Debuff Master

Chapter 575

Chapter 575

“Ah...” Siegfried muttered while staring blankly at the mana weapons created from aura blades. He had grossly miscalculated. He thought he could isolate the Weapon Seeker from his weapons by using Grand Duel, but he was mistaken.

The Weapon Seeker hadn't been using his full power until now. Unfortunately, the Weapon Seeker was on a whole different level compared to the other Level 300 opponents Siegfried had ever faced so far. Those opponents were nothing but empty shells who had failed to live up to their levels.

However, the Weapon Seeker was a true expert who had shattered the Level 300 wall after being enlightened.

Siegfried had bulldozed his way against his opponents, thanks to his overpowered class and stats, but that was not going to work against his opponent this time. This was the gap between someone who had managed to overcome the wall through enlightenment and someone who had yet to even touch that wall.

“You can’t stop me,” the Weapon Seeker said.

“I will stop you,” Siegfried replied, showing his resolve.

“Do you think that will be possible when even I can't stop myself?”

“Yes, it is.”


“I will stop you.”

“You will...?”

The mana weapons around the Weapon Seeker orbited him.

Badump! Badump!

Siegfried’s heart started beating wildly, and it felt as if all of his senses were getting heightened.

‘The moment I make a mistake... I’m dead,’ Siegfried thought. Deus was the only person who had made Siegfried fear for his life with just his presence.

The Weapon Seeker was the second person who had made him feel the same.

The Weapon Seeker's Heart of Swords made every hair in Siegfried’s body stand up, causing him to feel fear down to his core.

Then I’ll have to go all out, too...!’ Siegfried gnashed his teeth.

Bzzzt! Bzzzzzt!

A surge of mana burst forth from Siegfried’s body.

He activated the third stage of the Debuff Master’s self-buff skill, Overclocking.

[Alert: You have activated the third stage of Overclocking!]

[Alert: All stats have increased by 500%!]

[Alert: Your HP is depleting drastically!]

[Alert: Your Mana is depleting drastically!]

[Alert: Your Stamina is depleting drastically!]

[Alert: 30 seconds left before Overclocking ends!]

[Alert: 29 seconds!]

[Alert: 28 seconds!]

This was his first time using the third stage of Overclocking on his own, and the burden it placed on himself could only be described as immense.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

His muscles twitched as if they were screaming at him to cancel the skill, and his senses were so sensitive that it amplified the pain he was feeling, making him feel dizzy.

To make matters worse, he felt like a powerful current of electricity was coursing through him; every single cell within him—from the top of his head to the tip of his toes—was screaming at him in agony.

However, his suffering was rewarded with power. He could only maintain the skill for thirty seconds; his HP, Mana, and Stamina were depleting at a rate visible to the naked eye, but the five hundred percent stats buff gave him a massive power spike.

I’m going to destroy all of those,’ Siegfried growled inwardly and gripped his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp.

Wham! Bam!

An ear-splitting sound echoed as the +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp struck the mana weapons, causing them to explode as if they had been struck by a missile.

The mana weapons were made up of mana, so it was only normal for them to explode when destroyed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Siegfried swung his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp and destroyed all of the mana weapons coming at him. He marched forward while destroying the weapons, closing the gap between him and the Weapon Seeker.


The Weapon Seeker swung Demon Sword: Papiyas at Siegfried.


When +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp and Demon Sword: Papiyas clashed...


The Weapon Seeker staggered from the impact and was forced to retreat a few steps.

Cranking up Overclocking to its third stage had given Siegfried enough strength to push back a Master.

Now’s my chance!’ Siegfried seized the momentum and relentlessly attacked. Then, he even used the new skill he had obtained recently.


He unleashed a five-colored mana that completely enveloped him, and the mana revolved around him.

[Predator Aura]

[A self-buff skill of the Debuff Master.]

[Effects: +10% stats for each debuff the target is afflicted with, Steal 50% of the target’s debuffed Defense, Magic Resistance, Attack Power, and Magic Power.]

The Predator Aura was the skill Deus had given him in delight, and it was all thanks to the news of Siegfried joining the Super Rookie Tournament. It was a skill that maximized the strength of the Debuff Master.

His stats would increase by ten percent for each debuff his target was afflicted with, so what would happen the moment he placed his debuff fields?

What if he shredded the target’s Defense and Magic Resistance by one hundred points with Blaze Field? He'd gain an additional fifty Defense and Magic Resistance, which was fifty percent of the amount he debuffed.

In other words, his opponent would become weaker while he'd become even stronger for every debuff he cast on the field.

Wooong! Wooong! Woooong!

Siegfried placed down all of his debuff fields inside the Barrier of Victory to maximize the effects of Predator Aura.

I’m going to win no matter what!’ He was confident of his victory.

The area within the Barrier of Victory was now completely under Siegfried’s control. The sheer number of debuff fields he had placed would make it difficult for most people to display their full strength.

However, the effects of Predator Aura only empowered Siegfried.

It seemed winning against the Weapon Seeker was finally possible, and it would stay true for as long as Siegfried was inside the Barrier of Victory.

Let’s go!’ Siegfried lunged at the Weapon Seeker.


Siegfried unleashed a barrage of attacks at the Weapon Seeker. He swung his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp like a madman, trying to drive his opponent into a corner.

However, the Weapon Seeker was not going to go down without a fight.


