Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Is this truly a matter of survival? If today unfolds favorably

Raciel might even harvest honey from that Queen Vesparos.

This isnt an empty claim.

Its genuine.

Raciel glimpsed an unusual opportunity.

Lets proceed.

The instant he reached this determination, he fixated his gaze upon the Queen Vesparos.


[The Meridian Scanning Option has identified the Lock-on target.]

[Lock-on to the target has been successfully achieved.]


His perspective shifted.

The forest, once engulfed in flames, darkened slightly. Instead, a vivid neon outline cast a glow over the Queen Vespaross roaring form.

Everything became evident. The Queen Vespaross folded wings. The flow of its internal energy. Every detail was visible.

The arrangement of meridians along the Vesparos body. The direction of the primary energy flow. How all these flows harmoniously intertwined to maintain bodily circulation and equilibrium.

I can perceive it all.

With clarity.

Without ambiguity.

As if utilizing a high-tech navigation system. Similar to monitoring congested roads or calculating college prospects based on mock test scores.

He could discern all the movements and energy patterns of the Queen Vesparos.


While it was understood that living beings had energy flows, he had never seriously considered that insects possessed similar systems.

Its present. Therefore, I can act upon it.

Raciel flexed his arm muscles and shouted while maintaining a steady stance on Demians back.

I have a brilliant idea!


Demian, carrying him, visibly tensed. Perhaps he, too, was nervous due to the sudden presence of the Queen Vesparos. His reaction seemed to confirm this.

What do you mean?

His voice had hardened. Well, that was reasonable. A Queen Vesparos the size of an elephant was roaring with her massive wings extended, emanating an overwhelming aura.

Compared to the Uruus he had encountered at Cremo Harbor before, this Queen Vesparos was far more menacing.

Its probably because shes the queen.

He could sense the innate, lifetime-accumulated presence of a ruler. Directly gazing at her felt oppressive.

Raciel, holding his ground despite his trembling legs, spoke quickly.

From this point onward, do exactly as I instruct. If I say walk, walk. If I say run, run. Defend where I specify, attack in the directions I indicate. Follow my instructions to the letter.

What are you talking about?

If you want to survive, heed my guidance. I will anticipate its movements for you.

You can predict that creatures movements?


But how could you

Before Demian could finish his question,

Get down!

Raciel, riding on his back, yelled.

At that very moment,


The Queen Vesparos let out a deafening roar.

Her massive wings flapped once. The air ruptured, pushed away, creating an immense recoil. The colossal body lunged forward. No, it sprang.


An abrupt charge with no prior warning!


Demians eyes widened in terror.

By that point, the Queen Vespaross pincers were already wide open. It descended at an astonishing speed, too rapid to react to.

If it werent for Raciels earlier warning, he wouldnt have had a chance to react.


Instinctively, Demian fell to his knees. A horrifying sound erupted just inches above his head.


The pincers, resembling a guillotine, closed just half a foot above him. Sparks flew. Had he been even slightly slower? His body or neck would have been cleanly severed.

But there was no time to let the rising goosebumps sink in.

Stay down and take five steps forward!


Raciel yelled.

Demian glanced up.

Beneath the Queen Vespaross head.

A gap existed between her head and the ground.

He acted immediately.


Staying crouched, he rapidly advanced five steps. Right after, the Queen Vespaross jaws, which had slashed at empty air, descended.


The ground collapsed.

What if he had moved not just forward but sideways or backward? What if he hadnt followed the Crown Princes instructions?

Even if I had luckily dodged that downward strike all my options for the next evasive move would have been blocked.

He sensed it instinctively.

At that very moment, the Crown Princes voice echoed again.

Forward roll! 2 oclock direction! Between its front left leg and middle leg!


He rolled immediately. Simultaneously, the Queen Vespaross legs shifted. Its entire body rotated slightly clockwise.


With each step of its log-thick legs, the ground crumbled. He narrowly rolled through in the nick of time.

Leap forward!

The Crown Princes command pierced his ears. He pushed off the ground without hesitation.


Just after he took off.

The Queen Vespaross leg struck precisely where he had just leaped from. At that moment, the Crown Princes voice sounded again.

Twist your body clockwise and perform a horizontal slash at waist level!


Strength surged in Demians waist and core. He twisted his body in mid-air, positioning his sword horizontally for a wide slash.

Am I supposed to slash at thin air?

A preemptive slash?

He wasnt sure.

But he did it anyway.

Because the Crown Princes instructions were right on target. He didnt slash at empty air. Instead, one of the Queen Vespaross antennae was hurtling toward him at a menacing speed.


It wasnt just an antenna; it was thicker than a club. The tip resembled a morning star. The impact was the same.



His shoulder joint nearly dislocated. Just barely preventing his sword from shattering, his body was forcefully pushed back in mid-air.

Stable landing!


He was thrown more than 10 meters, leaving two long furrows on the ground. The Crown Prince, who was riding on his back, panted and spoke.

Well done. Perfect score, 10 points!

Lets continue like this, alright?

Why? Are you injured?

No. But what in the world is happening?

Demian swiftly adjusted his stance and inquired, Can you truly anticipate that creatures movements?

Yeah, like I mentioned, I can see them. So, just follow my instructions.

But how in the world

I can just see it, alright? Move forward! Five steps!


Forward, not backward?

