Demon Lord: Erotic Adventure in Another World

Chapter 98: A Princess, Delinquent and Fox Visit The Adventurer's Guild!

Liana watched Yumiko and Ryuji with an vious look. She felt irritated wh they became absorbed in the various shop windows. It became worse wh his lips would brush against Yumiko's cheek after a shared joke. Her body felt a wave of irritation washing over her as she longed for a connection which felt just out of her reach.

Why does it feel so differt? Wh he's with me, I am the focus... or so I thought. But now, it's as if I'm just a shadow, a mere afterthought in their vibrant world.

She couldn't comprehd what it was like to be treated as just another girl. As the princess of the most powerful human kingdom, she was used to being the focus, but now she felt like an outsider to their love story.

A beastkin at that!

"Ryuji, look, our rings are so much prettier. Ehehe~ do you want to get me another one?" Yumiko teased Ryuji as the pair held up their rings. Liana's eyes could automatically idtify most items as she saw their attributes and the meaning behind the pair. Her hand trembled, along with the tight feeling in her chest.

Why do I feel this way? Like my chest is being stabbed... or crushed by his powerful hands.

Though she acted flirtatious, it was because being a Ryuji and touching him made her feel normal, unlike other people who suffered burns or serious wounds from her lightning that could activate at any momt...

He was fine.

He could accept her.

In reality, Kathryn wanted to separate them because of this issue. Although it was a fact that Ryuji could become suitable for the princess. This would likely lead her to be hurt because of her lack of developmt because of her curse.

"Hey Ryuji?" Liana's uncertain voice echoed as the pair turned the corner towards the next store.


However, before the strange darkness that seemed to fold her inside the sunny city could swallow her, a hand appeared and reached out towards her. "What are you sulking for, Lia? Come with us." Ryuji came back with a brilliant smile on his face as he grasped her hand tight.


Once again, Liana cursed her existce with this lightning, which took the lives of many maids and people she thought could have be frids in the past... Struck out at the one reaching into her comfort zone to pull her out. "Is it really alright?" Liana looked up—the shock should have hurt because she felt the pain too.

Yet, you just smile at me and don't display any sign of pain, although I can see burn marks all over your palm.

What if I fall for you and cannot bring myself to pull away before it gets too serious?


Ryuji's hand tapped their cheek. Liana, her soft cheek squished under his palm, had already become smooth and healed.

"Don't think of complicated things, no matter how much you jolt me. I won't leave you alone, so let's have fun together." Liana allowed herself to be pulled towards him, because she felt chanted by his deep voice that sounded softer and more angelic than ever before.

Liana looked over his shoulder to see Yumiko with a strange, gtle smile while nodding. She felt a strange feeling of doubt. How can she smile at me wh I'm flirting with her lover?

They th walked together, looking at the strange items in the market, with Liana taking his left hand and Yumiko taking his right.

Evtually, the trio arrived at the Guilds, where the advturer's guild stood in the ctre of the vast square; in the middle of the oping was an ormous water fountain and lots of seats for people to rest.

"We finally arrived. That magnifict building with ravs on the pillars is the advturer's guild." Liana announced—her atmosphere felt differt while she kept hold of Ryuji's hand, holding it so tight her hand turned pale.

"Well, shall we go inside and register?" Yumiko started bouncing her eyes like stars, with her tail batting a. It seemed she looked forward to fighting monsters and exploring the world.

"Let's go, Yumi, Lia."

Liana realised that for now, just this light touch and his hand pulling her to places she might never visit alone was ough.

Whatever it might become, this strange ssation of her heart beating faster whever he looked into her eyes and called her 'Lia' she would deal with in the future. Wh she felt ready, but for now, Liana would just joy this situation.

"Who are you calling Lia, idiot... I'll get my father to punish you, hmph..."

Idiot... why are you smiling and looking so happy?


