Debuff Master

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

“We have come to help, Siegfried!”

“Sorry for being late!”

“I’m your number one fan!”

The Adventurers rushed to Siegfried’s side and clashed against the mysterious monsters as soon as they arrived.

They numbered in the thousands, and they had the numerical superiority to overwhelm Chae Hyung-Seok and his men.

But that was not the end of it...


The ground trembled once again.


A radiant light flashed and...

“For Proatine!”

“For His Majesty the King!”

“Men! Raise your arms!”

Tens of thousands of soldiers and knights wearing the Proatine Kingdom’s uniform warped in, filling the entire clearing.

“Your Majesty!” Oscar rushed to Siegfried’s side as soon as she warped in. Then, she knelt in front of him and paid respects, “I, Oscar, have come to save Your Majesty.”

“Hello, Oscar,” Siegfried replied with a smile.

Oscar wasn't the only one who had come to save Siegfried.

“I have come too, Your Majesty.”

The kingdom’s Great Wizard, Duke Decimato, knelt and greeted, “I apologize for the delay that my lack of magic knowledge has caused.”

“No, Duke Decimato. I am grateful that you have come to my rescue.”

“I shall burn all of Your Majesty’s enemies to ashes,” Decimato said. Then, he started channeling a spell.


Decimato waved his hand and called forth thousands of pillars of green flames. The scorching pillars of flames shot up into the sky before turning into gigantic serpentine monsters known as Hydras.

This spell was known as Infernal Hydra, and it was a high-ranking spell that was extremely effective in large-scale battles.

I should help, too,’ Siegfried thought and placed down Blaze Field and Elemental Shower. The thousands of Infernal Hydras crushed and devoured the enemies. It was inevitable, as the enemies had their Magic Resistance and Elemental Resistance shredded to practically nothing by Siegfried’s debuff fields.

The combination of the Debuff Master and the Great Wizard proved to be absolutely terrifying.




The Infernal Hydras grew in size and became even more ravenous the more enemies they devoured.

“I shall now start casting a spell that will take us back, Your Majesty,” Decimato said right after summoning the Infernal Hydras.

“How long will it take?” Siegfried asked.

“I believe it will take around fifteen minutes.”

“Wow...” Siegfried muttered in awe of the Great Wizard’s ability.

An ordinary magician would require around two hours to channel a warp spell capable of warping around fifty people. They would also have to draw a magic circle, infuse their mana into it, and chant the entire spell, which was easier said than done.

However, Decimato actually only needed fifteen minutes to complete the spell? He was truly a powerful Great Wizard and was truly on par with a Master.

Good,’ Siegfried clenched his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp and ran into battle—no, he was about to run into battle when some more people appeared before him.

“Your Majesty, I, Gringore, have come to your aid.”

“I’m here, too.”

Gringore and Lamborghini appeared. It seemed the duo responded to the call to rescue Siegfried, too.

“Sir Gringore.”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Why don’t you sing us a song?”

“Certainly, Your Majesty.”

Gringore gathered his mana and sang a melody.




The mysterious monsters started bleeding from every single orifice upon hearing the Phantom Singer’s song.

“Wow... Your song is quite amazing no matter how many times I hear it,” Siegfried said with a smirk. Then, he turned to Lamborghini, who was standing around doing nothing, and said, “Excuse me, Mr. Lamborghini?”


“I’m sorry, but...”


“You have to earn your keep, too, right?”

“E-Earn my what...?”

“Let’s go!” Siegfried exclaimed as he grabbed Lamborghini by his collar and threw him toward Chae Hyung-Seok.


Aaaaaack!” Lamborghini screamed while flying through the air.


He landed right in front of Chae Hyung-Seok, who was busy fighting against the Proatine forces.

“What’s this?” Chae Hyung-Seok grimaced and grumbled. Then, he swung his Demonic Artifact: Dark Scythe toward Lamborghini to decapitate the latter.

Lamborghini looked like an ordinary middle-aged man, so he looked no different from an annoying insect buzzing around in Chae Hyung-Seok’s eyes, but—


—The middle-aged man grabbed Chae Hyung-Seok’s Demonic Artifact: Dark Scythe with just one hand.

“W-What is this strength–?!” Chae Hyung-Seok exclaimed in shock. He tugged hard at his scythe, but he couldn't pull it back


Lamborghini’s shirt ripped apart as he grew in size. He grew until he was several meters tall, and his size made Chae Hyung-Seok look like a dwarf.

“What the hell is this monster...?” Chae Hyung-Seok muttered in disbelief while staring up at Maranello. The giant minotaur with dark black fur and red eyes looked down at the dwarf in front of him.


This was the first time in a very long time that Maranello appeared in the world. He snorted air out of his nostrils right in front of Chae Hyung-Seok’s face, and then he grabbed both of Chae Hyung-Seok’s legs as if they were chicken drumsticks.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Maranello slammed Chae Hyung-Seok into the ground five times like a ragdoll, but that was not the end of it.

K-Kuheok...!” Chae Hyung-Seok gasped in agony on the ground.

He still had no diea what was going on..

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Maranello raised both of his fists the size of gym balls and slammed them down on Chae Hyung-Seok’s face—no, it was more like the gigantic fists struck his entire body at once.

The scene was akin to watching a pestle crush and grind things in a mortar, and the result was...

“H-Han... Tae... Sung... You fucking... son of a... bi—!”

—Chae Hyung-Seok’s body was smashed like a well-ground piece of meat.

Even his bones were ground up.


[HP: ??????????]

[Mana: ??????????]

[Stamina: ??????????]

