Dark King

Chapter 1212

Chapter 1212: Chapter 1201: Chase

Translator: 549690339

“The main engine city should have been destroyed by such a violent explosion...”Dudian felt the violent tremors coming from the top of his head but he wasn’t nervous. Instead he felt a sense of security, this came from the armor that the Aragami had given him. The armor was wrapped around his body and he didn’t suffer any damage. He felt a little stuffy.

At this time, the Aragami stopped diving. It suddenly split a large number of soft tentacles from its body and pierced into the hot rock layer above its head.

Dudian was puzzled. He waited until his body was full of energy before he realized that the Aragami was absorbing the power of the nuclear bomb?

“Is the nuclear bomb ineffective against it?”Dudian was shocked. The adaptability of the Aragami was too fierce. Could it be that only a moment of high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees could kill it?

A moment later, the vibration of the nuclear bomb gradually stopped. The ground was ploughed out hundreds of meters deep. The rock layer which was thousands of meters above sea level was boiling hot like a red-hot stone pot. Dudian and the Aragami were in the crevice of the rock layer, however, he didn’t feel too much.

“It seems to have stopped.”Dudian listened to the movement from above. He was relieved, “Fortunately there isn’t a nuclear bomb like Big Ivan in the Soviet era. Otherwise this guy’s adaptability might not be able to withstand it. I don’t know if Lin Changsheng didn’t create such an amount of nuclear weapons or if the Devil Emperor didn’t launch it. is he worried about destroying more than half of the Federation?”

Big Ivan’s level nuclear weapon was enough to destroy half of the country. It could even move the continent a little. It was the giant of the nuclear bomb. It was also the main culprit that caused the cataclysm era.

No matter what, Dudian felt that he couldn’t continue to sit and wait for death. He immediately urged the Aragami.

“Wow Wow!”

The Aragami happily responded. Its body suddenly split into a pile of flesh and blood. Its body was torn and charred. It pushed the flesh and blood to the surface of the explosion, then it took Dudian to escape thousands of meters away.

“No matter how good the signal from the federation is, we shouldn’t be able to monitor the situation when the nuclear bomb explodes. We will appear in the federation when the dust from the explosion is gone. We will find Lin Changsheng First!”Dudian’s eyes lit up, the threat of Lin Changsheng was greater to him regardless of whether the nuclear bomb was dropped by the devil or not. Moreover, he would get more benefits after killing him.

It would be difficult to find the devil if he hid in the dark. However, Lin Changsheng was different. The federation was his nest so he wouldn’t be far away.


The Aragami took him underground at top speed. He transformed into a monster that looked like an armadillo. Its scales covered its body as it moved through the mud like a fish in water.

A few minutes later, they came to the nearest city. There were many refugees there. Dudian saw through the x-ray vision that there were several underground shelters. They were full of people. There were still some wandering citizens on the surface, they hid under the bed and table like trembling mice.

Dudian sent the message to the Aragami. They passed through the mud and metal walls and quietly appeared in a shelter.

Dudian deliberately made the Aragami change its appearance into a human when they entered the shelter. The Aragami was very obedient. It transformed into a small girl about 1.4 meters tall. Her hair was black and smooth. She had bright eyes and white teeth. She had a beautiful face, at the same time, Dudian reminded her to use her flesh to demonize a long skirt. If someone touched the skirt they would find that it was made of flesh.

Dudian moved to the edge of her neck. He shrank to the size of a thumb and was covered by her long hair.

During this process, Dudian knew that their relationship was like a symbiotic life. If necessary, he could even completely shrink his body into her body.

“Dad, I Want Dad...”

“Woo Woo...”

The sound of a child crying was heard.

Dudian looked over and saw an officer who was dressed like a guard strode over. He fiercely said: “Don’t make a sound. If you continue to cry then I will throw you out!”

The mother of the child was like an angry lion. She held the child in one hand, she roared at the officer: “Why Are You So Fierce? Why did you let us out? We spent money to buy tickets. I spent so much money. Did the child’s Crying Offend You? !”

The officer’s face was gloomy and cold, he said, “The situation outside is very complicated now. There are many more people who want to come in than you can imagine. If you don’t want to stay here, I will send you out now. If you want to continue staying here, you have to be quiet. If you attract those damn demons here, even if you have nine lives, it won’t be enough for you to die!”

Hearing this, the woman’s arrogance immediately weakened. The people around also gave her a reproachful look. The woman felt the eyes of the people around her. It was as if her self-esteem had been pricked, she whispered in an indignant tone: “It’s useless to let these devils fight here. You have nothing to do. What’s the use of using our taxpayers’money to feed a group of good-for-nothings?”

The officer’s face turned cold. He wanted to flare up but he endured it.

Dudian’s heart moved as he saw the officer’s expression. It seemed that they didn’t know the specific situation outside? He retracted his eyes and sent a message to the Aragami.

The Aragami understood his meaning. It cleared its throat and smiled at a nervous youth: “Little Brother, what is the situation outside?”Her voice was sweet and melodious.

The Nervous Youth was stunned for a moment. He turned his head and saw the appearance of the Aragami. His pupils dilated as if he was shocked. He was stunned for a moment before he reacted. His face turned red, his body couldn’t help but sit up straight, he put on a friendly expression: “I don’t know. I heard that the President of the Federation sent people to seize the nuclear weapons. The explosion outside should be the sound of a missile. It should be very close to us. There should be no signal in the city so we can’t connect to the Internet. But those monsters should be in the neighboring cities.”

There was a trace of worry on Dudian’s face.

Dudian was surprised to hear that the federation sent people to seize the nuclear weapons? Could it be that the one who launched the nuclear weapons was not the Devil Emperor but Lin Changsheng? If that was the case then there was too much information contained in it. Lin Changsheng had hidden it deep enough!

“If there was no Aragami then Crimson Moon and the devil emperor would be completely annihilated...”Dudian thought about Lin Changsheng’s layout and secretly praised in his heart, at the same time he whispered into the ears of the Aragami: “If the one who launched the missile was Lin Changsheng, I think I know where he is now. Let’s go and find him!”

The Aragami who had turned into a human had also learned human language. There was no need for telepathic communication.

“Yes!”The Aragami nodded.

“Ah?”The youth looked at the Aragami in doubt. He saw the beautiful girl who was like a painting. She suddenly shrank and disappeared into the ground. The shelter was made of metal plates, it was still intact. Everything was like an illusion.

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