Crimson Instinct

Chapter 245: The perfect end for Zhang Ning

Chapter 245: The perfect end for Zhang Ning


*Xin Lei*

In Bai Li's ward, we laughed and talked, and then we heard some rapid footsteps. The door opened.

"Xin Lei!"

I turned and smiled. "Liao Huifang!"

Behind her, Luo Zhiqiang slowly stepped in and nodded at me.

Liao Huifang slowly covered her mouth with her hands and seemed in disbelief. "'s true. You really can talk now...OMG!!!"


"When Zhiqiang first mentioned it to me, I was so shocked that I couldn't believe him at all. So, we had to come here! Xin Lei. I am so happy for you. Really really happy"



"Oh, Cocoa!" She bent down and hugged him. "Aww, I missed you so much! It feels like forever that I have seen you."

"Arf!" He excitedly circled her and wagged his tail.

"Ahahaha! It tickles. Stop~~"

Bai Li asked, "I see, so you missed Xin Lei and Cocoa. What about me?"

Liao Huifang grinned. "Of course, I missed you."

"Heh. Liar. If you lie anymore, then the small pimple on your right cheek will definitely grow big like a monster."

Liao Huifang immediately touched her cheek. "I-I don't have any pimples, okay! Don't spout nonsense."

I chuckled. "Bai Li. I should warn you. You are treading into dangerous territory."

He raised his brow at me and then shrugged. "I have done just that in the fourteen years in the army. But I guess you got the point. Women are more dangerous than even an S-rank mission."

Liao Huifang was checking her face in the mirror when she suddenly seemed to freeze. "Wait a minute. How do you know that I have a pimple on my cheek?"

Bai Li and I glanced at Luo Zhiqiang, and he shrugged. "She could hardly believe that Xin Lei's voice was back. She would have collapsed on knowing about Bai Li."

"Hey, hey, what are you all talking about? What are you keeping from me!"

Bai Li looked at her and said, "Your straight hair looks a little rough around the ends, meaning that you worked quite hard with Luo Zhiqiang in the field. There are small bags under your eyes. Your peach-colored dress that extends till your knees has gotten a little wrinkled and dirty. That red tulip design on your dress is almost covered with mud. And I must say, you are a little stupid, but you look cute and pretty."

Liao Huifang gasped sharply. " can you say that? Am I missing something? It's as if you can-"

"See. Right? Ding ding! You got the right answer."

I giggled. "It's not just me who got my voice back. But Bai Li got his sight back too. The blast kind of worked in his favor."


She glared at Luo Zhiqiang, and he could only sigh. "Well, you were clearly overwhelmed by Xin Lei's news, so I waited until you get to know it naturally."

"You you you...don't talk to me! How could you hide such a huge thing from me!? Idiot!"

Liao Huifang lunged on his bed and seemed to look at him curiously. "So, so! You can really see? How many fingers are these?"

She put up three fingers, and I rolled my eyes.

Bai Li smiled. "See, that's why I said that you are a little stupid. Didn't I just describe you a few minutes ago? What are you testing with your fingers? My sight or my counting ability?"

"Shut up! I am not stupid! You are the stupid one!"

"Whatever. It's three."

"Omg...Bai Li can see you can see everything now? All colors, all objects, all people walking around? No trouble at all in your eyes? Is it painful?" She seemed and sounded a bit worried.

This time, he gently smiled and patted her head. "I am fine. There is slight discomfort but no pain. Long Hu said that I would fully recover in no time. So, ease up those tensed up brows, little sis."

"Oh... that's really awesome" she nodded.

She suddenly rubbed her eyes, and I saw that she was crying.

"No, no. It's nothing! I am not crying."

I wiped her tears and hugged her. "It's okay. Last night was indeed overwhelming. Even I can hardly believe that it's finally over."

She trembled in my arms. "En...I just...I feel so glad for you two. Thank God that you are safe. Like really...I-I didn't want to lose youI already think of you as my family now. And thank you again for giving my sis justice. You killed every one of them who tortured my sister," she sniffled, "I cannot thank you enough. At least, she can rest in peace now."

We said nothing and quietly nodded.

"Grrr" Cocoa sat beside her and gently nudged her leg.

"Thanks, Cocoa," she ruffled his head.

After a moment of silence, Bai Li asked, looking at Luo Zhiqiang. "So, how are things out there?"

He nodded. "We have recovered all the bodies. They are almost burnt to charcoal, but we got all of them."


"Yup, including Zhang Ning's. The first thing we did after discovering a female body structure was DNA testing. We compared it with Zhang Xiulan. They are a perfect match."

This was itthe end of Zhang Ning and her terror.

I knew she was already dead when Zhang Xiulan slashed her throat. It was impossible to survive that attack.

But hearing the last confirmation from Luo Zhiqiang was all that I needed.

I sighed. "I regret that she died so easily. If not for that bomb ticking, then we could have taken our own sweet time and shown her what torture really felt like."

Bai Li smiled. "Don't sweat it, Xin Lei. She died thinking that she won by blowing the bomb off. But now, her soul must be writhing in pain, knowing that we not only survived, but we got our voice and sight back too - the only thing missing in our lives. Her bomb did more good than evil for us, and she must be cursing herself right now. In her death, she gifted us our senses back. We are alive and alright. All the innocent victims would rest in peace now, but Zhang Ning won't, and she never will. This is the perfect end for her."

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