Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 111 – Vicious Couple. Not allowed to die.

Chapter 111 – Vicious Couple. Not allowed to die.

In another mansion-

A mature and seductive White Mouse Kin full of charm lay in bed with a handsome White Mouse Kin after an intense baby-making session in the middle of the day.

The man was Lionel Charrier, the Farrington family's competitor and co-share-owner in the Farrington Trading Company, owning 15% of the shares. He was the biggest shareowner, but the Farrington Family held the controlling shares, making taking over the company impossible.

With good looks, high intelligence, and charisma with women, he was a natural playboy and merchant. However, he couldn't inherit the family head position, which went to his even more talented brother. But then he met Solenne, the woman beside him. They almost instantly clicked together.

Together, they plotted many schemes and had fun in bed. Solenne was the one who helped plot ways to remove his parents and brother from the picture, inheriting the vast family fortune and amassing even more wealth! Under his rule, the Charrier family's assets almost doubled! Of course, they trampled on over three digits of people along the way, either ruining or killing them.

As for Solene, he helped secretly hook her up with his competitor, Benoit Farrington, squeezing in to become his second wife. Once there, he also gave her poisons through his channels, which she initially used to poison her then-pregnant rival, Corinne. The poison failed to kill Corinne, but it made Hope, her daughter, have a frail body. It worked in their favor since Benoit became very concerned over Hope's health, failing to notice that Solene carried his bastard. Very early on, Corinne got slowly poisoned to death, leaving Solene as the de-facto lady of the house.

Things went well for over a decade and a half until Samuel, their bastard son, grew to look like himself. Unfortunately, the only good traits Samuel inherited were their good looks and viciousness. In the intelligence department- he sorely lacked. That was why she bought a highly prized concubine for her son to control him, spending 20,000 Silver Coins! As for arranging a wife? She couldn't trust any hussy with her wastrel son.

With Benoit's increasing suspicions of her son's lineage, Solene used her old tricks to poison him to death as well with an undetectable slow-acting poison. She planned to kill Hope next to acquire her inherited company shares, but unfortunately, their stupid son sold her- for gambling money. Initially, he lied to her that he killed Hope, so she helped cover it by spreading misinformation that Hope traveled to the other continent to find a cure.

However, about a month later, an informant demanded an exorbitant price of 1,000 Silver Coins to sell her information that Hope had become a late bloomer and was being trained by the Youvamore Kingdom. That made her as panicked as she was infuriated with her useless son. And when she chastised him about it, it only made his behavior worse, as if relishing his numbered days! Solene was entirely disappointed with him, so she decided to make up for lost time and give birth to one or two more children. As for her son? She will abandon him to his vengeful not-sister, using him as a decoy while she runs off with most of the family wealth to the other continent with Lionel.

"You were so wild today. You wrung me dry." Lionel panted.

"Hmhmhm. You were also as lively as always, Lionel." Solene lovingly stroked her lover's chest with her furry hand. "How are the preparations for the ship?"

"It will be ready in ten days to depart, my love. I prepared everything, and we can safely move to the other continent and live our lives there." Lionel said while stroking Solene's still-shapely body that was like a 25-year-old woman's.

Lionel didn't want to move, but when he heard what their stupid son did, Hope might also seek vengeance on him within a year or two, so he abandoned him on the spot. With a tacit understanding, he and Solene decided to flee and make a few more children. With their genes, one should be talented. Although a playboy, Lionel never married in his entire lifetime and only had a few bastards here and there, but the only woman who could tame him was Solene. He decided to marry her once they moved to the other continent and settled down.

"That's what I love about you." Solene tenderly smiled and kissed him.

Knock* Knock* Knock*

Lionel and Solene frowned. They ordered the servants not to disturb them, but someone still dared to do so.

"What is it? Is it important?" Lionel called out.

Since they dared knock, either someone had a death wish- Or there was a problem they couldn't solve themselves.

"Master, Young Master Samuel wishes to see you and the Madam in the study. He says it is of the highest importance." The butler behind the door urgently said.

Lionel and Solene looked at each other, sharing a frown. They knew their son's character. That wastrel would never bother them unless he fucked up big time and encountered a problem he couldn't solve alone.

"Ugh... Let's see what that useless son has done this time." Lionel grumbled and reluctantly got out of bed.

Solene also frowned with distaste. That stupid son of hers affected the sweet time with her man. "This better be good."

After they quickly cleaned themselves, put on perfume to mask their remaining sex odor, and put on their clothes, they left the room and walked down the stairs, unaware of the strange stares the servants were giving them.

Soon, they arrived at the study, where Samuel and Didier were waiting.

"Samuel, this better be good." Solene frowned and said.

"Yes, couldn't you have waited?" Lionel added.

"I'm sorry, father, mother. But this is really beyond my capabilities to handle." Samuel had a wary look.

"Well? Spit it out!" Solene's frown turned deeper.

"You see... It is about Hope..." Samuel hesitated for a moment.

