Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

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This must be a dream.

Raciel knew the moment he lifted his head. In this dream-like state, Raciel, or rather, Lee Han, allowed a wry chuckle to escape him.

Its been ages since this scene greeted me.

A late-night junction. Flickering traffic lights. Cabs disregarding traffic rules and driving recklessly. Inebriated folks trying to flag those cabs. The night hummed with the peculiar quiet of crowded but silent people, and he was threading his way through them.

Weaving slowly.

Moving his tired feet homeward, to his dwelling. A little further and hell be there. Once there, he can rest in peace. The pace he maintained, constantly motivating himself.

This was just like old times.

I endured this every day during my freshman year.

He was strapped for cash.

It wasnt like he was completely bereft of his fathers legacy. He also had the life insurance payout his father had left behind. But the majority had been exhausted on his mothers healthcare costs. After his mother also departed this world, the solitude was overwhelmingly painful.

Academic grants?

Governmental aid?

Sure, they were useful. But they werent enough to live on. He was always short on cash for daily expenses. He had wanted to start tutoring, but that didnt pan out. Instead, he took up a part-time job at a local beer house near the university.

Thats why I walked non-stop, day after day. Just like now.

By the time he finished his shift, it was way past midnight. Bus? Subway? Obviously, they were not in service. The distance to his house seemed monumental. He was too frugal to spend the taxi money his employer handed him. He figured it would be better to save it for living necessities.

So, he walked every day. He walked for over an hour to reach home. The all-too-familiar yet wearying nocturnal streets. The crossroads where he dragged his tired feet nightly. He never imagined he would be seeing it again.

Yet he laughed, even if it was only a dream.

And then, it transpired.


A grating noise jolted the nighttime intersection. The traffic light suspended over the crossroads swayed. The taxi disregarding the signals was flung aside. The intoxicated pedestrians toppled over, and fissures appeared on the zebra crossing. The morning sun seemed to rise from the cracks in the tarmac.

Emerging from that radiance, a figure approached him. A well-known silhouette. A silhouette he yearned for.


His high school-era mother was drawing near. The mother who used to rouse him with her voice inviting him to breakfast, she smiled at him warmly. And then she said,



Lee Han, or rather, Raciel, jolted awake from his dream, his eyes darting around, his hands flailing. Due to that, he ended up confronting it.


Why was there an enormous buffalo, no, a bull, right in front of him? Its shiny black nose, matched by even brighter eyes, stared at him and offered an inexplicable grin.



It started to clean its own nose with its long tongue!

Ew, disgusting!

Was he still dreaming? It wouldnt dare lick him with that tongue, would it? A startled Raciel instinctively backed off.



Something came into contact with the hand he had propped behind him. It was an object that was cool, soft, and squashy. He automatically turned his head to look behind him. The item his hand had just touched was


He observed a crushed mass of seaweed. As if it had been flattened by some industrial machinery or a press. Yet, there wasnt just one clump of seaweed.

What on earth is this?

Raciels gaze darted around in an attempt to assess his situation. His eyes scanned the stone flooring, the dark, moist cave around him, and he could faintly discern the sounds of the sea.

Am I in a coastal cave?

That was his first thought.

Moo? Moo?

The bull, having concluded its grooming session, began to move. It reached for a lump of seaweed that was cast aside, rolling it up and squeezing it tightly. Juice seeped out, which the bull began to consume before turning its gaze towards Raciel.


Its expression seemed to question, Do you comprehend? It appeared to be trying to explain something. Its elucidation(?) wasnt done.

Moo, Moo!

This time, the bull joined its hands, shaping them like a vessel, and raised them upwards. It mimicked catching rainwater and drinking from the formed hand-bowl.

Is it saying it gathered rainwater for my consumption? And pressed out juice from the seaweed to feed me?

Raciel began to faintly comprehend what the bull was attempting to convey. Simultaneously, he recognized anew the identity of the creature in front of him.

But this creature, no, Minotaur this thing.

Its Uruus.


The remnants of his sleepiness were abruptly washed away. Forgotten memories surged back into his mind.

I am.

Yes, he remembered.

