Death… And Me

Chapter 2842: No Victor

Chapter 2842: No Victor

Kafan and Rion got away from everyone else before Kafan instantly channeled his Merged Energies. Without thinking twice, Kafan's Domain expanded and reached the twins. A gray mist enveloped the entire area, including Rion.

However, before Kafan's Domain had any chance of causing damage to the twins, they immediately released their own Domains.

'Death World!'

'Life World!'

From that single body, two Domains expanded at the same time. They both worked in unison, seeming to have been made to be like that since their creation. Kafan's Domain instantly began to be corroded while Rean's Domain made sure Kafan's Domain would have no effect on themselves.

Kafan's Domain didn't have any beneficial effects on himself. It was totally focused on causing damage to the enemy. That said, Rean didn't need to use his Domain to cancel the beneficial effects on Kafan. Nonetheless, the fact that Kafan's Domain became useless this earlier wasn't a joke.

"Not bad," Kafan spoke. "Normally, you shouldn't be able to fight back against my domain since I'm at the Peak of the Divinity Realm. The cultivation difference was just too big. However, with this ability of yours, you are now in the Initial Stage of the Divinity Realm, and that just barely makes up for the difference. Now then, let's see how you will deal with my attacks."

Countless gray spheres appeared all around, being formed out of the mist from Kafan's Domain. However, different from his Domain, the Spheres weren't Domains themselves. They only used the power contained in them.

Right after, all those Spheres were covered in Kafan's Merged Energies and transformed into needles that broke through space. Time power also reached them and the Rion, accelerating the needles while slowing Rion down.

Rion didn't just what, of course.

'Leave the time and space with me; you focus on the needles,' Rean said inside the body. 'Very well,' Roan agreed straight away.

The parallel thoughts immediately showed its advantages. Rean's Time and Space Power burst forward, and they were a lot stronger than when he used them alone. It completely negated the effect of the Time Power Kafan was using on them. At the same time, he accelerated Roan's movements and increased his power.

As for Roan, he made two weapons suddenly appear in Rion's hand. One Black Sword and one White Scythe. For some reason, he felt like he could use both at the same time. These weapons aren't a match for each other. If anything, the individual Roan would never use as them would only create more problems than solutions. Yet, at this moment, a new realm opened in his eyes that made all the flaws of using such weapons together disappear.

'Death Style, Reversive Arcs!'

With Rean controlling the Time and Spatial Powers while Roan controlled the weapons, the two of them moved like fish in water. The Reversive Arcs broke through the fabric of space, blocking all the gray needles Kafan sent at them. An attack that was hidden behind the fabric of space and full of Death Energy. And yet, Rion easily blocked them all.


Rion didn't stay there for long. he used the Reversive Arcs not to just block but also to make his way forward while deflecting everything.

"What?!" Kafan was taken aback by that sight. His Spatial and Time Power should still be many times stronger than the twins due to the difference in cultivation. And yet, they broke through it so easily. "Seems like it was my mistake to start things slowly."

Rion appeared in front of Kafan like a ghost, a Sword and A Scyhe moving line illusions.

'Death Style, Three... Six Claws of the Dragon!'

Once again, just as Rion was about to attack, the twins saw a new possibility emerging in their minds. Their movement thoughts were the same, and three Swords and three Scythes appeared at the same time. The new Claws of the Dragon was born!


Kafan wasn't just going to look at it, though. His Merged Energies instantly burst out together with his Dark and Death Laws. In his Death Spirit Form, using such a power was even stronger. Kafan obviously knew Roan's Claws of the Dragon, and even if the numbers increased, he knew four of those swords and scythes were not real.

The clash of energies immediately forced Rion back while Kafan stayed in the same place. Four of the weapons disappeared, having been destroyed by Kafan's Merged Energies and his Laws. As for the two Real Ones, they were made by Rean and covered in Sky Energy and Weapon Auras. They were fine.

'Six Claws of the Dragon...' Rean was surprised he used such a thing with Roan at the same time.

Roan lifted both weapons and narrowed his eyes. The reason the Three Claws of the Dragon had always kept the number three was due to the reality of the weapons created with the ability. 'It wasn't hard to create more copies, but the more copies I added to the Claws of the Dragon, the weaker they were. Three was the perfect number, as the copies would keep at least 80% of the real weapon's powers. But now...'

Rean understood that. 'Even though we created two copies of each weapon, their power hasn't diminished. In fact...'

Roan couldn't help but faint smile. 'Let's put it to the test!'


Rion moved like lighting, Time and Spatial Powers bursting out and Sky Energy brimming. Rion was a fusion of both Rean and Roan, and that also included the twins' Dantians. They now literally had DOUBLE the amount of Sky Energy to use!

'Death Style, Six Claws of the Dragon!'

"The same attack again?" Kafan found it strange, especially since they came head-on. Nonetheless, he immediately released his Merged Energies and Laws.


"What?!" Kafan immediately understood.


The result this time was completely different. Rion's Six Claws of the Dragon... Kafan couldn't tell which one was real... They all had 100% of the power the real weapons carried.

Both Rean and Roan could use all Dark and Light Laws, but the amount they could gather was limited, just like any other expert in the Universe. However, with both of them together, they could gather twice as much simultaneously!

Kafan's barrier instantly found its match! Different from the first time, he couldn't force Rion back anymore even with his advantage in cultivation.


In the end, another blast of laws, elements, and energies was issued. Yet, this time, Kafan and Rion were forced away from each other at the same time. There was no victor in this clash.

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