Death… And Me

Chapter 2849: Just a Glimpse

Chapter 2849: Just a Glimpse

Just as their bodies were about to succumb, Rean, Roan, Kentucky, and Celis let go of their defenses. They were still resisting the power of the Purple Energy inside the Purple Lightning. Nonetheless, they let it run through everything, even their souls. One could imagine the tremendous pain they felt.

Sure, Rean had the ability to control the Light Element to make the body numb to pain if necessary. However, in that situation, not being able to feel pain would most likely only increase their chances of death. Pain is not a bad thing. It has never been. It is a protection mechanism of the body, and it is definitely necessary now.

On the verge of death, finally, something changed.

"There it is!" Everyone's eyes lit up!

Suddenly, the Lightning Power disappeared, leaving behind just a small amount of Purple Energy. That Purple Energy ran through their bodies, dantians, cores, and souls. And yet, it didn't carry the destructive power of the Purple Lightning, which was now gone. Instead, it tempered their bodies as a whole.

From outside, everyone could only see the Purple Lightning disappearing into the twins' group bodies. The same Lightning that was supposed to have wiped them out was nowhere to be seen.

Above, the vortex once again increased in size, and even more Purple Lightning energy began to concentrate at the center. Now, even the Semi-Celestials began to get scared, with some of them taking distance, afraid that thing could suddenly change its target to them. The power in the clouds would still not be enough to kill them, but it has been increasing at such a rate that it wouldn't be long before it had that power.

"Look!" Gragatou's voice called their attention back to the twins' group.

Rean, Roan, Celis, and Kentucky's bodies began to shine with Purple Light. All their injuries closed at a speed even faster than Rean's best effort while using Instant Recovery. Not only that, but the Semi-Celestials felt that the twins' group cultivations began to get closer to the Divinity Realm.

Rean, Roan, Kentucky, and Celis broke their formation after that. They stayed side by side, looking at the Purple Clouds and Lightning at the center of the Vortex. There was no fear in their eyes, only excitement. No, those were the eyes of predators looking at their prey. "Come on!" Rean shouted upwards.

As if answering Rean's call, the next Lightning Bolt came down.


Their bodies were struck while Celis made sure to share everything equally. Their bodies then broke and healed nonstop. It was a very weird sight. The same power that tried to destroy them was also the power that healed.

The fourth lightning was gone, and the twins' group was brimming with joy.

"Is that all?! Show us what you can do!" Kentucky was the one to shout this time. *Brummmmmm...*

The Vortex increased again in size, more Purple Lightning accumulated, and passed through the minds of all onlookers.

"They are crazy!"

"Why are they provoking that thing?"

"Wait, is there any reason provoking those clouds? Do they have sentience?" *Kabrum!*

The fifth Lightning Bolt, even stronger, came down without mercy.

sense of death

Yet, shockingly, the damage it caused to Rean, Roan, Kentucky, and Celis was even smaller than the previous one. It was as if their bodies were batteries being recharged by the Purple Lighting themselves.




With every Lightning Bolt, the twins' group got more used to it. By the eighth Lightning Bolt, barely any injury could be seen in their bodies. They absorbed its Purple Energy almost completely.

It was then that they noticed something and got serious.

"The next one is the last," Rean commented.

Celis, Roan, and Kentucky nodded. "Yes..."

How did they know it? They couldn't tell. And yet, deep in their minds, it was certain. The

ninth Lightning Bolt was the last. They were absolutely certain.

The last Lightning Bolt didn't come straight away, though. Instead, the Purple Clouds began

to change.

"Hum?" Kafan looked from afar. "Laws...?"

Sister Orb took a deep breath from inside the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. [Celestial Laws...]

The Clouds' colors changed. Dark, White, Brown, and Green...

"Light Laws..." Rean commented.

"Dark Laws..." Roan added.

"Indeed..." Kentucky confirmed.

"Wood and Absorption Laws too..." Celis was no different.

"No!" And yet, all four of them understood. "These are not our normal laws."

They had completely understood all their sublaws. In theory, they shouldn't have to comprehend laws anymore. What they needed was to merge their laws during the Divinity Realm. The Major Laws of Light, Dark, Wood, and Absorption. Merge each of their four sublaws together, and they would reach the Peak Stage of the Divinity Realm.

And yet, here they were, laws that they had never comprehended before. They were completely different. Still, they were certain. Those laws were related to the same ones they comprehended. New Light, Dark, Wood, and Absorption Laws.

Sister Orb's voice echoed in their minds. [Rejoice. The first step into the Celestial Realm is in front of you. Make sure to make good use of the Celestial Laws.]

The twins' group didn't even have time to answer when the vortex finished expanding. In the next moment, four Lightning Bolts came crashing down with more power than any of the Lightning Bolts before.

For Rean, Roan, and Kentucky, their Lightning Bolts had the Celestial Laws of Light and Darkness, shining with Black and White Colors.

As for Celis, his Lightning Bolt shined with Brown and Green Colors, carrying the Celestial Laws of Wood and Absorption.

Immediately, Rean, Roan, Celis, and Kentucky got away from each other. They understood. Each Lightning Bolt carried their own Laws. They were not supposed to be shared between them. Laws.... were things one comprehended alone. They couldn't be taught or shared. Everyone's comprehension was their own, and their own comprehension only worked for

themselves and no one else.

*Boom, boom, boom, boom!*

Once again, their bodies experienced extreme pain and severe injuries. Nonetheless, Rean, Roan, Celis, and Kentucky didn't seem to mind. Their whole existence focused on one thing and one thing only: Absorb the Celestial Laws! Make the Celestial Laws theirs and theirs only! At the moment, they wouldn't mind dying, even if that meant having no more than just a quick glimpse inside this incredible new world.

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