In fact, Chae Hyung-Seok only had exactly one point of HP and Stamina remaining that they were barely visible on his HP and Stamina bars. There was a high chance that he'd die outright if someone tapped him with a single finger.

“Hey, Hyung-Seok~ You’re still alive?” Siegfried asked, appearing out of nowhere. Of course, he still had something to do before dealing with Chae Hyung-Seok.

“Excuse me, customer-nim?”


“Please go and teach them a lesson, too,” Siegfried said, pointing at the mysterious monsters surrounding them.

Moooooo!” Maranello cried out in response as if he understood what Siegfried had told him. He charged at the mysterious monsters at breakneck speeds, smashing the monsters apart in every single punch.

Daode Tianzun and Gringore's therapy sessions were effective at inhibiting Maranello's desire for blood and destruction, which made him capable of basic communication.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't hold himself back against his enemies.


“Han... Tae... Sung...”

“I had fun today,” Siegfried sneered. Then, he smirked and asked, “See you next time?”

“You f—”


Siegfried stomped Chae Hyung-Seok’s face before he could even finish his words.

“Hmm... That demonic artifact doesn’t seem like it will drop,” Siegfried muttered, perplexed as to why Chae Hyung-Seok’s main weapon, Demonic Artifact: Dark Scythe, did not drop even after Chae Hyung-Seok's death.

The reason he was perplexed was that the title effect of King God General Supernatural Bald Three-Legged Crow was supposed to have forced Chae Hyung-Seok to drop his main weapon, Demonic Artifact: Dark Scythe.

“Is the weapon soulbound because he’s contracted to a demon?” Siegfried muttered while rubbing his chin. In the end, he decided to just let it be and walked away from the messy mush that was once Chae Hyung-Seok.

Kyak! Kyaaak!”

The Three-Legged Crow appeared and looted all of the items dropped by Chae Hyung-Seok and placed them in Siegfried’s inventory.

“Alright, shall we go on the offensive now?” Siegfried said, flashing a chilling smirk that would send chills down anyone’s spine.


The momentum of the battle at the Tundra Forest swung to the Proatine Forces and the Adventurers’ side, and it seemed that the battle would conclude in their victory soon.

The Proatine Kingdom’s military might was so powerful that it was not strange for the battle to end in their victory.

Every single soldier was armed with artifacts crafted by the Bavarian Workshop. Their artifacts alone would let them easily overpower soldiers from most large kingdoms.

On top of that, the knights were armed with bespoke artifacts from the Autonika Workshop, making them extremely powerful, too. And what was going to happen if this insanely equipped army was being supported by Siegfried’s debuff fields as well?

It would be difficult for them to lose a battle even if they tried losing on purpose.

In addition to the well-equipped soldiers and knights, the Proatine Kingdom also had Oscar, Carell, Gringore, Lamborghini, and numerous other powerful people who could easily influence the result of the battle.

Last but not least, Siegfried was here, and he was the core of this powerful army.


Siegfried used Splitting Heaven and Earth to crush his enemies, and he'd place down debuff fields to support his allies as well. The Debuff Master’s debuff fields were a blessing to his allies and a calamity to his enemies.

Run? That’s not how I do things! I’ll destroy all of them and return victoriously!’ Siegfried exclaimed inwardly, intent on killing every single one of his enemies.

It was then...

“Oh? What do we have here?” Siegfried muttered after noticing someone putting on quite a show against his soldiers, causing him to run toward that individual.

This individual was none other than the only surviving Mercenary King, Dreyfus, who was currently unleashing everything he had against the Proatine Forces.

“Mercenary King Dreyfus! Your transgressions of going after His Majesty’s life will be punished with death!” Carell exclaimed.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Carell was holding his ground pretty well against Dreyfus, who was a Level 299 Mercenary King—no, he was actually pushing the Mercenary King back. Carell's heart was rotating extremely fast, as he had activated Heart Booster, which boosted his stats explosively, allowing him to overpower Dreyfus and push the latter into a corner.

However, Carell had a massive weakness, and it was the fact that he'd be greatly weakened after three minutes of using Heart Booster.

Ack!” Carell screamed. He received a kick in his chest the moment Heart Booster ended. He was sent flying away and only stopped after rolling a few times on the snowy ground.

Sigh... I really need to do something about him. How can a young guy like him finish so prematurely?” Siegfried grumbled and shook his head.

“I-I do not finish prematurely, Your Majesty!” Carell retorted.

“Then are you a three-minute instant curry[1]?”


“Wait, are you a three-minute instant Carell? Pfft!” Siegfried burst into laughter at his own joke.


Carell was rendered speechless by Siegfried’s dad joke.


Hamchi suddenly appeared and slapped Siegfried in the face.

Kyuuu! Don’t make that kind of dad joke, owner punk!”

“W-Why did you hit me?!”

“Your sense of humor is trash! That’s why I slapped you! Kyuuu!”

“Hey! What does that have to do with anything?! Also, where the hell have you been?!”

“Hamchi was busy! How would I know that this was going to happen to you?! Kyuuu!”

“Shut up!” Siegfried lashed out.

Well, it was more like he was sulking, but anyway...

He looked for someone else he could vent his anger on and found the perfect target.

Siegfried pointed at Mercenary King Dreyfus and exclaimed, “You! Are you ready to get stabbed?!”

“I have been ready since thirty years ago,” Dreyfus replied nonchalantly.

Oh? I really like this guy’s style,’ Siegfried thought with a smile, impressed by the Mercenary King’s response.

“Then shall we start?” Siegfried asked. Then, he started walking toward Mercenary King Dreyfus with his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp in hand.

1. There are microwaveable three-minute curry in Korea. ☜

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