Death… And Me

Chapter 2921: The Whale

Chapter 2921: The Whale

Kuslau then began to teach Rean about the sword intent. Sure enough, the levels were the same, although the names were different. What Rean and Roan called Call of the Weapons, Kuslau called Weapon's Resonance. Nonetheless, the effects followed the same pattern. Rean allowed Kuslau to continue to explain it to him until he finally finished speaking about the fourth level, which the called Sword Energy instead of Sword Aura.

"It is incredible, Master!" Rean continued with his pretense. "To think the power of the sword would increase so much even though the sword was the same. Master, what is the next level?"

"This..." Yet, Kuslau didn't expect that question. "There is no need for you to concern yourself with the fifth level since you can't even use the first level."

Rean insisted, though. "But master, if I have a picture of what I'm aiming for, I would feel a lot more inclined to learn everything."

Kuslau thought for a moment and finally decided to speak. "To be honest, your master doesn't know much about the fifth level. Even the Clan Master and the Ancestor aren't able to use the fifth level. However, we do know its name. It is called True Intent."

The name didn't help Rean much, though. "You gave me a good explanation about the previous levels, but this name alone truly makes it hard to understand what it is. Could it be the Sword Intent Master is using is not the real deal?"

Kuslau shrugged his shoulders. "If I had the answer for that, I would be the most famous cultivator on the planet. Hahaha! Still, the Clan Master once was allowed to pay a visit to the Central Planet, Torneyu. He said a cultivator from the higher realms was there at that time and made a demonstration of a Spear True Intent. Even though he could only see it from afar, he felt like his entire body was being pierced to the point he and several other cultivators had to leave the area lest they died."

Rean's eyes lit up. "So powerful! I read about the higher realms in the clan's database. If they are truly as powerful as described there, then I think this cultivator from the higher realm probably didn't even use the full power of his Spear True Intent."

"Right?!" Kuslau couldn't agree more as he thought about it. "I could use my full strength with my Sword Energy, and I wouldn't get such an effect at all." Kuslau then looked at Rean, surprised. It didn't feel like he was talking to a twelve-year-old. Yet, his enthusiasm did feel like a young man, so it was weird.

"Master," Rean interrupted Kuslau's thought, "Can you show me the first level of Sword Intent? I want to try!"

Kuslau immediately smiled. "Hahaha! Alright, let me give you a little demonstration."

At the same time, Rean talked with Roan through their connection. 'Should I play the super genius act? Like, show him a hint of the Sword Intent First level.'

Roan pondered a bit. If Rean did that, Kuslau would definitely put a lot more importance on Rean. In a certain way, that might open a few doors in the Gondel Clan. Unfortunately, that could also attract unnecessary attention to him. 'Forget it. We already have a plan, so there is no need for unnecessary attention. Try to come back so that we can continue to cultivate.' 'Okay,' Rean agreed and spent a little bit more time with his 'master.' Finally, he received his new training plan and returned to his room.

During the next weeks, Rean and Roan returned to their normal plan. Arena, bets, cultivation, selling pills, visit Kuslau, repeat. Those Rank Three Spiritual Stones made everything even easier. Finally, the two of them achieved the Core and Soul Fusion Realm, which was enough for them to fight anyone in the Nascent Soul and Soul Transformation Realm.

The two of them came out and went to the Missions Hall. As mentioned before, the Gondel Clan Ancestral Dungeon was open for its members. You just had to be aware of your strength and not try to go too far. To not look suspicious, the twins took a mission where they needed to gather some Spirit materials in the second level of the Dungeon. That way, it would make sense for them to enter it. Their real objective, however, was the Profound Soul Herb on the seventh level.

"Quite some concentration of Yin Energy here," Roan said as he looked at the entrance. The clan was quite big and had many cultivators, especially those between Energy Gathering and Core Formation. The Ancestral Dungeon was also considered a great place for training, so the entrance had a lot of movement.

"Hey, isn't that Rean?" Someone pointed out as Rean and Roan walked. Those extra weeks between arena and cultivation cemented Rean's reputation among the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators... and it wasn't that good.

"The guy that pretended to be weak?"

"Are you sure? I think he is a fraud."

"Indeed, he never accepted fighting the geniuses of the clan, only those without reputation."

"But he made a killing through that, and he wasn't the first one."

"But was he truly pretending? He also lost quite a few of those battles."

"Ha! He lost way less than he won. Trust me, he was hiding his strength."

That and many other conversations could easily be heard around.

Suddenly, Rean and Roan noticed the Red Color of Killing intent enveloping the two of them. Well, not that it mattered to the two.

'Seems like we got some people with a suicide wish,' Roan commented.

'Come on! They don't want to commit suicide,' Rean shook his head. 'They just think I'm a whale with a lot of Spiritual Stones. Have you noticed? There are no rules about not attacking other members of the clan in the Ancestral Dungeon.'

'A clan well managed, no doubt,' Roan nodded, satisfied.

Finally, the two passed through the entrance, quickly being followed by quite a few shadows, most in the Core Formation Realm.

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