Dark Blood Path

Chapter 2: Drastic Changes

Chapter 2: Drastic Changes

Xiao Yu uttered incomprehensible words before storming out of the classroom in front of everyone. The students in Class nine of the arts and design department looked at each other in confusion. However, the majority of them only thought he had gone insane. His words were treated as a joke and were not taken seriously.

What are you talking about? Han Kexin was surprised. She looked at Xiao Yu, who was hurrying out of the classroom; concerned that something might actually happen, she hurriedly followed behind him, yelling at the same time: Stop first, Xiao Yu. Explain what happened in detail. Come on, calm down, please, dont do anything stupid!

Ill have a look too!

Jiang Xiaowen felt a little worried for Xiao Yu and chased after him without hesitation. Then, after a brief pause, a few students who had a good relationship with Xiao Yu also rose and followed suit, and a few others chased after them, though they were only there to join the fun.

Xiao Yu bolted out from the classroom and dashed down the corridor. He began yelling aloud as he ran: Earthquake, an earthquake is happening, everyone run! he had a hysterical expression and a ferocious look on his face, with a sharp utility knife in his hand. As a result, nobody was brave enough to approach him.

Xiao Yu walked all the way down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Every time he passed by a classroom, He kicked the door open, rushed in, and yelled the same words. From one classroom to another, he kept urging everyone to escape and save themselves from the coming earthquake.

After a while, several floors were disrupted, and easily scared people followed suit. The yelling about the earthquake became increasingly loud. Time passed, and the chaos was on the verge of erupting. Eventually, most of the people who didnt know what was actually happening, after hearing various students all yelling about this earthquake, gradually believed it, It terrified them to death, and so they ran out of the classroom scrambling; the whole teaching building was in chaos, Later, even some of the teachers joined the fleeing group.

In just a few minutes, the panic of the earthquake spread rapidly across the entire school like a plague. The two adjacent teaching and dormitory buildings were also affected. Exits and safe routes were opened, and everyone rushed out of the classroom and out of the building. Some security guards and school staff members also came out one after another to help organize the crowd evacuation.

More and more people emerged from the teaching building and dormitory, then spread out over a relatively vast area.

However, the instigator of all of this had already fled to the schoolyard in search of a wide open space. He gently sat down cross-legged and took a deep breath of fresh air while closing his eyes, allowing his body to adjust to its optimal state. He held a wooden stick he picked up from somewhere in his left hand and pressed on it the sharp blade of his utility knife using his right hand; with quick swings, he began sharpening one end of the stick.

It didnt take long for a group of people from Class nine of the art department to catch up.

Han Kexin came to a halt. One hand was pressing on her serpentine waist. The other was wiping sweat off her forehead. Her cheeks were flushed as she gasped for air. She was a little angry and softly said, Student Xiao Yu, you have to explain yourself. What are you trying to do? If you have any dissatisfaction with the school, you could have talked it out with us. Look at the situation now; how do you plan to resolve this?

Xiao Yu cut at the sticks end without raising his head; he said calmly: no worries, you will quickly realize that doing so is saving your lives.

Everyone was speechless for a while. Just when Han Kexin was about to speak, suddenly, for unknown reasons, the original bright sunlight faded, and the surrounding wind blew up.

Han Kexin was taken aback, Why is the sky changing?

Her words have yet to end.


A deafening roar erupted in the sky, painfully shaking everyones eardrums.

The clear sky got obscured by dark clouds, and the whole world became pitch black in seconds. It became almost impossible to see your own fingers as if the night fell in an instant. Then, almost without warning, thousands and thousands of purple-red thunder strikes spread out all over the dark sky, illuminating their now-dark world, constantly flashing in and out. From time to time, the thunder struck down, and the earth-shattering sound made the ground shake. It was completely a doomsday-like scene.

What happened?

A student yelled in horror.

There was a slight tremor on the ground; no one had any time to react.

The shock intensified sharply in a very short period of time, and the ground continued to crack. The uneven cracks swiftly covered the land, spreading like fast centipedes. Countless buildings began to collapse as the earth shook, and the gray-black clouds turned bloody red, slowly rotating under an unknown force, forming a huge vortex. Numerous thunder lines quickly gathered in the vortexs core, bursting into dazzling light and covering the entire world.

A mighty power, in comparison to it, humans looked as insignificant as ants. The intense light made it hard for everyone to open their eyes, like hundreds and hundreds of deadly snakes hissing at the same time. The piercing sound impaired everybodys hearing.

Everyone lost consciousness at that moment.

Nobody knew how much time had passed.

