Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 4

C4 – Offending the Demon

The table, adorned with an array of sizable fish and meat, was replaced. Shortly thereafter, three dishes and a soup swiftly made their way from the kitchen to the table, devoid of any traces of meat foam.

After chewing on a green vegetable, Yin Xu, with a solemn expression, inquired, “Who prepared this dish?” as he struggled to swallow it down.

Anticipating Yin Xu’s dissatisfaction, the Old Housekeeper responded resignedly, “Have you forgotten? It was Farmer Xu’s wife who assisted in the kitchen.”

Originally, the household servant had served as the wet nurse to the previous owner, yet she departed earlier in the year with a passing merchant. Subsequently, the sharecropper’s wife took up the duties of washing and cooking.

“Let’s try another dish,” Yin Xu muttered with a furrowed brow, attempting each dish to no avail, unable to take a second bite.

Over the past few centuries, he had only indulged in spirit wine and spirit fruits. His palate had long forgotten the flavors of mortal cuisine; little did he anticipate its unpalatability.

“Very well,” the Old Housekeeper acquiesced instinctively before inquiring, “Shall I bring the stewed elbow, your former favorite?”

Yin Xu shook his head, deeming such oily fare fit only for the previous occupants, considering the added impurities detrimental to health.

The Old Housekeeper’s gaze grew increasingly fond, admiring the young master’s resolute commitment to weight loss.

After consuming half a bowl of rice with egg-flower soup, Yin Xu rose and retreated to his chamber, trailed naturally by the Old Housekeeper.

Purging disliked items from his bedroom, Yin Xu instructed the butler, “Prepare the adjacent room as my study. Additionally, arrange for another tutor to return. I… the Young Master needs to pursue knowledge.”

Reborn after a calamity, Yin Xu refused to resign himself to obscurity and corpulence, determined not to spend his life in such desolation.

His aspirations still aimed for ascension through tribulation, recognizing the need for ample support. Despite having the backing of the entire demon realm in his previous life, he ultimately failed.

Unaware of these aspirations, the Old Housekeeper gladly consented, having raised the Seventh Young Master as if he were his own son, desiring nothing more than to witness his improvement.

Subsequent months saw Yin Xu engage in physical training in the mornings, attending lessons in the afternoons, and practicing calligraphy.

Gradually, his physical transformation became evident; shedding weight daily, his demeanor grew increasingly remarkable, evoking unease with just a glance.

Unsure whether to fret or celebrate, the Old Housekeeper understood the potential danger of such a transformed Young Master, yet couldn’t bear to shatter the illusion.

A month later, Huo Family Villa received its inaugural guests, including the magistrate of An County, accompanied by his eldest son.

Originally a minor clerk in the capital’s Shuntian Prefecture, the magistrate of An County possessed modest authority but extensive knowledge, particularly regarding the lineage of nobles in the capital.

Amidst skepticism from the denizens of An County regarding Huo Tian’s lineage, the magistrate steadfastly believed in his connection to Marshal Huo. Having witnessed the accompanying butler, he recalled a child who had been sent away from the Huo Family at a young age.

However, over these few years, he had also observed Huo Tian’s standing within the Huo Family.

This time, his eldest son had been assaulted, sporting a scratch on his face. His wife had angrily prohibited any doctors from attending to them, a decree he tacitly supported.

From his perspective, Huo Tian remained merely an abandoned scion of the Huo Family, forgotten for thirteen years. Even upon his return, his prospects seemed dim.

Yet, circumstances had changed. News had just arrived of Marshal Huo’s victorious battle against the northwest barbarians, ensuring Huo Family’s imminent favor. Despite Huo Tian’s current poverty, the family name “Huo” would soon grace him. Who knew when the Great Marshal might consider his estranged son?

“Father, we’ve been waiting for an hour. Is that insufferable fatty too proud to show up? Does he think he’s the Sky Emperor?” County Magistrate Chen’s eldest son fumed, eager to barge in.

County Magistrate Chen restrained him, admonishing, “Stay put! Remember why we’re here today!”

