Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 727: Migrating (2)

Chapter 727: Migrating (2)

Plenty of different types of power existed in this world. Among them, three particular types of power could be seen as the most influential.

They were... Financial power. Political power. And physical power.

At the dawn of human civilization, physical power reigned supreme. However, as the human race continued to develop and mature, political power quickly took center stage and started reigning over physical power. What about now, though?

'These days, it's the financial muscle.'

Chang Min wasn't an 'old' man. Yes, he was physically older than anyone in this place. However, he consciously worked very hard not to fall behind in times.

In his eyes, money was the true power controlling the world in the current era. In the past, political power could bring you all the riches under the heavens, but now? Money could buy you all the political clout you'd ever want.

It was easy enough to guess by observing the attitude of the younger generations. Whether it was now or back then, the reason for pursuing martial arts was to become stronger. However, the reason for needing strength had changed.

In the past, strength brought you fame, honor, and political power. Top experts acknowledged by others in Gangho were targets of envy. Simply by being physically stronger, these experts could live an aloof life like a crane. However, what about now?

Who would pursue strength if the reward was hiding away in some remote mountain valleys and living free from all worldly desires?

'Indeed, the mindset has definitely changed.'

The reason why the majority of martial artists cultivated in this day and age was... Because they could make a decent living out of martial arts, that was why! If the path of martial arts provided precisely zero assistance toward making money, Chang Min was dead sure that at least 80% of the currently active martial artists would've abandoned the martial world a long time ago!

In the end, money ruled everything. So, being rich in such a world would be an enormous advantage.

Even then...

"My lieeeeege!" Chang Min cried out, forcing Kang Jin-Ho to frown deeply. Whenever Chang Min raised such a passionate roar, Kang Jin-Ho couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about the incoming nagging. "This servant is deeply worried about this situation, my liege!"

"Worried? Why?"

Chang Min weightily nodded at Kang Jin-Ho. "Is it really possible to guarantee so many benefits for the cult believers, my liege? If it is, then I have nothing more to wish for in this life. However, if the promised benefits do not materialize or the support gets suddenly cut off... It will be worse than not starting this process, my liege."

"I know that already," Kang Jin-Ho replied, his attitude still unfazed. "What I proposed is perfectly doable."

"But... The cost must be considerable...?" Chang Min cautiously asked.

"Don't worry. I can calculate that much," Kang Jin-Ho dismissively waved his hand to shut Chang Min up.

What was there to worry about, anyway? The Martial Assembly was already paying its members monthly wages, after all.

The Assembly paid the martial artists under its roster salaries and provided them with cultivation methods and techniques. In exchange, the members were expected to make themselves available whenever the Assembly needed something done. This was the basic principle of the Assembly's operation.

If the demon cult members could smoothly become a part of this operation, what Kang Jin-Ho promised shouldn't put too much strain on the Assembly. Of course, the number of members dramatically increasing in a short window of time would strain any organization. Thankfully, though, the Martial Assembly didn't have to worry about the biggest question mark in this equation, funds, as it was practically swimming in money at the moment.

The Assembly might be flush with cash, but its inability to use that money to nurture a larger, stronger combat force had not been answered yet. So, as long as the interests of the Assembly and the demon cult believers matched... Trivial issues could always be sorted out later.

Of course, it'd be Lee Hyeon-Su's job to sort such stuff out. If the poor man heard about this, he might froth at the mouth and pass out, but... What could he or anyone do? This was for everyone's sake, after all!

Kang Jin-Ho firmly believed everyone had their uses, and that they should pull their weight after getting paid. Lee Hyeon-Su received a fair enough salary every month, and stuff like this was what he was hired to do, anyway.

"Also..." Chang Min carefully raised his voice, still looking worried about something. "Even if everything is indeed possible, this servant isn't quite sure if it's the right thing to pay the cult believers stipends..."

Kang Jin-Ho frowned deeply. "Chang Min, there is no such thing as labor without compensation."