The turbulence of the night, the disintegrating government building, Uruus boarding the ship, struggling for survival, the red sunflower seeds, the monumental transformation, until he finally lost consciousness.

where is this?

This certainly wasnt the ship. There were no signs of Demian and the others. Phantom Beasts Kozumi and Poboki werent clutched in his arms either. The only occupants of this seaside cave were him and Uruus.

What happened while I was unconscious?

He posed the question, not expecting a genuine answer. However, against all odds, Uruus responded immediately.

Moowoo! Moowoo!

Uruus rose to its full height, striking an imposing pose.

Moowoo? Pufff! Moowoo!

The creature joined his palms, and then mimicked a sinking motion. It took a moment for him to understand. Then it dawned on him.

The ship? It sank?


Nod nod!

Uruus bobbed its giant head affirmatively and continued the miming.

Mo! Pufff!

The creature pointed towards Raciel and snorted. It simulated the act of lifting him up, carrying him, jumping into something, and swimming. This signified

You swam with me? All the way to this place?

Moowoo! Pufff!

Uruus nostrils expelled air continuously. It breathed out in high spirits. It was then that Raciel understood the situation.

He rescued me from the sinking ship and brought me here.

Memories of the moments before he passed out flashed in his mind. His attempt at an acupuncture treatment to soothe the creature. The sudden cessation of the creatures chest pain at the perfect moment, and it gratefully looking at him.

He probably believes I cured him. So, does he consider me as his savior?

It seemed plausible.

He swam across the ocean carrying Raciel, cared for him while he was unconscious. It appeared as though these actions were driven by his misconstrued belief (?) of Raciel as a benefactor.

Hehe. Hehehe.

Understanding the full context, a hollow laugh escaped from him. The irony was unmistakable.

Ive become the savior of a Minotaur.

Indeed, it was a one-sided misunderstanding. However, he had no plans to clear up the confusion. On the contrary, he was considering ways to reinforce the misunderstanding.

Absolutely. This is an opportunity!

Such a misunderstanding was more than welcome. He needed to make sure this belief became deeply rooted and continued to persist.

Then, the Minotaur that I coveted even at the auction will accompany me voluntarily!

A mischievous grin stretched across Raciels face. Free things were always appreciated. Be it free ramen, free cookies, or even promotional giveaways. There was never a downside to receiving something for free.

Especially, a Minotaur, an entity that was so sought after that even reservations ended up in a sold-out scenario. Acquiring it free of cost? The situation couldnt get any better.

Resisting the urge to break into a joyful dance, Raciel cleared his throat. Then, he looked into Uruus large, black eyes, which reflected the echoes of battle cries, and stated,

Firstly, my gratitude to you.


Uruus breathing grew even more robust. With his palm acting as a shield against Uruus snorting nose, he continued,

You came to my aid and took care of me without being asked. I genuinely appreciate it. In return, I wish to assist you as well.


Your chest.

Tap tap.

He pointed at the creatures heart area.

It was causing you significant pain, wasnt it? During my unconscious period, did it cause any more discomfort?

Mooo-woo? Mooo-woo-woo!

Nod nod.

Uruus shook its head, prompting Raciel to continue.

Thats good to hear. But, theres something you need to be aware of. The pain in your chest isnt completely gone.


Currently, the pain is merely dormant. If left unattended, it could become unbearably painful.


Therefore, I propose a thorough diagnosis, followed by a proper treatment plan. May I take your pulse?


We are friends, arent we?


Upon hearing the word friend from the being who helped him, Uruus expressed his joy through a quivering smile. Concurrently, a shrewd grin danced on Raciels face.

Excellent, if I wish to leverage this creature in the future, its vital to ensure its health. I need to keep him alive. Thats how Ill consistently obtain the finest gallbladder bile juice.

The top-tier bile juice is always procured from a living bovine. Therefore, Uruus mustnt perish. His health should not deteriorate, as it would disrupt the bile juice production. He needs to maintain his health and continue producing bile juice for an extended period.

So, once youre under my care, theres no room for death.

