Demon King Priest

Chapter 107: Questions (2)

Chapter 107: Questions (2)

Sigh! I really don't know how to deal with her!' Looking at Aya's back, Ulysses sighed helplessly. For Aya's naughty personality, he really... Forget it, as long as she is okay.' He thought something happened to her on the way here.

"Daddy, it's time for class, let's go to the beach. Sister Cherie and Rasputin are also practicing magic there, I want to see!" Helen next to Ulysses took his hand.

Indeed, he was not interested in what Aya was doing here, so it was better for him to take Helen to Rasputin. Ulysses thought for a while and agreed to Helen's proposal.

"Let's go, Helen!" He took Helen's hand, and then led her towards the sea.

At this moment, Aya was floating above the clearing area, two small purple balls appeared in her hands, as if she was preparing some magic.

After Ulysses and Helen left for a while...

"I'm exhausted!" Aya let out a long sigh of relief, and put the two light balls in her hands away. To be honest, she had been in a state of high tension just now, and she had racked her brains to prevent Ulysses from discovering something wrong here. Fortunately, Helen and she cooperated with each other well. This made Ulysses no longer suspicious.

I almost couldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes! Helen, who almost always has a cold expression in front of me, can be so lively and cute in front of master. She looks exactly like an eleven or twelve-year-old innocent girl. But how did she learn how to show her feelings in front of others in such a short time? And why is it only expressed in front of the master?' Thinking back to Helen's performance just now, many questions arose in Aya's mind.

Forget it, as long as she can do her job of protecting the master secretly well. Although she was created by me as a weapon, it does not mean that she is just a weapon. In any case, a weapon with consciousness is better than a weapon that is rigid and does not have intelligence. Besides, her feelings are all centered on the master. In this way, it should be smoother when I need her to do that thing with the master.' After thinking for a while, Aya put the matter aside for the time being, and the most important thing for her now was to quickly settle the matter of the girl named Arcelia.

"Hey! Arcelia! You can come out! The master has left." Aya called out to Arcelia, who was hiding somewhere.

"Swish!" There was a sound of footsteps from Aya's left hand, and Arcelia hugged the pink rabbit and walked over from a flower bush more than 30 meters away from Aya.

"The man wearing the black mage robe just now is your master? Is that the demon king named Ulysses?" Arcelia's tone was a little bit doubtful, because no matter how she looked at it, the man was wearing a light mage robe and he didn't look like the demon king she had imagined.

"Yes, but you made a mistake. He is not just my master, but also your master. You shouldn't forget the oath you made! You must know that you have already signed the contract with the master, and you have become his second apostle!" Aya replied seriously.

"I will not forget the oath I made, but before then I want to ask a few questions!" Arcelia's green eyes were deeply puzzled, and she really didn't understand what she had encountered. So she must ask clearly.

"You are really troublesome. What do you want to know?" Aya said impatiently. Her patience had never been very good, but in order to quickly let the girl named Arcelia obey the master, she had to listen to her questions.

"The first question, what is the identity of that demon king? Why is he wearing a light mage robe? What is his purpose? Is it like other demon kings to conquer the continent or destroy all humans?"

"This... " Aya's face suddenly became a little weird, and she hesitated for a moment before she said, "The master's identity is actually a fourth-level light mage now, so he wore the light mage robe. As for the master's purpose... now he doesn't have a purpose yet. But he does have a dream. When you meet him in a few days, you can ask him yourself! But that is not a big dream. It really does not fit the identity of the demon king! Now all you need to know is that it's not about conquering the continent or destroying all human beings."

"Light mage?? Demon king??" Arcelia couldn't think of the connection between the two. However, the purpose of the demon king mentioned by Aya was not to conquer the continent or destroy all human beings so that she could feel relieved. She thought about it, if the purpose of the demon king was not the two, it would probably be like the eight-headed demon dragon who liked to collect wealth or something, which was barely within her acceptable range. After all, the demon king who collected wealth was much better than the demon king who destroyed humans.

"Then, the second question. In what way did you resurrect me? This kind of complete resurrection magic does not exist in this world as far as I know. What do you mean that I have become the second apostle? And what happened to my body? Why are my staying power and resilience several times stronger than when I was still alive?" Arcelia then asked.

"The magic that I used to resurrect you is called heroic spirit reincarnation. Actually, this is not a complete resurrection. I just let your soul recover to the strongest state before you die. But after the soul is actualized, it is actually no different from having your body. In fact, you can do everything the body can do. Your stamina and resilience are several times stronger than when you were alive because your body is now composed of pure magic energy, and it will automatically absorb magic energy in the space to replenish the power you consume. So as long as there is magic energy in your body, you will not lack power and will not die."

"But!" At this point, Aya's tone suddenly became serious. "Your body is not an immortal body. If the power you use exceeds the upper limit of the magic energy in your body and cannot be replenished immediately, your body will soon disappear from this world. You have to remember this clearly! Don't use the magic energy in your body casually."

"Replenished? Is there any other way besides allowing the body to naturally absorb the magic energy in the space? Is it the same as the mages on the continent? Can I use magic crystals to replenish magic energy?" Arcelia asked inexplicably.

"Yeah. It's a bit like that! But the magic energy that composes your body is not ordinary magic energy, so if you want to replenish it, you have to use this golden crystal. Look, this is it." Aya took out a piece of golden crystal and shook it in front of Arcelia.

"What kind of crystal is this? I have never seen such a magic crystal before. Where was it produced?" Looking at the golden crystal shining brightly in front of her eyes, Arcelia was confused. During her time as a king, she had seen precious magic crystals with all attributes, but she had never seen such a crystal before.

"Uh! This is actually..." Aya's face became weird again. After hesitating for a while, she flew up to Arcelia, put her mouth to her ear and whispered, "This is the Demon King's When the magic energy runs out, you can..."

"What!... You... I... I would never use this kind of thing to replenish the magic energy!" Hearing Aya talking about the origin of the golden crystal, Arcelia's face suddenly became redder than a ripe apple, and she stammered.

"Haha! You will have no other choices at that time!?" Seeing Arcelia's reaction, Aya couldn't help laughing.

Arcelia lowered her head and stopped looking at the golden crystal in Aya's hand. It took several minutes before the redness on her face subsided.

"Okay, any more questions?" Aya asked.

"Yeah! The last question, how long has it been since the war of the undead. Also, how can I restore this child to a human form?" Arcelia asked gently while staring at the pink rabbit in her arms.

"The war of the undead happened three hundred years ago, and the way it ended was very strange. The demon king eventually disappeared with the death army composed of hundreds of millions of undead. No one knows where they went... As for the rabbit-eared girl... If she doesn't want to become a human-shaped girl, I can't do anything about it. Regarding this matter, it is entirely up to herself. She will naturally transform into a human form when she wants to be a human." Aya answered Arcelia's last question.

"Is that so? Poor girl, it must be because she had suffered too much when she was in human form. That's why she didn't want to change back. But it doesn't matter, I will take good care of you." Arcelia gently stroked the soft pink rabbit in her arms. The expression on his face was indescribably gentle.

"Okay. I have answered all your questions, you should listen to me next, first of all..."

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