion

Chapter 53 - Pill Gathering Pavilion

Liu Wuxie already knew that the Treasure Pill Pavilion was a subsidiary of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. The Treasure Pill Pavilion’s headquarters was established in the Great Yan Dynasty’s Imperial Capital, with branches set up in the major cities, monopolizing 90% of the market in the Great Yan Dynasty.

The headquarters hosted a yearly competition between the branches to motivate alchemists to keep improving themselves. Through this contest, the branches would be ranked and rewarded, fostering healthy competition and promoting improvement. If the Treasure Pill Pavilion had been satisfied with what it had and made no improvements, it would’ve shut down long ago.

“The Zen City?” Liu Wuxie frowned. The Zen City was two days from Azure Billow City, meaning a round trip would take four days. Including the time needed for the competition, it would take about seven to eight days in total.

“That’s right. It’s held in Zen City this year. Since the profits of the various branches haven’t been promising this year, the headquarters is offering a fourth-grade pill as a reward to the first-place winner to motivate everyone. The second and third-place winners will receive a third-grade pill. If Young Master Liu is willing to participate, you can keep all the rewards; all I need is the ranking,” explained Bi Gongyu.

A fourth-grade pill was valued at over 1,000,000 gold coins and was not readily available on the market. This was because four-star alchemists could only be found in Imperial City in the Great Yan Dynasty.

“Are you serious about that?” Liu Wuxie’s eyes lit up after he heard what Bi Gongyu said. He urgently needed pills to increase his cultivation, and the effect of a fourth-grade pill was naturally higher than a third-grade pill. That wasn’t because the Origin Yang Pill was inferior but because different pills had different strengths. He still needed the Origin Yang Pill to replenish and strengthen his true essence during his future cultivation, as each breakthrough would require a tremendous amount of spiritual energy.

“Of course I’m serious,” nodded Bi Gongyu. He could obtain a fourth-grade pill if he put in some effort, but the ranking couldn’t be bought with gold coins. The annual evaluation was crucial, as it determined how long he could remain as pavilion master. If he were transferred to an undesirable location due to a poor evaluation, it would be too late for regrets.

But if the branch were closed this time, he would be demoted from a pavilion master to a mere alchemist. Some deacons were sent to remote places to perform menial tasks, and Bi Gongyu didn’t want that to happen to him. If they couldn’t obtain a good result this year, Azure Billow City’s Treasure Pill Pavilion would have to close next year.

Liu Wuxie tapped his finger on the table, considering the offer. The trip would take eight days in total, but he could make it as long as nothing happened in Azure Billow City. Besides, this was an excellent opportunity for him to learn more about the world.

Azure Billow City was too small, and it was time for him to walk out and experience the alchemy in this True Martial Continent.

“I can agree to your request, but am I eligible to participate on behalf of this branch when I’m not an alchemist here?” Liu Wuxie agreed with Bi Gongyu’s request to participate in this Alchemist Competition.

“You don’t have to worry about that. You can participate as a guest of the branch. The other branches have been doing that over the years, inviting guest alchemists to help them get a good ranking,” Bi Gongyu explained, giving Liu Wuxie the status of a guest alchemist.

After hearing what Bi Gongyu said, Liu Wuxie nodded, “I’ll strive to get a good ranking, so prepare the herbs I require.”

After their negotiation, Liu Wuxie returned to Xu Clan, and the departure was scheduled for the next day. Liu Wuxie told Xu Yilin about it, and Xu Yilin didn’t stop him from going. On the contrary, Xu Yilin encouraged, “It’s about time for you to go out. I’m reassured since the Pavilion Master will accompany you, and you don’t have to worry about home. I’ll order everyone to keep their guards up.”

The next day, a carriage pulled up outside the Xu Clan as Bi Gongyu personally came to receive Liu Wuxie. Lei Tao also accompanied them as their driver. When Liu Wuxie entered, the carriage swiftly sped out of Azure Billow City.

“May I ask who taught you your alchemy skills, Young Master Liu?” inquired Bi Gongyu, as they had nothing to do in the carriage.

