Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 130 – Handsome men have it easy.

Chapter 130 – Handsome men have it easy.

Gerhart's Reality-

Planet Chudyria-

Primo's Side-

Primo, now officially part of Himeko's Heroic Group, was grinding the last five floors of the 6th-tier dungeon along with the five women.

Now, as a party with five divine-blooded females plus an even more powerful insider, they only lacked levels and combat experience, so they repeatedly dived into the dungeon to get Magic Stones for leveling up.

However, they were so strong that they didn't need to work together to clear the dungeon, so Primo made a bold suggestion-

"Why not split up and clear the dungeon in three groups? We can clear it faster that way."

Thinking there was a point in his words, the women split into three groups of two. They decided to spend two days and one night in the dungeon every time before returning and switching partners, simulating real-world survival situations and increasing party cohesion. And they also wanted to spend more alone time with Primo- But that was just a side reason. Maybe.

In the first cycle, Primo got paired with Himeko. The exploration with her was the most leisurely since she merely cast a Sacred Spell on them, making all undead creatures melt like snow when they walked over.

Because of this, they had plenty of time alone, where Himeko would endlessly talk with him about her world and Primo's life(While discreetly asking about his love life) and slowly close the distance between them on her initiative. And when night came, she lay her head on his lap and soundly slept, drool staining his pants. It didn't take a genius to tell she trusted him wholeheartedly. Or perhaps it wasn't as naive as that since when she woke up the next day, Himeko had a disappointed look as if expecting him to make a move on her at night.

Primo would make some moves on her, but he was scared that if he screwed up, things would quickly go wrong. So he pretended not to notice, like some straight-laced good guy. Instead, he silently poured some energy into her through their contact. It was a small amount, just enough that she wouldn't notice the difference, thinking it was just a dream. Her corruption rate rose by 1% that night, and there was no noticeable difference.

He didn't know how her Unique Talent, Unblemishable Golden Self, worked, but it didn't diminish her corruption level like with the Echo, Laverne. At least, not yet. Perhaps it was like a hidden disease, where her talent didn't resist if she didn't perceive the symptoms. All the corruption did was make her think he was slightly more handsome, and that was all.

For the other women, things greatly varied.

His second exploration was with Princess Libania, the now white-haired princess knight, who was more professional than Himeko. Unlike Himeko, they fought the undead more seriously, avoiding traps and finding treasure chests. However, while she was a princess, perhaps because of it, she was bolder and more open-minded.

"Sir Primo, would you like to marry any of us after our journey ends?" Princess Libania smiled and asked while they were eating on a break.

"Hm? Perhaps. You are all wonderful women, so I am not against the idea. It is just that I am still left undecided for the time being." Primo half-earnestly answered.

At least, if he weren't who he was, that would have likely been the case.

"Strong and influential men have harems, and you can marry several of us. I am not against the idea, and I am sure everyone except Saintess Himeko would not be against it. At least, until she got used to our world." Princess Libania gently smiled.

She was the first among the women in the group to make the suggestion. However, as she said, Himeko would likely be against it due to her cultural values. Unlike the women of this world, she wouldn't tolerate sharing her man. At least, not yet. If he gave her several years, her disposition might gradually change. Or perhaps when her corruption reached a high enough point, she wouldn't mind or even encourage it.

Unlike the easy Himeko, Princess Libania didn't seduce him, instead retaining a more professional approach and sleeping close but not too close while wearing her armor. That was already showing a high level of trust. But if he took the next step and tried actively seducing her, he didn't know what would happen, so he refrained from it for now.

On the third exploration was Princess Lydia, the adventurer and wind archer. Although professional when fighting, she was a cheerful and peppy young lady during breaks, very gossipy even. But that was a mask to hide her vulnerable inner self. At night, she would cry in her sleep, so in a gesture of goodwill, Primo wrapped a blanket around her and didn't take advantage of her vulnerability, even healing her(Although it had the side effect of raising corruption). The following morning, she seemed more conscious of him as the opposite sex and a potential love interest.

On the fourth exploration was Scarlet, the Blood Rage. Contrary to her name, Scarlet was the calmest and most gentle person Primo knew. It was especially so after she gained two talents to restrain her berserker personality. With an oversized Warhammer in her hands, she smashed hordes of undead to pieces with the same mask of calmness on her face.

During their food breaks, Scarlet told him about her past. Her mother was an adventurer who died on a mission when she was young, so Abiah raised her by himself. Abiah had to become absent during missions, so he left Scarlet in the capital with the royal family. Since her mother had a good relationship with Lydia's mother, Scarlet was half-adopted into the royal family and was Lydia's playmate.

However, at the time, Scarlet and Lydia were both Late Bloomers, and aside from their pretty looks, they were regular girls and often attended tea parties together.

Perhaps due to jealousy, relative weakness, or wanting to curry favor with the other princelings, they, especially herself, got bullied by the others due to being unable to harm Lydia, a princess. While Lydia stood up for her, that didn't stop them from their bullying. It only got worse since she had a meek and good-natured personality and didn't want to make Abiah worry.