He wouldnt allow unauthorized illnesses. He would take all necessary measures to ensure health, even if imposed. Reminded of his self-serving resolution, Raciel focused his mind.

He activated the Palpation skill and set the mana circle in motion.


[Palpation Skill Exclusive Option : Meridian Scanning is activated.]

[The target of Palpation has been successfully locked-on.]


His view altered. The entire world took on darker hues, except for Uruus colossal body, which was highlighted with bright, fluorescent green outlines.

Simultaneously, Uruus internal body structure was revealed. The movement of meridians within him, their flow pattern, the smooth flow areas, and the chaotic ones were all vividly visible.

Raciels attention was particularly on the condition of Uruus heart and the surrounding coronary arteries.

Fortunately the advancement of angina isnt severe.

The energy flow in the coronary arteries was slow, likely due to the formation of blood clots. However, it wasnt a critical stage.

We could commence treatment once we return to Cremo. Now, how about the gallbladder?

Raciel shifted his gaze to Uruus right flank, inspecting the gallbladders location. His eyes widened in surprise shortly after.

Its present.


You. Did you notice any swelling in this flank region whenever you chewed for the past couple of years?

Mooo, Mooo-woo-woo? Moo-woo!

Nod nod!

Uruus nodded enthusiastically, unable to conceal his astonishment. The discomfort he had been silently enduring, believing it to be a males duty to cope with such minor inconveniences, was identified in an instant by his benefactor. This revelation heightened his admiration for Raciel, who continued to explain.

Theres something lodged in there. If we remove it, the discomfort will cease.



Uruus questioned, to which Raciel responded with a cheeky smile.

Ill extract it for you right now.


Now? Here? The thought was somewhat daunting. He wasnt planning on conducting surgery, was he?

Raciels smirk broadened, as if he could sense Uruus trepidation.

You wont experience any pain. Nor will it be fatal. Just follow my instructions.


Now, raise two fingers.

Moo wooo!

Press firmly here.

Moo wooo wooo!

Apply more pressure.


Well done. Now, over here.



Uruus, obediently following Raciels instructions, applied pressure to various parts of his body. He was oblivious to the fact that he was hitting crucial acupressure points.

The points included the Yuanxi Acupoint between the fourth intercostal spaces above the mid-axillary line, the Riyue acupoint between the seventh ribs in the chest region, the Wuchu acupoint located 3 cun below the navel, inside the anterior superior spine, and the Zhongdu acupoint on the outer side of the thigh, behind the iliotibial band. Unbeknownst to him, he was pressing on the main points of the shaoyang gallbladder meridian.

The acupressure, with its immense force, significantly influenced the Qi flow. This, in turn, led to alterations that Raciel could clearly detect through the Meridian scanning option.

Good. The next point is here.

He gestured towards Uruuss forehead. The Yangbai acupoint, a point that ascends from the middle of the eyebrows to the forehead.


As Uruus pressed down hard on the Yangbai points on both sides of his forehead, he suddenly began hiccupping.

.Mooo? Hicc? Hicc!

His eyes widened in surprise, but Raciel merely smiled contentedly, sensing their near success. He motivated Uruus, exuding assurance.

Now, just one more spot remains. Here!

He pointed at Uruuss solar plexus.

And clenched his fist.

Ball your hand into a fist and hit as hard as you can. Do it now!

..Mooo? Hic! Mooo!

Uruus paused briefly but had chosen to trust Raciel. Prepared(?) for what was to come, he formed a mace-sized fist and landed a powerful blow on his solar plexus.


At that moment,


A wave of nausea swept over him. Something sizable seemed to be propelling itself upwards, akin to a forceful salmon swimming upstream, coursing its way up through his stomach and esophagus.

And then..



He retched. A pyramid-shaped, greenish tetrahedron was expelled, and just as it was about to hit the ground, Raciel reached out.


He caught the chunk mid-air, his face spreading into a wide grin.


The mass that Uruus had just disgorged was a sight for sore eyes.

Incredible. Amazing.

Of the utmost quality, without a doubt. It was the moment when the special S+ grade Minotaur gallbladder was secured.

(To be Continued)

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