“The Heavenly Taoist!” replied Liu Wuxie truthfully. The Heavenly Taoist had long since passed away from old age and was buried in Celestial Realm’s Supreme Palace Mountain Range.

Bi Gongyu pondered for a long time and shook his head because he had never heard that name before. So he concluded that Heavenly Taoist must be a hermit.

As Liu Wuxie and Bi Gongyu’s relationship wasn’t very close, they both went into cultivation after a brief chat. As Liu Wuxie began to cultivate, spiritual energy flooded into the carriage, causing Bi Gongyu to open his eyes several times, unable to calm himself down. He was frustrated that, as an expert at the Marrow Cleansing Realm, he was slower at absorbing spiritual energy than someone at the Xiantian Realm.

Half a day later, the carriage finally arrived in Zen City, which was three hundred miles from Azure Billow City and not very far away. Zen City was much larger than Azure Billow City, with towering walls that seemed to reach for the sky. The streets were wider, but they were crowded with people, indicating the city’s prosperity.

Since Liu Wuxie had stayed in Azure Billow City after transmigrating, he was unfamiliar with the outside world. However, he didn’t show much excitement on his face and remained indifferent, something that Bi Gongyu noticed. If it had been someone else in Liu Wuxie’s position, they would probably have been filled with excitement and anxiety upon entering an unfamiliar city.

But Bi Gongyu couldn’t detect any of those emotions on Liu Wuxie’s face. Liu Wuxie was like an old man; his eyes were deep like the sea. This gave Bi Gongyu the impression that Liu Wuxie wasn’t a young man but an ancient monster who had lived for tens of thousands of years.

As the carriage made its way through the bustling streets, it eventually stopped in front of a large pavilion. Many other carriages were waiting outside, carrying alchemists from other branches. When Liu Wuxie and Bi Gongyu stepped down from their carriage, they saw a massive door before them with three golden characters engraved at the top: Pill Gathering Pavilion.

The competition was being held here, and the Pill Gathering Pavilion was an asset belonging to Zen City’s Treasure Pill Pavilion. It was Zen City’s turn to hold the event, and they had been preparing for it for two years, decorating the interior luxuriously.

Over the past few years, the Treasure Pill Pavilion’s branch in Zen City had grown rapidly and had placed second in the previous year’s competition. On the way, Bi Gongyu showed Liu Wuxie information about the various branches. This competition involved the Treasure Pill Pavilion’s branches from thirty-six major cities, and the headquarters had sent a four-star alchemist to serve as a notary for the competition.

When Liu Wuxie and Bi Gongyu climbed the stairs, three people emerged from the Pill Gathering Pavilion.

“Bi Gongyu, I didn’t expect to see you here!” called out the three, stopping in their tracks before striding over to greet him.

When Liu Wuxie looked at them, he saw that all three were aloof and exuded an aura that suppressed Bi Gongyu.

Throughout his years at the Treasure Pill Pavilion, there were two things that Bi Gongyu feared most: the headquarters’ evaluation and the competition.

“Pavilion Master Yun Lan, it has been a long time!” replied Bi Gongyu, as he couldn’t simply ignore the other party. However, from his tone, it was clear that they didn’t have a good relationship.

“Hm? Why isn’t Master Huo here? Is your Azure Billow City not going to send out any alchemist?” asked Yun Lan with a mocking smile. In other cities, the branches had grown over time, and the largest branch had five alchemists. But in Azure Billow City, the branch had been supported by only one alchemist for years.

“Master Huo is busy, and he won’t be participating in this event,” responded Bi Gongyu, his face showing his displeasure as he stepped forward, only to be stopped by two people.

“I bet Master Huo isn’t busy; he just doesn’t dare to come. The branch that ranks last will be closed this time, and I bet it’ll be your Azure Billow City branch,” sneered Yun Lan, not bothering to hide his contempt for Bi Gongyu. This confirmed that their relationship was not good; if they had been on good terms, there would have been no need for Yun Lan to mock Bi Gongyu.

