Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

There are events in the world that are better left undone. Sometimes, not all progress proves to be advantageous.

Destruction in the name of creation, annihilation to facilitate birthits all equivalent. Often, people label it as an inevitable sacrifice.

Its also seen as a crucial foundation for the forthcoming creation and rebirth. But would those who are truly subjected to destruction and annihilation share the same perspective?


Deep within, Raciel vehemently shook his head. He then recollected the narrative from the novel Devil Sword Emperor.

It was a tale of obliteration and genesis. An epic anthem recounting the worlds destruction and subsequent rebirth.

Demian stood at its epicenter.

The empire crumbled.

All semblance of order disintegrated.

In the midst of the ruins, he flourished. As he grew, he once again disrupted the world, ushering in a new beginning.

This had been his destiny from birth, and he had followed it faithfully. Only in the end did he defy that path, conquering it after enduring countless trials.

Thats why.

Demian. If I leave you here to face an endless crisis

In that crisis, he will eventually discover his true nature. At the very least, he will take the first step. If such a thing truly occurs in this world

Everyone will be in danger? What do you mean?

Princess Adelines voice interrupted his thoughts, bringing Raciel back to reality.

Adeline stood before him, with numerous warhorses charging fiercely behind her.

They were the Royal Guard.

The elite guard of the rebels.

Both elite cavalry units from opposing sides clashed violently to obliterate each other. They collided, tangled, and chaos reigned as spears crossed, shields shattered, blood spilled, and shouts and screams echoed.

Get on now!

Adeline extended her hand to him. Pulled by her forceful grip, he mounted the horse. Seated in front of the saddle, she yelled.

My arm isnt very strong! Hold on tight! Lets go!

In response to her command, the horse neighed loudly. Could it be that Adeline intended to leave the battlefield with him?

It seemed likely.

He snapped back to his senses.


He grasped her shoulder.

We cant continue like this. Seriously. If we leave Demian here it will spell doom for everyone.

What are you talking about?

Adeline looked back at him, her eyes filled with confusion. He understood. She wouldnt comprehend. It was difficult to discern what he meant.

But he couldnt explain. He mustnt. Merely speaking the truth could reveal celestial secrets. If he did, the entity that had left Demian in this world might interfere.

Thats why Ive been using various excuses to bring him out of the underground arena and keep him by my side.

He couldnt confide in anyone.

Not even Demian.

So, he simply kept him close.

To shield him from the hardships and challenges he would encounter, similar to the Devil Sword Emperor novel. To ensure he didnt face such formidable crises. He only wanted him to savor a mundane, peaceful daily existence.

He believed that would suffice.

Without challenges, there is no growth. He intentionally ensnared Demian in a tranquil daily life. Restrained him. Confined him.

Like a flower in a greenhouse.

Like a bird in a cage.

He thought it could be achieved if Demian remained by the crown princes side, within the serene palace.

Occasionally, he might encounter minor incidents, but with him at his side, he wouldnt confront the same desperate pain and challenges as in the original novel.

Thats why he yearned to provide him with a calm and stable life. He sought to hinder his growth.

Without destruction for creation or annihilation for birth, he merely wished for the world to move forward peacefully.

Because then, he could live too.

His life would also be stable.

Thats why even in Cremo, when he saved me and was left alone with Uruus, I went back to rescue him, disregarding everyones objections when he was in trouble.

However, today, he didnt anticipate him facing such a dire situation.

He didnt expect him to confront an overwhelmingly powerful opponent one-on-one.

Raciel clenched his teeth.

He was resolute. It appeared that he might have to do something daring once again, just like he had in Cremo. Of course, he was afraid, even terrified.

But compared to what might happen if Demian realized his true nature, enduring a brief moment of fear and acting recklessly seemed like the better option.

Princess, listen carefully to what Im about to say.

Amidst the intense battle between the Royal Guard and the rebels elite guard surrounding them, Raciel locked eyes with Adeline. He spoke with emphasis, each word and syllable carrying weight.

If we want to save everyone here, you are essential. You must follow my instructions for everyones survival.


Can you do it?

Raciels intense gaze caused Adeline to unconsciously hold her breath. She had never seen such determination in his eyes before, which might have been the reason.

She nodded slightly without thinking. It was only afterward that she realized the gravity of her agreement.

Am I crazy?

She could simply leave the battlefield with the crown prince. Considering that everyone was engaged in combat, now was the perfect opportunity.

But why was she complying with this absurd and peculiar request from the crown prince?

