Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 87- Back On The Job

Quest 87- Back On The Job

The next day.




Cirrus stands in an alley near the Loki Familia home.

‘Bara… hmm and she’s in the Loki Familia. Is it luck or misfortune? Ugh, I haven’t talked to them as much as I would have liked.’

‘What's wrong? Nervous?' Nox said, lounging in his hood. 'I figured you'd be more nervous when you went on that little d.a.t.e!' she said in a teasing tone.

"Wasn't a date! Aunty Len is a goddam liar! And if you keep saying it, I'm cutting off your allowance!"

'Pffft! You don't think I get free stuff with my beauty? They're basically a puddle of mush when I bring up the charm.'

'Geezus Christ, this is my life now... great, I am not looking forward to my teens.'

"Haa... let's just go inside and get it over with. So no more teasing, alright? I need you to watch my back."

‘Don’t worry! If anything happens, I always have your back!'

"You always are," Cirrus said with a slight smile. "Now let’s go meet one of Orario’s strongest Familia’s. "(Exousía, Adorn: Ceryneian)."

Cirrus walks to the Loki’s Familia home and finds two guards.

"Oi, you two," Cirrus shouted.

"W-what!?" The two guards look at Cirrus.

"Is Bara here?"

"B-Bara?" one of them said.

"Yes, Bara, I want to talk with her."

"R-right! Jenkins, show him up to the meeting room!"

"Why me!"

"Because I said so, so go!"

Cirrus looked at the other guy, who was shaking a bit.

"F-fine! Follow me, Mr. Masked Prince, sir."

Cirrus enters the Loki Familia's home following a guard.

Walking through the halls of the Familia’s home, Cirrus felt slightly uneasy. Something Nox picked up and tapped his antler.

‘Don’t worry, you got this!’

The guard leads him to a room where there is only a single desk and chair, with a stool and a chair in the corner. On the wall, there is a tapestry of a goddess.

Cirrus went and picked up the chair from the corner and sat it down in front of the desk and sat.

His eyes glanced over at the tapestry.

‘Ah, a tapestry of the Knights of Fianna. That takes me back.’

"You know them?" Cirrus asked.

‘Hm not really. I heard of them; they were pretty damn good knights that defended the people from hordes of monsters using their wits alone, using everything in nature to their advantage or something along those lines. Their leader was if I remember—wait, no, I don't remember.'


From the door, they heard the door opening. Finn, Riveria, Gareth, Noir, Bara, Dain, and Loki enter the room.

They all walked and found their place near the desk, with Finn sitting in the big chair behind the desk while Bara sat on the edge of the desk.

‘So that’s Loki.’ Thought Cirrus: Seeing the god or goddess. The deity who attacked the weakened Zeus and Hera Familia.

Loki found her seat, and the same emotion ran through Cirrus’s mind when he met Freya.

‘Even you as well, huh?’

Cirrus looked at Loki again. That emotion that ran across his mind was a mix of anger, sadness, and longing.

‘Calm yourself. You can't just burst out in anger. What's done is done. You came for information.’ Cirrus said to himself as he was sorting out his emotions, Loki glared at Nox.

"Hey, is that owl house broken?" said Loki.

Nox turned her head and flew over to Loki’s head and dug her talons into the god’s head.

"OW!! OW!! OW!! LET GOOOO!! Ah!! Gah!!" Loki scrambled to get Nox off.

"There’s your answer, Moon. Come." Cirrus I said in a calm tone of voice.

‘Thank you, Nox.’

‘Not at all! I felt a rise in a strong emotion in you directed at Loki. Plus, they insinuated that I "go" like some animal.' Nox let go of Loki's head and flew back onto Cirrus's antlers.

"Ooo~ what a smart familiar!" said Riveria, looking at Nox.

"Where did you find such a beautiful creature?" asked Noir, also admiring Nox.

"More of a brutish creature is more like it…" said Loki, rubbing their heads.

"So what did you want to talk to, Bara, Zephyr?" asked Finn.

The room went quiet.

"Yeah, I’m curious why myself. No one comes out of their way to talk to me." Bara said, with keen eyes.

"I’m here because I heard…" Cirrus leaned in. "That you were an Amazoness from the holy land? Is that true?"

The others looked at Bara, and she replied.

"Yes, so what?"

"I wanted to ask you about Telskyura, if you don’t mind?"

"Why do you want to know about that bloodthirsty pit of snakes? You know you can’t go there unless you’re for breeding purposes. "

"Do you have business there, Zephyr-chan?" said Loki with her eyes open and a glare when paired with a snake-like smile that could make a war veteran sweat.

"I do. It seems Alecto of Evilus has headed there or by now arrived in the country."

"!?!?" They all had shocked looks before their faces gained a serious expression.

"So I wanted to know as much as I could before heading down there."

"Aren’t you going to help your Familia here?" Loki said.

"I am, I’m going after Evilus, and in stopping them I am bringing 'peace'." Cirrus, he said in quotation marks.

"Yeah but—"

"That’s fine," said Finn. "With our Familia here, you are to be sure nothing bad will happen to them."

"Thank you, Finn. Oh, and before I forget, the Alecto Familia brought their captain with them."

"Turn…" said Gareth. "That bastard is with them."

"And just recently. I was informed of 'Amazonian Customs' when I returned to the Familia home. I found a hoard of Amazoness trying to join the Familia."

"Ah… I see, so you’re on a bit of a time crunch I see," said Bara. "Very well, what do you wanna know?"

"Everything you have to offer." Cirrus sat comfortably.

"Got time?" she said, getting comfortable. "It’s pretty damn long."

'You don't mind if I sleep, do you?' Nox said, landing on Cirrus’ lap and making herself comfortable.

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