"They did many bad things to me. They called me names, spilled drinks on my dresses, snatched my books, and cut my hair short to make me more pretty, but I still endured it. But one day, they made the fatal mistake of stealing my doll, my mother's keepsake, and burning it. That only hurt my feelings and made me cry, but Lydia was furious and confronted the girls. Perhaps in a moment of anger, they made an irrational decision and slapped Lydia, which escalated to wanting to shame her and teach her a lesson she won't forget. When I saw this, I finally snapped. I later found myself bathed in blood and mangled corpses around me. Lydia was the only survivor, who I subconsciously spared from my frenzy. The poor girl still blames herself for my sins.

They spared me from punishment due to my young age, protecting royalty and avoiding a scandal that would cost an A-rank adventurer. But my father quit his active adventuring life, taking me to Vlita, away from the capital, and started teaching me how to control myself. You know? I am not an ambitious woman. I only want peace of mind, a loving family, and a regular life. Thanks to Himeko's blessings, I already received the gift I wanted. I want to repay Himeko for this gift through my services before retiring, my debt repaid." Scarlet said with a serene look.

After speaking with her, Primo realized he completely misunderstood Scarlet. She was an unambitious girl who wanted to build a regular life.

"Never judge a book by its cover." Primo thought.

"And what about you, Sir Primo? What is your ambition?" Scarlet asked.

"I guess I also want a peaceful life. When our journey ends, I plan to settle down somewhere and start a family, perhaps taking requests occasionally or teaching swordsmanship." Primo replied.

"That sounds nice. Do you have someone in mind? Or perhaps several? You are quite popular, you know." Scarlet smiled.

"I am still left undecided. What about you?" Primo warily smiled.

"Me? I don't have many demands of my future man, and I am willing to share. I only care whether he is good at heart, kind, strong enough, and unafraid of me." Scarlet said before leaning forward with narrowed eyes. "Tell me, Primo. Are you afraid of me?"

"No," Primo replied.

"Even if I were to get angry?" Scarlet continued asking, advancing more, her finger reaching out to caress Primos's shaved chin.

"I know you won't hurt me." Primo confidently said.

"And even if you do, it wouldn't hurt much with our strength gap," Primo added in his heart.

"As long as you won't anger me," Scarlet said, lightly caressing his cheek. "I won't mind if you hurt me, but don't do overly bad things, especially hurting Lydia... Or I will get angry."

There was a not-so-subtle threat in her words, her fiery eyes turning as icy as a glacier.

"If she thinks I harmed Lydia, she would throw caution to the wind and try killing me with everything she has." That was what Primo instinctively understood.

"I won't harm her, that I can promise," Primo replied, his eyes unwavering.

He didn't consider conversion to hurt people as long as he treated them well.

"I will remember those words. Don't break your promise." Scarlet retracted her hand and returned to her usual self as if nothing happened.

Nothing noteworthy happened after that. At least, it seemed like the relationship with Scarlet would progress the slowest for now.

And then is the fifth dive with Domentzia.

They didn't speak throughout the first day, even during breaks. Whenever Primo tried to start a conversation, Domentzia would give minimalistic replies, stopping the conversation in awkward silence.

Primo couldn't read her mood, so he didn't press her and let things go with the flow. And things indeed progressed at night- weirdly and unexpectedly.




On the 55th floor's safe zone-

Primo and Domentzia rested with no other adventurers in their area. After setting up a tent and some traps around them, they took turns to keep watch. It wasn't because they were in danger but more to simulate a dangerous environment.

As for where the others were? With his connection to the dungeon, he confirmed they were on the 60th floor, and no other adventurer would disturb them.

However, during Domentzia's turn, something unexpected happened. Primo heard someone entering the tent as a hot body hugged him from the side.

"Domentzia, what are you doing?" Primo asked without opening his eyes.

"Sleeping," Domentzia replied.

"But you are now on guard duty," Primo said.

"No monster or human would bother us. We already set traps, and our senses are superhuman. Nothing would happen." Domentzia confidently said.

"Well, can't argue with that." Primo thought.

"Then why are you hugging me?" Primo asked.

"These last ten days, I couldn't sleep properly." She claimed.

"You didn't look that tired, though," Primo replied.

"I had Himeko cast a calming spell on me every other day. I asked her not to tell the others." Domentzia said.

"That still doesn't explain why you are hugging me," Primo asked.

"I feel safer that way." She claimed.

"You know I am a guy, right?" Primo asked.

"Yes, but Himeko said you are a vegetarian, so it is okay," Domentzia said.

"Is that a dare? Are you taunting me to take action?" Primo opened his eyes and turned to look at Domentzia.

Under the dim lighting of the dungeon, he saw her blushing face as she looked him in the eyes.

"You won't do it. You are too nice." She gave a teasing smile.


Suddenly, Primo rolled on top of her, pinning her, staring intently into her eyes.

"I am not a vegetarian. I am just being considerate. If you continue teasing me like this, I won't be able to control myself anymore." Primo stared deeply into her eyes. "This is your last chance to leave."

Domentzia was stunned, but then she smiled, one of her hands touching his cheek before kissing him. When their lips separated, she looked at him with a love-struck look.

"I couldn't stop thinking about everything, and I realized I unknowingly fell in love with," Domentzia said with hot breaths.

"You know what is going to happen now, right?" Primo's third leg hardened, pressing against Domentzia's stomach through his pants.

"Claim me, I am yours." Domentzia wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him for another passionate kiss.

Clothes began to rustle and peel off in the tent.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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