Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 158: “Rose’s Doll House”

Chapter 158 “Rose’s Doll House”

Truthfully speaking, there are not that many things piled up in the alley; after all, Duncan was only one person. Even if he bought a bicycle in advance to carry the goods over, there’s a limit to the things he could bring at once. As for Ai’s reaction, it’s even easier to understand – she wanted to bargain for more fries. From a certain point of view, this bird was so easy to read.

“Do you know what this is?” Duncan grabbed the dove and brought her to a basket of potatoes, “This is called potatoes.”

Ai blinked her green beany eyes, staring down at the basket of things until she finally connected the dots. Then stretching her neck up and chirping vigorously: “It’s so fragrant! It’s so fragrant!”

“If you know then work hard. This basket is for you. The fries we can make from this batch are enough to fill you dozens of times.” Duncan tossed the dove down so she could get a good whiff of paradise, “Send these things back to the ship and leave them on the deck. I will pick them up over on that side.”

Ai flapped her wings in glee and promptly wrapped herself in the green flame, turning into the undead form in the process. She needed no more persuasion now and was about to transport the goods when she suddenly stopped the act. “Do I need to memorize more web addresses?”

Duncan was stumped by the odd phrase before realizing what she meant…..

The thesaurus of this bird is too large and weird. How did the internet ever come up with these verses back on Earth? I’m probably guilty of it too, but trying to guess the meaning is such a brain tumor. Can’t she learn some proper language for once?

But the bemoaning quickly died down as he gave a confirming nod that there’s more to transport: “Send these away first. I still have more things to buy….”

This time Ai was really frightened and took off into the air, sweeping the grocery away along with her powers. “Terrifying! How terrifying!”

Shrugging at the bird’s antics, Duncan turned and rode the bike back to the main street.

It was an ordinary bike with a black frame, shiny silver wheels, a bell, and a sturdy basket in the rear. Nothing special or good-looking, but not ugly either. If Duncan had to point out its good points, it would be that it’s built well.

Duncan originally wanted to handpick a beautiful and feministic bike for Nina, but after taking a look around the shops in the lower city, he abandoned the idea because there weren’t any.

In the lower city, bicycles are bicycles, a tool for assisting production. There’s not going to be any design in mind for different sexes or road use if they’re meant for work. Aside from the adjustable seating and handles, Duncan couldn’t find anything else he could change.

In this “Deep Sea Age” where life was hard, there are bound to be limiting factors in the pleasure of its people. It’s also a constant reminder for Duncan that he’s not on Earth anymore and that this world has its only way of doing things.

He pedaled harder after accepting this truth. There are still many things to buy in the commercial district, and there’s not enough time if he dallied around.

Leaving the Crossroad district to head up, he cycled past several streets until he was in the upper city where it’s considered to have a higher standard of living.

Unlike Duncan’s initial imagination, there were no physical barriers between the lower and upper segments despite the clear administrative division. Well, there were police posts at the intersections, but that’s obviously not meant to prohibit the citizens from passing through.

Of course, this was only the setup during the day. According to Duncan’s inquiry, there will be a strict ban on passage after nightfall. Even with a permit, there are extra administrative procedures if one wishes to pass.

Duncan went straight in for his first visit to the high society of Pland, and he had to admit it was very different from the poorer sectors of the lower city.

It’s reflected in almost every aspect of life here– cleaner and wider streets, taller buildings, more advanced urban facilities, and a clear outnumbering of street lamps and “night shelters”.

Evenutally, Duncan stopped the bike in front of a small kiosk near the first intersection he came across.

This was a nighttime shelter to help citizens unable to return home in time for various reasons after nightfall. The description sign at the entrance read as follows: “Night shelter with gas lamps, sacred oil, and the Storm Codex inside. Please lock the door after entering, wait for rescue, and the night guardian has a safety key.”

In the lower city, Duncan had seen similar facilities near his home, but there were only one or two in almost an entire block that looked mottled and old to the point it was questionable if it was still useable.

Duncan withdrew his gaze, got on his bike, and continued slowly up the street that’s filled with shops and display windows. It gives him a good idea of their goods without the need to enter.

He still had a lot to buy, and buying supplies for the Vanished was a matter that had been delayed for far too long, and…

Duncan suddenly hit the brakes after finding the shop he wanted.

Some things cannot be bought in the lower city – only the “decent people” of the upper city have the energy and wealth to spend on luxury goods.

Locking his bicycle, he stepped forward and went inside following a crisp chime from the bell as his entrance.

“Welcome to Rose’s Doll House… Oh, a gentleman. Are you here to choose a present for your lover or junior?” The chubby older woman who was actively reading the newspaper welcomes him with a kind and friendly smile.

“Just taking a look for now,” Duncan replied and examined the goods on display inside.

Everywhere the eye could see, there were dolls littering the shelves – exquisite ones, elegant ones, mysterious ones, cute ones, and playful naughty ones….

When he was outside on the street, he apparently only got a glimpse of what the shop had to offer. There were more than just dolls here: dresses, shoes, skirts, trinkets, things that Duncan couldn’t even fathom.

This extensive array of goods bedazzled the poor man.

Naturally, since Duncan was the only visitor right now, the owner would of course be drawn toward the strange customer that’s getting overwhelmed.

It’s not uncommon for men to visit doll shops; many decent men in the upper city had this habit of gifting such items to their partners or juniors. In fact, it’s not unheard of for men to collect dolls as a hobby. However, what really piqued this shop owner’s curiosity was the plain-looking outfit the customer wore. It didn’t look like someone that’s financially capable of making a purchase, and dolls weren’t cheap in these parts.

However, the woman only glanced at the clothes for a second before quickly withdrawing her gaze.

Judging what customers are by their attire wasn’t a polite thing to do. As a mature and experienced businesswoman, she had better judgment than to commit such a blunder. Besides, everyone has the right to appreciate the goods in her store!

Duncan finally retracted his gaze from the shelves after getting blinded by the amount of inventory. He knew a doll, but he never knew there could be so many accessories for one. It’s exceeded his understanding.

Turning to face the chubby woman and giving a humble bow with his head. He knew better than to tackle this problem on his own. When you don’t know what to do for a hair transplant, ask a professional.

But before he could speak, Duncan was suddenly startled by what he saw. The reason? It’s because the woman had long, pointed ears coming out from the side!

Not missing a beat at the astonished look from the customer, the elvish woman merrily advanced the conversation: “I understand, elves are indeed a rare sight in Pland.”

Duncan: “….”

He admits that elves in the city-state of Pland may indeed be rare, and yes, it’s his first time meeting one, but the bigger reason for his shock was that he didn’t expect a blessed elf to be an old lady! What happen to the super hot model stereotype of elves?

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