Death Notice

Book 2: Chapter 33: Killer Appearing

Book 2: Chapter 33: Killer Appearing

Aah! Franks ugly face twisted in pain, his triangular eyes bulging. He spread his two arms out and, in spite of everything, firmly drew the witch into his embrace. If this was seen by some unknowing stranger, they would definitely think this was a pair of ugly sweethearts.

A good chance! Qin Luns eyebrows rose.

Seeing the hunchbacked servant receive a fatal wound, his first reaction wasnt anger or sorrow, but joy at the unexpected surprise. The witchs physical strength was far greater than an ordinary persons, but compared to Frank, her superiority wasnt as obvious.After alll, she didnt rely on her strength to get by.

The incomparably sharp sword in her hands was now restricted by the hunchbacked servants body. It was truly a good opportunity to kill her. Just like during the fight against the gargoyle, the hunchbacked servants selfless bravery had once again earned Qin Lun a chance for a comeback.

Qin Luns eyes opened wide. Crime danced in his right hand, switching from a reverse grip into a standard grip. The doctor lowered his body and used Franks big body as a screen to quietly appear on the witchs right.

Psh! The dagger, Crime, rose from below and stabbed into the witch from under her arm. The entire blade impaled itself into her right chest. What astonished Qin Lun was that the witchs stone hard body, when faced with Crime, was cut more effortlessly than cutting cheese. It basically required no effort.

Reminder: Life Taker Crime, Alignment: Chaotic Evil, has pierced the witchs heart core. Contact with similarly aligned power has aroused the artifact to automatically absorb the energy. Beginning to drain the creatures life and soul power.

Warning: Should the creatures rank surpass the artifacts soul quality, energy draining will encounter resistance. Beginning to forcefully take control, Apostle, please quickly weaken the creature to ensure the artifacts success.

Eeeeek! Feeling her power flow like a tide towards the object piercing her heart core, the witch became scared out of her wits. She issued a resounding screech. Her two arms struggled and finally threw off the hunchbacked servants embrace.

Only, the longsword in her hand was unable to be freed from Franks hunched back. It seemed to be firmly lodged between his bones. The witch was both frightened and furious. A blood red light flashed on the outside of her body, directly sending the hunchbacked servant flying.

Snap! The longsword broke in half, a majority of it still in Franks body. There was still about 10cm attached to the hilt. From a longsword, it was transformed into a somewhat strange dagger.

The witch turned around and waved the sword. At the same time, her long hair rose and, like countless sharp needles, stabbed towards Qin Lun. It was just like when she had first heavily injured Otto.

Qin Lun narrowed his eyes, a disdainful smile on his lips. He faintly sucked in his stomach and avoided the thrust of the dagger, acting as if he hadnt seen the countless needles of hair. At the same time, he exerted more strength to his hands and twisted Crime.

Psh! Dark green blood sprayed out from the wound between the witchs right ribs, covering Qin Luns head and face.

As was soon proved, Qin Luns judgement was correct. The witch frantically used many methods, but none of them had any effect on him.

That blood red light could send Frank flying, but was ineffective against Qin Lun. The moment the needle like long hair touched the layer of white light around his body, it softly drooped down.

Clank! As the dagger-like longsword brushed past his chest, the sound of colliding metal attracted his attention. From the corner of his eye, he saw a yellow, flat-shaped object fall out of the pocket of his worn out jacket. It fell to the ground and shattered.

Eh, this is Qin Lun only glanced at it, but suddenly couldnt help but turn his head to look again. All his attention seemed to be drawn to the shattered object, as if he had just seen the worlds most inconceivable thing, the most wondrous thing. He even forgot about the witch beside him.

Frank really doesnt have any money to prepare a coffin for you!

In the deathly still forest cemetery, in ragged clothes, a seriously ill man with a stooped back shivered from the cold evening wind. One shovel at a time, he dug a grave for his young master.

Young masters pocket watch was pawned off by me.

The guilty and ugly servant secretly glanced towards his masters gravestone as he spoke, ashamed.

Using the money you gave me, I went to redeem this

The hunchbacked servant passed a somewhat old-fashioned brass pocket watch to his master.

Master, run away!

Even as he was beginning to doubt, he still, for that last bit of chance, bet his own life?

Qin Lun lowered his head, his bangs covered his forehead. From inside his body, a dry heat seemed to slowly rise up.

The enemy strangely stopped, making the witch overjoyed. She struggled to flip over her body and stab her dagger into the right side of the exorcists chest. The youth was on her right, so her dagger was unable to directly stab into his heart on the left. The left lung was her best target.

Qin Luns body faintly trembled, as if awoken by the pain. His body suddenly exploded with an ice cold, savage, and frightening aura.

Die! An inexplicable fear covered the witchs heart. She raised her arm and suddenly grabbed towards the exorcists face.

Qin Lun loosened his grip on Crime, leaving the dagger in the witchs chest. He raised his right palm and blocked the witchs claws.