"But, my liege... This servant humbly believes that money should not be the motivating factor for the believers' loyalty."

"Oh? Then, what do you think should be the motivation?"

"...Of course, it should be respect toward the demon emperor and their devout faith."

"Did you say respect?" Kang Jin-Ho chuckled derisively. "You think people will respect you when you're busy exploiting them without compensation?"

"We are not merchants, my liege."

"Everyone's the same, Chang Min."

"B-but... In the past, we..."

Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow. "Past? You know more about the past than me?"

Chang Min hurriedly lowered his head. He remembered that, unlike most other subjects, he should think twice before talking about the past in front of the demon emperor. After all, Kang Jin-Ho had returned from the past, didn't he?

"Chang Min, do you think things were different in the past? Stop deluding yourself with the belief that cult believers converted to the cult because of their faith or loyalty. The majority of them had to convert as they had no place to go and nothing to eat. That's all."


"Do you believe the story is different with other sects? Shaolin was called the number one under the heavens precisely because it was rich. It got rich when people with some wealth congregated at its temples and offered monetary gifts and donations in hopes of securing a relaxing path to the afterlife."


"And that wealth allowed them to nurture many powerful experts. That's it. Since they could produce so many experts, Shaolin's fame went through the roof. More fame meant more people were willing to offer gifts. And more experts meant more research, which in turn, improved the overall level of their martial arts. It was the same story for other sects and clans."

"But, my liege... Martial artists are..."

Kang Jin-Ho firmly shook his head. "Martial artists are still humans at the end of the day. They need to eat to survive. And they can't go on without something to wear and a place to sleep. In the end, you need money to do all those things."

"My liege, I... We can't simply be obsessed with making money, my liege."

"Indeed. It's our job to ensure others don't have to do that, wouldn't you agree?"

Chang Min clamped his mouth shut when he heard that.

Kang Jin-Ho continued his lecture. "Do you think the right way to stop believers from obsessing over money is not giving them any? No. The correct way is to teach the believers that money isn't everything in this world, and that more worthy things can be found within the cult. That's the right solution. Is it the cult's policy to stop giving the starving believers rice and wheat to stop them from becoming obsessed with food?"

"No, my liege. It's not."

"Everyone thinks they know the solutions. It seems obvious, after all," Kang Jin-Ho muttered in a flat voice. However, it was easy enough to sense the conviction in his voice. "There are countless ways to make things a little easier for the time being. And yes, you can think of hundreds of reasons why we shouldn't distribute stipends. And it shouldn't be difficult to make them accept your reasoning. To them, not getting paid is something they have grown accustomed to, after all. Unfortunately, you will never make any tangible progress that way."

"...My liege."

"A cult that does not look after its believers should not expect its congregation to remain loyal. Didn't you say it before? That the Sacred Flame accepts all things? That it remains benevolent to all? I hope you're not deliberately excluding money from the 'all things', now are you?"

Chang Min animatedly waved his hands in denial. "No, never, my liege! It's just that I can't stop worrying about this situation."

"Every change is accompanied by uncertainty and worries. However, if you let yourself get caught up in uncertainty and reject change, you will never experience progress. I'm not going to back down on this matter, Chang Min. Do try to be more understanding."

Chang Min bowed deeply. "My liege, you don't have to say that to us. Everything in the demon cult is meant to obey your will. This servant merely wished to provide some form of assistance in your decision-making, however insignificant... Please forgive this one's sins."

"No, I get it," Kang Jin-Ho muttered while mouthing a fresh cigarette.

"However... May I raise one final concern, my liege?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

Chang Min's complexion grew a little gloomier. "My liege, I beg of you to not lose your temper and consider this servant's opinion. I've witnessed many things throughout my life. Not everything I've seen and heard while reaching my age could be described as nice. I even had to bear witness to events that I would sincerely love to forget."

"I see. And?" Kang Jin-Ho urged Chang Min on slightly impatiently.