She couldnt comprehend herself. She even wanted to change her mind at this moment. However, the crown prince didnt give her a chance.

Alright, thank you. Now listen carefully. What you need to do is

Raciel explained rapidly.

As she listened to the explanation, gripping the reins, Adeline slowly but clearly understood Raciels intentions, filling her with astonishment.

It was astonishing yet awe-inspiring.


A sword sparkled. The swordsman moved as gracefully as a snake.

With a sharp and icy determination, it cleaved through the air, targeting vulnerabilities relentlessly.


Another blade swung. The swordsman responded explosively, akin to a beast.

Dominating the space with an intense determination, it tore through everything, blatantly disregarding all conventions.


The two forces collided.

The snake-like swordplay pushed back the beastly sword, sinking its fangs into weaknesses and tearing at wounds.

In that moment, a serpent-like smile crept onto Javillons face. He thought, Its astonishing and awe-inspiring that such a person exists.

His eyes, filled with curiosity, remained fixed on his opponent. Demian was there.

Revealing his contorted countenance, he unleashed his beastly swordsmanship. He was on the brink of defeat but still held on.

It was incredibly thrilling to witness.

Judging by his skill level he appears to be at the intermediate level of a Sword Expert.

It was indeed true.

The man with long, black hair in front of him was rather peculiar. At best, he seemed to possess a fair amount of minor combat experience, and his skills didnt appear to be highly advanced.

His movements, his swordsmanship, and even his mana control all pointed to this fact.

When he initially blocked Javillons sword, Javillon thought it was merely a stroke of luck.

It had been a casual swing meant to slightly injure the Saint military officer. He hadnt exerted much force into it.

Therefore, he assumed that this individual had managed to block his sword by pure chance.

He had already accomplished something nearly miraculous, but miracles could occur at any time. So, he dismissed it as such.

However, as their swordplay continued, he realized that luck wasnt the sole factor at play.


Javillons sword thrust forward like lightning. Five afterimages weaved together, targeting Demians forehead, neck, shoulders, vital points, and lower abdomen all at once.

A typical intermediate-level Sword Expert wouldnt have the ability to dodge or deflect such an attack.

The difference in skill was evident. It was like comparing a tiger to a child.

Yet, the outcome was unexpected.


Demian didnt evade or block the sword. Instead, he surged forward, absorbing all the afterimages with his body.

It appeared as if he had anticipated the afterimages from the very beginning. Furthermore, he managed to deflect the actual sword strike with his shoulder.


A scratch marked Demians shoulder, drawing blood. However, Demian pressed on.

Gritting his teeth, he advanced even more aggressively, his eyes gleaming. He swung his sword toward Javillons waist.



A triumphant smile graced Javillons face. He hadnt anticipated this response. It was a surprise that only heightened his interest.

He narrowly avoids my attack each time, almost getting hit but deflecting it at the last moment? Is this even possible?

He couldnt comprehend it.

It felt like his grasp of reality was crumbling.

The idea that a mere Sword Expert could repeatedly thwart a Sword Master like himself and even launch counterattacks seemed like a joke.

But it was also all the more stimulating.

He possesses an exceptional innate ability to respond to crises.

Occasionally, individuals like this appear. True-born geniuses. Natures anomalies. Buds that promise future growth. And if left unchecked they would continue to grow indefinitely.

Such individuals must be suppressed.

Remarkable talents are dangerous. If they grow too much, they become threats. They should be crushed while still in their infancy, while theres a chance.

Destruction loomed large in Javillons eyes, alongside his interest. After all, his target today was the Saint military Officer.

He needed to capture the man who had dared to deceive him and escape. He needed to bind him for life.

So, you should meet your end here.

His playtime with this intriguing adversary had to conclude.

Suddenly, Javillons eyes turned cold.

Strength surged into the grip of his sword-wielding hand.

At that very moment.


His sword emitted a chilling radiance.

The unique skill of a Sword Master. Only those who achieved an endless mana loop could unleash this ultimate destructive technique. The final flash.

It was an aura.

A supreme maneuver.

There was no indication of what was to come.

There wasnt even a hint of a preparatory motion.

Javillons sword trembled ever so slightly. At the same time, the radiant aura before him traced a path of destruction, cutting through space and matter.

Demians advancing sword was enveloped by this aura.


The moment his sword was completely severed, Demians eyes widened in horror. Alarms of danger blared in his heart, urging him to tilt his body to the side.


The auras tip grazed his right cheek and shoulder, sending five strands of his hair drifting into the void.