"The first guild master was a hero known as the Rav of Kovanna; he came to fame after defeating a large troop of demons to protect the village from devastation alone," Liana whispered to Yumiko and Ryuji.

"Oh... that's kinda cool."

The interior of the guild comprised a long reception desk, with a woman sitting in the ctre. A the room was a massive waiting area filled with people at their tables having a meal.

Some people had posters, likely tak from the notice board on the wall beside the desk. The notice board had information and posters with details and the monetary reward attached to the bottom.

Inside the guild, whispers and rowdy chatter echoed a them.

"Oh, newbies?"

"Look at that girl, her breasts are huge... but doesn't she look familiar?"

"Ah, but that beastkin looks quite cute. The guy is really buff, too."

Despite Ryuji expecting abuse, like in the books, Alex showed him, the people inside were just joying the gossip and mtioned them a few times before returning to their previous topics.

To Ryuji's surprise, Yumiko was the first to reach the desk and be served. He was about to speak but saw how happy she was with her tail dancing and the huge smile on her face.

Well, she has her documts already. Let's just see how the guild treats her for now.

"Hello, what can I help you with today? Would you like to register?"

"Ah, yes, please!" Yumiko replied while Ryuji and Liana remained quiet.

"Th, could you write your name on this piece of paper, please?"

Yumiko th flicked the quill p through her fingers, like she was used to doing so. Which added more credit to her being the lost teacher, Yumiko Sakurai, in Ryuji's eyes. She dipped the quill, and within a few sharp and beautiful swipes, her tire documt was complete.

"I'm finished, thank you."

"Yes, I love calligraphy, so I try to practise as much as possible," Yumiko answered.

However, Ryuji knew that she never practised while with him and he wondered if the memories of her past life were slowly being restored. Though he didn't understand how it might work, sometimes, after the past few days, she acted a little differtly.

"Your information is perfect. Do you have your documts and proof of idtity?" The receptionist didn't treat her differtly because of race, which was another thing Ryuji was grateful for.

Yumiko soon finished all her paperwork and sat on a small table beside the desk, watching Ryuji with her predatory eyes. Liana and Ryuji stepped up to the counter together. It was amusing because Liana still clasped his hand.

The princess th placed three hands on the desk, which reminded Ryuji that these must have be from the forest wh they killed the bandits together the other day.

"Three hands? Two, as well as a wolf ear and a rabbit ear? Very well, I shall first complete your registration. Thank you for keeping the parts stored using a fresh and sterile method." The receptionist looked at Ryuji for a second and th back to Liana, only to reveal a beautiful smile.

"Good, please take your time."

Liana seemed to joy being polite to the receptionist.

"Well, th..." Ryuji interrupted, drawing her atttion to him. "Let's fill in our information..."

However, before he could take the p, a shot of electricity travelled through his body as Liana showed him her hand, which held two completed documts with all his details filled out; what made Ryuji feel amused was she wrote his attributes correctly. "Lia, you're such a show-off."

"Hmph, I'll have you punished for this, Ryuji." Liana turned her head to the side to act sulky and spoiled.

"Thank you very much for the documts. Your guild cards will take roughly one hour to be finished, and I will deposit your rewards onto the cards in the way you specified, Miss Lia."

"It's our side that should say thank you; we will take some time to look at the message board; our Rank is F, correct?" Liana seemed to be quite used to the Advturers' guild; maybe she had be looking for a chance like this for most of her life.

Ryuji realised he wanted to learn more about Lia during this time and let her do as she pleased, as he did with Erika and Yumiko. Not to mtion, she also made a card for Yumiko and Kathryn using the official documts. It seemed like Lia wanted to part with this group in the future.

"Ryuji, you should read this documt; it tells you all about advturing; this documt is specialised for the capital and suring villages. You should always check a guild's help documt because it has information on all monsters in the area.

Yumiko also came over as the trio looked through the documt together while slowly moving towards the notice board.

There will be a lot of goblins, bandits and wolves in the future training.

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