Chang Min sighed deeply. "The conclusion I've arrived at after observing countless historical events and people is that humans don't have in them to be honorable, my liege. And that they do not know the meaning of gratitude. They might be thankful for your gesture of goodwill and swore their loyalty to you, but... In a few years, no, in a few short months, they will start taking your benevolence for granted, my liege. Actually, some of them might even start complaining why they are not receiving more."

Kang Jin-Ho didn't respond to that and silently listened. He understood all too well what Chang Min wanted to say.

"The demon emperor's grace is as valuable as life itself. However, these believers will never truly comprehend the value of your kindness, my liege."

"It doesn't matter," Kang Jin-Ho grunted.

Chang Min slightly raised his head to look. His eyes caught the still-unconcerned figure of Kang Jin-Ho leisurely smoking away.

"Don't be mistaken, Chang Min."


"I'm not trying to be nice to them. As the demon cult believers... As the people who converted to the demon cult and must obey and follow me, they are entitled to such benefits."

"My liege? Are you saying you're not showering the believers with your goodwill?"

"Salaries received by workers while working for a company cannot be called the CEO's goodwill, now can it? You will receive treatment equal to your abilities. That is all."

"But, uh..." Chang Min was about to say something only to clamp his mouth shut.

Kang Jin-Ho already knew what Chang Min wanted to say, however. "Yes, this treatment is excessive considering the believers' current strength."

"Indeed, my liege."

"It's our job to ensure they eventually possess the power and skills matching the favorable treatment, Chang Min." Kang Jin-Ho deeply sucked at the cigarette before leisurely exhaling the unhealthy smoke. "As things stand, those people don't deserve to receive any of these benefits. However, things will surely change from now on. We must mold and guide them until we feel that they fully deserve all the benefits they receive. Our job is to shorten the time it takes to reach that stage, Chang Min."

"I shall do my best, my liege!"

"Besides..." Kang Jin-Ho stubbed the cigarette out on the nearby ashtray. "Those who take the benefits for granted and don't do their best will eventually face appropriate punishment. I'm not doing this because I pity the believers. I will not continue to be generous to those who fail to prove themselves. Those who fail to keep up or obey will naturally be eliminated and expelled. They will soon learn that, to enjoy the benefits, they must deal with their responsibilities first."

"My liege!" Chang Min went down on his knees to kowtow again.

'The legend of the demon emperor was not exaggerated, after all!'

Chang Min couldn't tell if this direction was the right one. He didn't even have the ability to judge if Kang Jin-Ho was on the right track. What Kang Jin-Ho wanted to achieve seemed well out of Chang Min's scope of discernment. Even then, he still realized something crucial just now.

'My liege is looking much further ahead than I can imagine!'

Whether this direction was correct or not didn't seem to matter anymore when the demon emperor could see things that Chang Min was unable to. How could the demon cult not become even stronger with someone like that at the helm?

Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor's fame of spreading the Age of Demonic in the past wasn't earned through his martial prowess alone! While stewing in the fresh reminder of this historical fact, Chang Min cautiously raised his voice again. "My liege, one more thing, if I may...?"

"Really now...?" Kang Jin-Ho furrowed his brow. Although it was great to exchange questions and opinions with his subordinates, why did Chang Min want to ask so many questions in one sitting? "What is it this time?"

"My question might be construed as impudent in a certain sense..."

"Stop beating around the bush and out with it."

"Well, uh…" Chang Min smiled awkwardly. Kang Jin-Ho was instantly enveloped in anxiety after seeing an expression that Chang Min usually didn't make. "My liege, elders will surely... receive better benefits, yes?"


"After living almost a century inside a cave, my joints are giving me trouble every morning, you see...? Perhaps a residence where us elders can stay in comfort could be a…"

"...I'll pay special attention and make it happen, okay?"

"Your grace will even touch the heavens, my liege! All hail the demon emperor!"

Kang Jin-Ho sighed deeply without even meaning to.

No, it's money that touches the heavens, Chang Min.

It's money...

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