“The competition hasn’t even started yet—it’s too early to determine the rankings!” Bi Gongyu retorted, and his reply further confirmed that they were enemies.

Liu Wuxie remained silent at the side, observing Yun Lan and his group. From the information he had gathered about the Treasure Pill Pavilions in the thirty-six cities, he knew that Yun Lan was from Boundless City. Yun Lan’s branch had ranked thirtieth the previous year, not much higher than Azure Billow City’s branch, but he was still arrogant.

“Master Huo isn’t here. So don’t tell me that this person here is the alchemist representing your Azure Billow City’s branch?” Yun Lan turned to look at Liu Wuxie. Lei Tao was getting on in years and had given up on alchemy, so it was obvious at a glance that Liu Wuxie was likely Azure Billow City’s representative.

“Master, that brat probably hasn’t even grown his pubic hair yet. How can he possibly be an alchemist?” sneered a young man, stepping out from behind Yun Lan. This was because Liu Wuxie appeared to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, which was very young. Most people his age couldn’t even be considered alchemy apprentices.

Liu Wuxie frowned upon hearing this, as he didn’t seem to recall offending these people. So when he heard their mockery, his eyes turned cold.

“Bi Gongyu, you’re really a failure. If you’re going to find someone random to participate in the competition, couldn’t you at least find someone more presentable instead of someone so young? Has he even been weaned yet?” taunted Yun Lan before he left with his two companions, leaving Liu Wuxie’s group behind.

“Pavilion Master Bi, do you have a feud with them?” asked Liu Wuxie once they were gone. It didn’t make sense for people with ordinary grudges to mock each other so viciously as if they wanted to trample the other party into the ground.

“Yes. A decade ago, I participated in the competition representing Azure Billow City while he represented Boundless City. We were both ordinary alchemists, but my performance was slightly better than his, and he has hated me ever since then,” explained Bi Gongyu honestly, revealing the history of his feud with Yun Lan. A decade had passed, and their animosity had not diminished; if anything, it had intensified.

“It makes no sense to form such a deep feud if it's only regarding the competition.” Liu Wuxie naturally wouldn’t believe what Bi Gongyu said. From Yun Lan’s words, Liu Wuxie could tell that the feud between them had reached the point of life and death.

“Hmph, that’s because he’s shameless. Eight years ago, we ran into him harassing a woman, and the pavilion master gave him a beating. This is why he hates us,” Lei Tao snorted.

Liu Wuxie didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry at the thought of a dignified alchemist stooping so low. But that incident had made Yun Lan a laughingstock in the Treasure Pill Pavilion and had ruined his reputation; whenever someone mentioned it, Yun Lan would grind his teeth in hatred.

The scenery inside the Pill Gathering Pavilion changed as they climbed the stairs. The interior was well-organized, with a total of thirty-six courtyards. The representatives of the branches were assigned to them according to their rankings from the previous year, with the branch that had ranked first residing in the First Courtyard, which was also the largest.

As Azure Billow City’s branch was ranked thirty-fifth the previous year, they were assigned to the Thirty-Fifth Courtyard. The branch that had ranked thirty-sixth had closed down that year, so the last courtyard was empty. The higher the branch ranking, the better its accommodations.

Even so, the Thirty-Fifth Courtyard was spacious, and there was enough space for the three of them to live in.

“We’re all tired after sitting in the carriage for an entire day. You guys can rest early while I go meet the people from the headquarters,” said Bi Gongyu, settling Liu Wuxie and Lei Tao into their courtyard to rest before the competition began the next day. The competition would last for three days and be divided into three segments.

The competition on the first day would be herbal identification because the ability to identify herbs was basic knowledge to alchemists. The difference in the age of herbs would affect the pill effects greatly.

On the second day, they would have to compete in refining pills, and no tricks could be used in this segment.

On the third day, everyone would have to identify different pills placed before them to differentiate the ingredients and efficiency of these pills. Those with the answer closest to the correct one would get the highest points.

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