Chills coursed down his spine, but the true crisis came next.

The fun ends here.


An emotionless voice echoed right in front of him. For a split second, Demian saw Javillon, his sword infused with aura raised, aiming the tip directly at his heart.

And himself?

He hadnt even regained his balance yet. There was no way to evade or block the attack. A distant sense of despair overwhelmed his mind.

Is this the end? Is it truly over? A rising sense of desolation made time seem sluggish. No, it created the illusion of sluggishness.

I never thought Id meet my end like this.

A bitter smile escaped his lips.

He hadnt anticipated this.

He believed his life held more significance. There were so many things he wanted to do in the future. The idea of dying in such a place felt utterly hollow.


The sword thrust forward. In a mere moment, it would pierce his heart. That realization flashed in his mind.


As if in rebellion.

As if resisting.

His heart pounded forcefully.

Was it defiantly lashing out in the face of certain death?

Thats what he thought, but something felt different. It wasnt just a feeling; it was more like a profound conviction.

What is this?

Time, perceived as the flickering of lifes lantern, flowed slowly. Amidst this, Demian squinted, puzzled. It was truly peculiar.

A sword strike that he couldnt possibly dodge was heading for his heart. The remaining distance was mere inches. Not even enough time for a single breath remained.

Yet, he wasnt afraid. He wasnt anxious. He didnt believe he was going to die. This realization came after his heart began to beat tumultuously.

It felt as though an unknown entity within him had awakened. Not a delusion. It was real.

Thump! Boom!

His heart beat even louder. The dormant self-awareness within him began to stir. It laughed. At him. At the world. At the approaching sword. As if mocking.

I am

Demians eyes involuntarily widened. Before he knew it, the whites of his eyes had turned entirely black.

In contrast, his irises had become stark white. An unintentional self-awareness attempted to erode his will. No, it tried to.

If, at that very moment, an unexpected shout hadnt erupted, if a massive shadow hadnt descended upon Javillon, Demian might have had to surrender his entire will to the newly awakened entity.



A shout that pierced eardrums.

Upon hearing it, Demian flinched, and his eyes returned to normal. Simultaneously, Javillon jerked and quickly glanced upward.

Soon, Javillon identified the source.


A deceased warhorse was hurtling toward him.

No, it was flailing its four legs as it was thrown at him.

It was as if someone with immense strength had hurled a stone or as if a projectile had been launched from a catapult, hurtling towards him as though it intended to flatten everything in its path.

What is this?

Javillon was taken aback. It was vexing. Should he just ignore it? He pondered for a moment and swiftly reached a conclusion.

I dont want to get flattened by something like that.

Even if the flying horse crushed him, he wouldnt be severely injured. After all, he was a Sword Master. But he would undoubtedly be jolted in the process.

This would likely worsen his already bothersome headache. That wasnt appealing.

After dealing with that horse, immediately


Javillon halted the thrust aimed at Demian. He retracted it. Utilizing the momentum, he swung upwards.

The aura-infused flash grazed the midsection of the incoming horse.


The airborne warhorses carcass was severed at its waist. Yet Javillon paid it no heed.

Brushing aside the splattering blood with his swords wind, he redirected his sword downwards, once again targeting Demian.

But at that precise moment.

During the brief lapse in Javillons attention, an unexpected figure emerged from behind the divided horses carcass.


The man who had waited for this precise moment and taken a daring gamble was Raciel.

With the momentum of the flying horse, Raciel lunged at Javillon.

He reached out. With all his might. Channeling every ounce of his energy. Targeting the momentarily exposed back of Javillons head.


He slapped.


Raciels plump palm struck Javillons nape. Javillon flinched. Raciel exclaimed.

My hand is a healing hand! Eheheeya!

At that instant.

Ding dong!

[<My Hand is a Healing Hand (Lv.3)> skill has been activated.]

[Patient: Javillons headache has been relieved.]

A refreshing message appeared before Raciels eyes. Simultaneously, Javillons expression changed.


An unexpected lapse, a feeble attempt lacking even a hint of menace, an ambush that had gone unnoticed, and the resulting slap on the back of his head.

Yet it didnt hurt. On the contrary, the persistent headache that always seemed to irritate him swiftly vanished.

It was refreshing. Energizing. Liberating. A familiar sensation. It was the touch of the Saint military Officer.

Yes, this is the feeling.

The moment Javillon unconsciously smiled,


Suddenly, the aura from his sword vanished completely.

(To be Continued)

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