He summoned demons from Demon Sword: Papiyas to block Siegfried, but the combined effects of the third stage of Overclocking and the stats stolen from him made the demons unable to deal any significant damage to Siegfried.

I’m stronger,’ Siegfried thought confidently, unleashing a barrage of attacks at the Weapon Seeker.


He finally managed to land a hit at his opponent; he slammed his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp into the Weapon Seeker’s abdomen.

Now’s my chance!’ Siegfried immediately connected it with Machine Gun Smash.

Smack, smack, smaaaack!

Bam! Bam! Bam!


Siegfried landed every single blow with Machine Gun Smash, but he did not stop there.

I can’t give him any room to breathe!’

Siegfried could not afford to give any space to the Weapon Seeker, as there was still the danger of him summoning more mana weapons with Heart of Swords and unleashing Torrential Flower Rain with them.

Siegfried knew that there was a high possibility of him losing this fight if his opponent managed to unleash Torrential Flower Rain at him.

I’ll freeze him now!’ Siegfried used Absolute Zero.


A burst of blinding white light swallowed the Weapon Seeker.

Keep attacking!’

Siegfried used Quick Draw with his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp still in its hammer form the moment Absolute Zero struck the Weapon Seeker. He usually used Quick Draw with a saber to maximize its lethality, but there was a possibility of the Weapon Seeker getting cut in half if he did that.

Thus, he decided to play it safe and strike the Weapon Seeker with a hammer rather than cutting him into two.


When the +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp was about to hit the Weapon Seeker...


The ice around the Weapon Seeker cracked, and a wave of energy rushed out of him, destroying the layer of ice in the blink of an eye.

The wave of energy was so powerful that it penetrated Siegfried’s Super Armor, sending him flying and crashing into the Barrier of Victory.

The Weapon Seeker's mana was much more powerful than Siegfried’s mana, and he managed to completely overpower Absolute Zero with it.


Siegfried didn't have the luxury of reeling in shock at the fact that his Absolute Zero was overwhelmed. He forced himself to his feet and gnashed his teeth, preparing to attack once again.

Siegfried knew that his opponent could use Torrential Flower Rain the moment he gave an opening to him, and he had to prevent that from happening no matter what.

I need to keep attacking before it’s too late–’

He squeezed his remaining strength to resume attacking but—


—He let out a gasp after seeing that he had already been surrounded by more than one hundred mana weapons.

It was too late.

He had destroyed most of the Weapon Seeker's mana weapons, but he didn't expect that the latter could actually create so many of them in the proverbial blink of an eye.


He braced himself for his impending doom the moment the mana weapons started revolving around him. The mana weapons revolved faster and faster until they turned into a storm and became a flower rain of death that closed in on him.


Torrential Flower Rain!

Weapon Master Shakiro's ultimate technique was unleashed at full power on Siegfried!

Is this how they felt...?’ Siegfried wondered while recalling the countless victims of his Torrential Flower Rain.

Was this how they felt? For some reason, Siegfried could feel his victim's powerlessness while staring at their impending doom, and he also felt what they felt at the realization that resistance was futile and would only delay the inevitable.

He also felt what they felt at the terrifying thought that they'd be ground up by the flower rain of death into a bloody paste.

No, I can do it too! An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! I’ll unleash my own Torrential Flower Rain!’ Siegfried composed himself and decided to face the flower rain of death with his own flower rain of death.


He spread his Black Crow Wingsuit and unleashed the projectiles, activating his own flower rain of death.


Torrential Flower Rain versus Torrential Flower Rain!

The two ultimate techniques clashed head-on.


The collision of the two Torrential Flower Rain created a scene that was far from beautiful. Siegfried’s Torrential Flower Rain and the Weapon Seeker’s Torrential Flower Rain collided fiercely with each other, triggering a chain of explosions.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Siegfried’s projectiles and the Weapon Seeker’s mana weapons clashed one after the other, and the sound of them clashing was like hundreds of hand grenades detonating inside a tightly sealed bunker.



Both Siegfried and the Weapon Seeker were in absolute tatters after suffering hundreds—no, thousands of explosions.

However, the Weapon Seeker proved that he was a class above Siegfried. He extended his right hand and closed it as if grabbing something.


The mana weapons split, causing them to balloon in numbers in the blink of an eye.

“I-Impossible!” Siegfried exclaimed, shocked by what he had witnessed.


The flower rain of death ensued once again, but this time, the multiplied mana weapons easily overpowered Siegfried’s projectiles.

The Weapon Seeker’s skill proficiency was simply too high that his Torrential Flower Rain devoured Siegfried’s Torrential Flower Rain.

[Alert: 5 seconds!]

[Alert: 4 seconds!]

[Alert: 3 seconds!]

Then, a string of messages popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes. The system was informing him that the third stage of Overclocking was about to end.

However, that was not the only bad news.

[Alert: The Barrier of Victory will disappear in 8 seconds!]

Even the Grand Duel was coming to an end...

Ah...’ Siegfried instinctively knew that he had lost. He never expected that the combination of Overclocking’s third stage and Grand Duel would still not be enough to defeat his opponent.

However, he refused to give up.

This is my last resort...!’

He decided to throw his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp at the Weapon Seeker as a last-ditch effort.


He infused his most powerful and lethal skill, Touch of Death, into his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp.


Siegfried hurled his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp using Flying Sword, and the +13 Vanquisher's Grasp made a beeline for the Weapon Seeker as it radiated the light of Siegfried's Touch of Death.

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