He hesitated for a moment.

But he complied with the command regardless.


The moment he pushed off the ground, Queen Vesparos also charged. Its massive body rushed toward him in an instant.

Raise your sword! Slash its left upper jaw while turning clockwise on your left foot!

Clang! Zing!

He slashed. He twisted his body. The queens upper jaw barely grazed past him.

It was the beginning.

Raciel shouted breathlessly.

Jump in place and strike downward! Use the recoil for a somersault! Roll to your right upon landing! Stick your tongue out as you get up! Delay a beat and stab upward at an angle!


His sword tip pierced the queens second joint on its right hind leg. For the first time, the queen flinched. Its surprise turned into a roar of anger.


But Raciels instructions never ceased. His movements flowed like water. It was a life-or-death game of cat and mouse.

Draw your sword and step back! Roll twice to your left! After rolling  Two steps to the right! Leap upwards and slash! As you land, strike down on the base of its left wing!


This time, his sword embedded into the queens back. Of course, it didnt penetrate deeply. To fully breach Queen Vesparos tough and thick chitinous exoskeleton was a challenge.

But Raciel didnt falter.

Draw your sword! Two tap-dance steps in place! Step on the incoming wing from the right! Leap! Fly! Maintain balance!


Shaking off the bothersome queen Vesparos that was flying toward him, Demian stepped on its wings. The recoil launched him into the air.

Behind you! Land on the tree!


Fortunately, there was a large tree in the direction he was flying. He landed gently on a thick branch. Wiping off the sweat on his face, Demian scowled.

So you can truly anticipate that things movements.

After experiencing it, there was no doubt. The Crown Princes consecutive commands were all spot-on. It would have been impossible without predicting the opponents movements.

But how?

Numerous questions filled his mind, but now was not the time to seek answers.

However, if we continue like this, were going to encounter issues.

Issues? What kind of issues?

My sword cant penetrate its shell, Demian quickly replied.

You must have noticed. While following your orders, I managed to strike a few times. I pierced its leg joints and back. But it seems

It doesnt seem to have any effect?


That was the truth.

As he thrust his sword, he could feel it. The blade couldnt fully breach the shell. Only the sharp tip barely pierced the soft flesh by a few centimeters.

If it were a human opponent, even with such shallow injuries, they would accumulate. But that creature is enormous. A few centimeters of wound depth wont be sufficient to cause any real harm, even if we stabbed it hundreds of times.

That was also accurate. It was disheartening. However, the Crown Prince appeared to have a different plan.

Real harm? Its already underway.

Excuse me?

Just keep following my instructions. Here it comes.


Jump to the top of the tree!



He clung to the tree branch.

Immediately after, Queen Vesparos flew in, colliding with the tree trunk using its body. The tree toppled, and debris scattered over the queens back.

Blend in with the debris and land on its back! Aim for the middle of the third stripe!


A few more centimeters.

The swords tip plunged into the upper part of the queens abdomen.

Withdraw while rolling to your left! Land on its side!


Get up and thrust upwards! Target the middle of the fifth stripe!


Roll to the right! Go! Get up, turn around, and sprint away! Run!

Huff! Heave!

Turn your body!


Stay still!


I said, stay still!

The Crown Prince let out a cry. He remained motionless, as he had been instructed. The enraged Queen Vesparos scanned her surroundings. Then her gaze met his.


However, she didnt immediately charge at them. It appeared she was cautious. A target that consistently evaded every attack. A challenging prey. Was that how she saw them?

It seemed so.

However, the Queens cautious vigilance didnt last long, thanks to Raciel.

Enchanting pigtails!


Raciels hand moved.

While riding on Demian, he grabbed Demians hair and fashioned pigtails with both hands. He shook them extravagantly. Thanks to that, even Queen Vesparos seemed momentarily disoriented.


A deep ancestral instinct etched into their genes to confront their greatest adversary, the bear, which would raid their beehives. An inborn aggression and hostility towards black fur that all bees possessed. That instinct awakened Queen Vesperas fury.


The Queen discarded her caution and charged forward. Raciel shouted.

Run with your pigtails flying!



Demian ran. He sprinted as if pursued, evading the oncoming Queen. The sound of the Queens enraged flapping wings drew nearer rapidly.

However, Raciel didnt undo Demians pigtails. He shook them even more vigorously. The Queens charge grew increasingly intense. Or rather, it became blind. She leapt toward them.


Launching from the ground.

Extending her wings wide.

She hurled herself at Raciel and Demian with her entire body. She aimed her massive mandibles at the two humans.

But right then.

Throw the sword!

Raciel shouted.

A half-foot below the left overlapping eye!

In response to the command, Demian swiftly turned. The sword he threw sliced through the air. The swords tip pierced below the Queens left overlapping eye.


Of course, it didnt penetrate deeply. It barely lodged into her thick shell. The blade sunk about 3 centimeters into her flesh. It didnt inflict any significant damage.

The Queen roared, as if she found it amusing. No, she attempted to roar. But for some reason, the roar didnt emerge. Even more suddenly, strength started to drain from her entire body!


In the moment the Queens wide-open mandibles trembled in bewilderment, a sly smile spread across Raciels lips.


It was the smile of an Eastern doctor who had experimentally confirmed the effects of targeting a vital point for the first time.

(To be Continued)

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