Jiang Xiaowen regained her ability to think, and her body senses gradually came back. However, her head felt dizzy and painful. She found it difficult to breathe since the air around was filled with dirt and dust. She immediately covered both her mouth and nose with her sleeve and stood up, coughing continuously. Rubbing her eyes and looking around, her expression changed from confusion to shock and finally to fear.

Just now, what happened?

Their world has changed, the dark clouds in the sky have long dissipated, and the sky that should have been blue now seems to be covered with a layer of light red color. It was blue with a touch of crimson, which wasnt normal.

Amidst the crackling sound, dust, debris, and numerous small broken stones were constantly falling to the ground, and the hazy surroundings gradually became clearer with each passing second.

The ground was in a mess, full of cracks and debris. Most of the buildings completely collapsed, turning into ruins as wisps of bluish smoke drifted from a distance. The wind was howling, and the heat was a little intense. She felt uncomfortable, and the moans and screams from all around were echoing in her ears.

The others also regained consciousness one by one as they tried to stand up. They looked at each other, no one spoke, and nobody could believe it. In the blink of an eye, the once peaceful and harmonious campus became in this state now.

Xiao Yu sat up again. At this moment, his hair was disheveled, his face was dirty, and several wounds on his arms were oozing blood continuously. But he didnt care; he quickly waved his right arm and continued sharpening the end of the wooden stick into a spear without the slightest expression on his face. After sharpening the wooden stick, he put it beside him, then took out a pencil and started skillfully sharpening it as well.

What happened? Is this really an earthquake? It was terrifying!

At this time, the people around stood up one by one, trembling all over, looking around blankly with horror.

See, I wasnt wrong; youve survived.

Xiao Yus tone was very indifferent and calm. Then, without raising his head, he put the utility knife back into his pocket, took out a folded white paper, and spread it out in front of his face; then, holding a pencil, he began sketching something hurriedly, a Shusha sound was heard as he drew several lines on the paper.

Jiang Xiaowen walked over with trembling legs; she really felt that the person in front of her was extremely strange and mysterious, as if it was her first time meeting him today, XiaoXiao Yu, how did you even know there would be an earthquake?

Its really hard to explain. However, I should tell you that this earthquake is just the beginning. In fact, I dont know if what I did was good or bad. Because compared to the earthquake, what you will face next is the real disaster! Actually, For most people, perhaps dying in the earthquake was a much better end.

A student was full of surprise as he asked: What do you mean by your words? Could there be something more terrifying than what just happened?

No way. Another classmate exclaimed. Now completely believing in Xiao Yus words, he hurriedly asked, What else is going to happen? Tell us quickly!

No time to explain. Xiao Yu threw away the pencil, rolled up the paper, he forced it into Han Kexins hand before speaking to her with a grave expression on his face: Miss Han, I will leave this map to you, so keep it safe. I drew it as simple as I could, but it is sufficient to distinguish various dangerous areas. You must keep it with you as its very important. If I die, you can rely on it, and there will be hope of bringing some people out of the forest alive.

Forest? What forest! What the hell are you talking about? Han Kexin felt dizzy; she opened the map and looked at it, then asked with a strange expression: Forests, canyons, rivers what, what the hell is this? Wheres all this located at?

Xiao Yu stretched out a finger and pointed down to his feet.

Han Kexin subconsciously looked around. Almost every building collapsed, and as a result, their field of vision grew significantly bigger. The huge campus was cut in half, and a large part of the campus on the north side could not be seen as if it had vanished, replaced by a lush greenery forest. Looking in the opposite direction, outside the iron fence of the south gate, they could see the road was still there, but the structures behind the ruined Internet cafes and bookstores on the opposite side were all gone. They were also replaced by a vast forest and enormous trees over ten to twenty meters tall!

If you look down from a high altitude, the remaining half of the school actually appears in a vast forest, as if it were a small boat floating on a green ocean!

A girl yelled in horror: Why is this happening? Half of the school has disappeared!

Xiao Yu replied: No, it didnt disappear; it simply appeared elsewhere. The other halfs situation is similar to ours.

Han Kexin shouted, Impossible, this is madness!

There is nothing impossible in this crazy world. Xiao Yu picked up the sharpened wooden stick, patted the dust off his clothes calmly, and said, heh, teacher and fellow students. Welcome to the Continent of Chaos!

The fact that no one knew what to say demonstrated how difficult it was for them to accept this situation. What is this? This is real life, not a movie; how could we have ended up in such a strange place?


At this moment, a shrill scream interrupted everyones thoughts.

mmonsters, help!

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he didnt expect them to come this quickly, and unfortunately, he believed that more people would die this time around.

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