Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 33- Outside of Orario- Sorshana, The City of Oases

Quest 33- Outside of Orario- Sorshana, The City of Oases

After a while, they sent someone of power to the docks.

“Boss! They sent someone!” said a crew member.


Getting up from a nap, his magic circle appears and only equips his deer mask.

Walking out, he sees a man dressed in lavish military clothing.

“So you are the new captain I see.” said the man. “My name is Paulus Modius Marcian, the general of the Shalzard kingdom! I heard you were strong enough to knock the head off the guard. Tell me what brings this about?”

“General, huh? Well, this is easy for you to understand. I’m here to help assist your country in combating the Israfan military or, more specifically, their Familia.”

“Hoh? Is that so… are you willing to come and talk with the king about this? Of course, you can’t bring weapons with you— “

Cirrus immediately holds out his hands and Jane comes to his side.

“Jane, can you put this in my room until I return?”

“Sure thing, boss.”

Cirrus hands her his sword, spear, and shield.

“Lead the way before the day ends.”

The general made a smile.

“Follow me.”

As the guards made their way into the city, Cirrus followed General Paulus.

When he entered the city, he was impressed by how roman it looked but a bit more modernized.

Its people still wore clothes to protect them from the sun and heat.

“This city looks rather polished.”

“That is because of the several oases that occupy the city.” The general said.

“How nice.”

Cirrus continued to follow the general as he looks at the sights of the city until he reached the palace gates.

“Inform the king that I have a special guest who wishes to meet.”

The guard looks at Cirrus before leaving.

A few seconds later, the gates were open.

Walking through the roman palace he could see several guards and attendants. As he approached the throne room, the general turned to Cirrus.

“You know how to greet a king?”

“No, but I assume he finds no issue if I greet him as a god?”

“Mmm…do as I do.”


When entering the throne room, Cirrus did as Paulus did following behind him. Walking to the throne, Cirrus could see its royalty and important vessels.

When they reached proximity to the king, Paulus knelt, and Cirrus copied him. He didn't know the ways of this kingdom's royal etiquette is but he wanted to come off as a ally.

“General Paulus, why did you ask for this meeting?” the king said upon his throne.

“I asked for this meeting as this adventurer from Orario wishes to help our country combat the Israfan armies.”

“An adventurer?”

Paulus steps aside so the king can look at Cirrus.

His eye widens as he sees the golden antlers.

“… Why have you come to this country? You adventurers solely care for the Dungeon and the Guild does not permit its adventurers to leave its walls.”

“I am here to take care of the Familia that has wormed its way into Varga and affiliated itself with its royal family.”

“Oh? why is that? Orario has no shortage of powerful people.”

“It does, but currently, the city is… undergoing a power struggle. A faction by the name of Evilus, a group of Familia’s centered on their self-proclaimed “Evil” gods wish to cause chaos and destruction upon the world and Orario.”


Many of the royals' and vessel's heads jolted up in surprise.

“Then you are here to get rid of one of these Evilus Familia in Israfan?” said the king.

“Yes, for that I decided to help your country in fighting them. Currently, their military is comprised of several soldiers and different Familia’s in the desert, and from what I can see, you have no god to grant a Falna?”

“Hmm….” Everyone looks angry at that notion.

“So what? you plan on using my country to further your goal!?” the king shouted in anger.



Everyone was shocked again by how brazen Cirrus has said it.

“Do not look so surprised you will benefit from it as well; you will have the aid of a powerful adventurer such as I who will cull the foreign Familia into desolation. To further show how beneficial it is to you will not have to pay me in monetary value and nor do I seek any forms of political power, I am simply here to get a job done. What you do with my contribution is solely up to you, you may erase my existence if you so wish, you can say it was General Paulus who defeated the Israfan armies, for I simply do not care, I simply want the Vritra Familia gone from the city of Merchants.”

“… Then we will need to test you and see.” The king waves his hand, and a servant comes and hands him a scroll. “There is a base of theirs in the northwest of the Sand Sea on a land island. Deal with them and we will aid you in your quest.”

“Thank you, King of Shalzard. Can we take General Paulus and a few of your guards to attest to the confirmation of the completion of the tasks?”

“General Paulus will do. Is there anything else? Um… what is your name?”

“My name is Zephyr and I only need is two things.”

As Cirrus told his two needs, he quickly set out to do the job with General Paulus following along.

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