"What about her? She is in the Youvamore Kingdom, right?" Lionel frowned.

Even if Hope awakened, she would need months to years of training to become A-rank. And even then, it would take her weeks to travel here. What could happen that could make Samuel agitated about her?

"No, that's the thing," Samuel weirdly smiled, his eyes shining silver. "She is right behind you."

The vicious couple suddenly had deep chills. They felt a predator locked on them. Lionel's eyes lighted with lightning as his hands radiated lightning! Violently turning around, 

"WHITE LIGHTNING!" Lionel instantly chanted a 4th-circle spell, an impressive feat.


The lightning hit a target standing by the door, raising a cloud of smoke.

Meanwhile, Solene drew a dagger, made a cut in her expensive dress to ease leg movement, and rushed inside in a white-green blur, intending to kill the enemy.

Lionel and Solene were no weaklings. They were powerful, being peak B-rank powerhouses, unlike their useless son. And after years of interaction, they also had seamless cooperation. Together, they could beat even a regular A-rank powerhouse.

Unfortunately, the one they faced was much more terrifying than an A-rank powerhouse.



Solene flew out of the dust, rolling several times before unsteadily standing up.

"Solene!" Lionel was agitated.

"I'm fine." Solene winced in pain, clutching her stomach as she watched a figure clad in silverish Aura come out.

She then saw it. A pretty and graceful White Mousekin that strikingly resembled Corinne, the one she poisoned to death all those years ago.

"Hope..." Solene said with gritted teeth.

"Stepmother. I see you are as lively as ever." Hope said, her long and slim tail gently waving from side to side.

Just now, Hope didn't even move. She only used her tail to strike. As for the White Lightning, Hope ignored it, letting her Aura tank it. Although she didn't major in it, she still had a high lightning affinity due to the talents Gerhart gave her.

"GUARDS!" Lionel called out before glaring at Hope. "I don't know how you managed to get here without alarming the guards, but you made a big mistake by coming here alone."

And then, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


And- Nothing.



The room entered an awkward silence.

"Lionel? It is no time for jokes." Solene warily said.

"What did you do?" Lionel ignored the comment and glared at Hope.

He was no fool. The Magic Restriction circles he placed in the study room were unresponsive. That could only mean someone tampered with them.

"Oh, those? I did this." Hope smiled, raising her hand in a snapping motion, making Lionel widen his eyes in horror.



Magic circles lit up around the room as Lionel and Solene felt their Magic and Aura restricted and their physical prowess halved.

"Lionel, what the hell?! These things are not supposed to restrict me!" Solene cursed.

"She hijacked my magic circles somehow! I can't control them!" Lionel barked back.

"Well, yes. I had someone tamper with it and give me control over the Magic Circles." Hope shrugged.

"W-What?! When!" Solene widened her eyes.

"While you two were fucking, of course." Hope rolled her eyes.

"Gr... GUARDS!" Lionel angrily called out again. But there was no response.

"Don't bother. All the mansion is under my control, including your servants- And your son." Hope sneered.

The couple shivered as they subconsciously looked at their son, who was quiet all this while. He and Didier were quiet, giving them strange smiles.

"What... Did you do?" Lionel shook with fear and horror as the reality of the situation slowly sank in.

"... Are you truly Hope? Corinne's daughter?" Solene asked with gritted teeth.

That helpless, scrawny girl became such a horrifying powerhouse. It was too much of a contrast!

"I am. But I am also more than that." Hope said as she reverted to her Universe Prophet Mouse form. Her bloodline pressure and the gravitas of her latent power made the vicious couple feel like small mice, insignificant and weak.

Solene, who saw it, showed a look of complete disbelief.

"Divine Bloodline... Universe Prophet Mouse Bloodline. Heh- Hehehe- It's over." Solene uttered as she collapsed on her knees, giving in to inevitability.

"What are you talking about, woman?!" Lionel snarled, not understanding what Solene was talking about.

"Oh? You know about this bloodline?" Hope tilted her head.

"Your father once mentioned it when we spoke of the origins of the Farrington family. It is the Divine Bloodline of the Mouse Kin Royalty. Their prophetic powers are so powerful that whenever they take action, they shall never fail. For you to take action- It is only natural we had no chance, did we?" Solene bleakly said before her eyes became ruthless, about to stab herself in the heart.

Yes, she wanted to commit suicide. She understood that the moment she fell into Hope's hands, her fate would be horrible.

But the next moment, Solene felt that her arm stopped listening to her, hovering close to her chest yet not plunging inside.

"Don't bother. I wouldn't let you die such an easy death. I won't allow you to die- yet." Hope said, her eyes shining with silver light before calling out. "GUARDS!"

The next moment, the door burst open as the mansion guards entered. Among them was Amand. All of their eyes faintly shone with silver light.

"Y-You..." Lionel shook in disbelief.

"Hehehe..." Solene bleakly laughed.

"Yes, they are mine now. Apprehend them." Hope ordered as the guards pounced on the weakened couple.

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