Psh! The witchs sharp fingernails penetrated Qin Luns palm, entering from the front and exiting through the back, like a knife cutting through steak. Blood dripped down the ends of her nails.

Youve given me a brand new experience!

Qin Lun suddenly grabbed with his pierced hand, firmly detaining the witchs claw. He slowly raised his head and suddenly pulled her to his front. The two of them were chest to chest, face to face. His homicidal, red pupils emitted an ice cold, cruel glint. He unwaveringly stared into the witchs dark green eyes.

But I dont like this sort of feeling! The killer opened his mouth and exposed his shiny white teeth. With a chomp sound, he bit onto the witchs aquiline nose, crazily gnawing on it.

Eeeeeek~ The witch shrieked miserably. The red pupils seemed to emit an endless insanity and nightmare. Accompanied by the chewing sound, they seemed to be ridiculing and observing her expression.

The witch couldnt help but tremble. She couldnt suppress the fear that came from deep in her heart. As if sensing the witch weakening, the dagger, stabbing into the right side of her chest, began to strengthen its draining. In but a moment, her body felt completely numb, leaving her unable to budge.

Psh! Qin Lun pulled out the witchs claw from his right palm. He clenched his fist and fiercely beat down on the witchs right underarm. His fist hit like it wanted to knock the witchs arm off. Only when her arm hung limp did his fist stop.

Ptui, your flesh stinks. Qin Lun spat out some dregs and gracefully took out a handkerchief to wipe the corners of his mouth.

Qin Lun pressed the handkerchief down on the wound by the broken sword hilt, then expressionlessly pulled it out an inch at a time. He watched as the handkerchief was quickly died red with blood. His right hand turned over, holding the broken sword in reverse grip, he suddenly stabbed the witchs thigh

This is the first time I feel like medical knowledge is useful instead of just for passing time. The witch twitched but was paralyzed and unable to move. Qin Luns lips formed a sinister smile, and the blood color in his eyes was slowly restrained.

Reminder: After lowering the creatures willpower and strength, it has fallen below the resistance limit. Crime has obtained the right to devour. To completely devour the targets life force and soul, 12 minutes and 36 seconds is still required.

Enjoy it while you can, Ill come back later to continue this game. Qin Lun showed a gentle smile, then lightly caressed the witchs ugly, dried up face as if gazing at a lover.

Turning around, Qin Lun withdrew his smile. His gaze flickered past the fragments of the brass pocket watch. Step by step, he walked over to the dying hunchbacked servant.

Frank, Frank! Qin Lun sat on the ground and gently helped the hunchbacked servant up, letting Frank lean on him.

Young master Wellington The hunchbacked servants face was pale. He slowly opened his triangular eyes and looked at Qin Lun with happiness in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, Qin Lun said, You should already know, Im not Wel

No, you are. You are! Its just that young master became brave, so Old Frank couldnt recognize you! Cough cough! The hunchbacked servant suddenly interrupted Qin Lun and stubbornly retorted, only, his eyes were beginning to lose their light.

Frank is right. From now on, Im your young master Wellington Stein. Qin Lun smiled and said, We still need to revive the Stein family together. I remember that you still dont have a family name right, Frank? From now on, you can use the Stein family name. Youll be called Frank Stein!

Frank Stein? Frank likes this name. Ugh! Blood spilled out of the hunchbacked servants mouth. But Frank is tired and cant accompany young master anymore.

Haha, I wont let you die. Without this young masters permission, you have to support me no matter how tired you are. A cold light flashed in Qin Luns eyes. From his chest, he took out a thumb sized bottle and poured the final drop of World Trees Flower Nectar into the hunchbacked servants mouth.

Young master, youre too wasteful. This time, you cant save Frank. He looked at the broken sword in his chest and a smile appeared on his ugly face.

He had been stabbed straight through by the knights longsword and felt that even his heart had been damaged. To be able to last until now was already considered a miracle. His body was already completely incurable.

Ill definitely bring you back to life. Just give young master some time! Qin Luns eyes flashed. He took out the splintered pieces of the brass watch from his chest and stuffed them into Franks big hands. Take care of this young masters family heirloom. You have to hold on until Im back, then return it to me.

Young master. This The World Trees flower nectar slowly took effect. The hunchbacked servant felt much better, but Qin Lun knew that it was only a stop-gap measure. At most, it could only delay the time of Franks death. Nothing had changed.

Qin Lun layed Franks body down, then got up and once more walked to the witch.

Im back, my darling! Sir Joey wants to thank you. If not for you, how could that guy be so generous as to let me out twice! As repayment, Sir Joey will show you why others call me The Dissector!

Having once again obtained freedom, Joeys eyes were bright as he excitedly licked his lips. He leaned over and grabbed the witchs ankle, dragging her into the woods.

Nooooo~ The witch squirmed in fear, struggling with all her might. However, after being drained by Crime, she was already on her dying breath. Add the paralysis of her four limbs on top of that, she was basically unable to resist Joey.

From the forest came the sound of Joeys cheerful whistling.

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