“Why should I apologize? That arrogant fatty—” Young Master Chen began to retort, but his father silenced him with a glare.

After an incense’s burning, Yin Xu finally appeared. Upon entering, the two men in the room stared in disbelief.

“Ho… Seventh Young Master?” County Magistrate Chen uttered, uncertain. Was this truly Huo Tian before him? He couldn’t see the resemblance.

If Huo Tian had been as rotund as a ball before, now he was merely pleasantly plump. Shedding considerable weight, his once rounded face now bore prominence.

Having glimpsed Marshal Huo from a distance several times, County Magistrate Chen couldn’t help but notice the striking resemblance between Huo Tian and his father, aside from their differing physiques.

The men of the Huo Family were renowned for their exceptional looks. It was rumored that due to their unique cultivation methods, despite their ability to perform incredible feats, they retained a slender, elegant physique.

This perhaps explained why Huo Tian had been overlooked upon his return three years ago.

Yin Xu proceeded to the head seat and sat down. Tying back his damp hair, he asked coldly, “What brings you here?”

County Magistrate Chen quivered, instinctively lowering himself. “This official has brought my son to offer our apologies to you,” he stammered.

“Oh?” Yin Xu glanced at them, tapping his fingers lightly on the table. “And how do you plan to apologize?”

County Magistrate Chen hesitated briefly before presenting a prepared gift voucher with both hands. “This is a small token of goodwill. I hope you’ll accept it,” he offered.

Yin Xu glanced at it casually before tossing it to the butler. Over the past month, he had mastered all the intricacies of etiquette, wary of disappointing Young Master Chen, who was likely spectating for amusement.

“Is this your idea of sincerity? A few trinkets and medicinal herbs to send me on my way?” Yin Xu’s smile belied a hint of menace.

County Magistrate Chen’s heart raced, beads of sweat forming on his brow. He hurriedly pushed his eldest son forward, commanding, “Apologize at once!”

“Apologies are unnecessary!” The moment those words left his mouth, the expressions on the faces of the father and son from the Chen family became evident. This spectacle evoked a sense of profound sarcasm within Yin Xu.

Remarkably audacious, this father-son duo had managed to bully the previous owner to death. They seemed utterly oblivious to the consequences.

Indolently reclining against the chair, Yin Xu gestured towards Young Master Chen and declared, “First, have him kneel and kowtow to me thrice.”

Both father and son from the Chen family were dumbfounded, their breath caught in their chests, rendering them incapable of complying.

“Unwilling, are we? According to the rules of the Big Beam, even the mildest transgression warranted at least 30 strokes of the rod, isn’t that right? And do you presume me to be some stray animal on the roadside?”

Feeble as I may seem, I still bear the Huo surname. Tell me, if word were to spread that you intend to end my life, would it be taken lightly? Or would someone step forward on behalf of the Huo Family?

Alternatively, what if I were to suggest that you harbor ill feelings towards the Huo Family and intentionally demean its descendants? Care to speculate whether Huo Zhengquan would commend your actions?”

Certainly not! The Huo Family held a prominent position within the country, wielding immense influence. With such a formidable entity at play, even the Emperor would hesitate to slight them, let alone a mere County Magistrate like himself.

The father and son from the Chen family hung their heads, their minds in disarray. How had they overlooked this crucial detail? Or perhaps, had the previous Huo Tian neglected to assert his authority?

Could a son bold enough to address Marshal Huo by his full name truly be as feeble and ineffectual as they presumed?

“You vile creature!” Once County Magistrate Chen grasped the situation, he wiped his brow and knelt down, restraining his eldest son as he admonished, “Quickly apologize and kowtow. The Seventh Young Master is forgiving; I will ensure your foolishness is pardoned!”

Yin Xu smiled but offered no response. Who was he? In the past three years, he had garnered a reputation as a notorious devil. For a single pill, he had obliterated entire families. Would crossing him lead to anything but a grim fate?

Nonetheless, since this youngster had assisted him considerably, Yin Xu could offer him a more dignified demise.

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