Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 234 - The Royal Palace (3)

Chapter 234 - The Royal Palace (3)

We leave after locking the door through which we came in.

The Palace is still silent, as it's dinner time, and people must have left to eat in their lodgings. I can't imagine them using one of the big halls as if nothing happened. Maybe, one day they'll forget and return to live like normal. But not that soon.

We walk in the hallways with our hoods down so that we won't be treated like burglars the moment we're spotted. The dark clothes are suspicious, but Alexander has proof of his identity on him.

We get in through a side door, closing it behind our backs.

I walk to the middle of the hall and look around in a daze, tears filling my eyes out of nostalgia. I turn to my husband, to thank him for bringing him here, and I find him as touched as I am.

He's leaned on a pillar with a white face. His eyes are clouded and uneasy, suffering.

The images of the dream return to me all of a sudden, and I remember the despair, the blood, and the silent dying in the room. All the while, my uncle's loud laugh after feeding my brother the antidote. My son...

I start to cry all of a sudden, unable to process all of that in a single moment. From my position, though, I start understanding what truly happened. I can't remember, but I know what Queen Theodora must have thought.

?I'm sorry, Alexander,? I whine, wiping my tears away. ?I'm really sorry for everything...?

He wakes up from his daze and runs to me.

?Thea,? he whispers, surprised. ?What's up??

I hug him tightly, this time to hide my face and dry the tears on his shirt.

?I was so stupid,? I say. ?I caused everyone's death... I should have known. It was suspicious, but I was just happy to have a family. I put aside my real family for someone like that!?

?It's not your fault, Thea,? he whispers, rubbing my back.

I don't know where it comes from, but I need to tell him.

?I won't let anyone hurt us this time,? I exclaim. ?I promise you. I won't be as stupid as before. And I'll find a way to protect us from that man, from Asteria, and their aims.?

?We already are out of danger,? Alexander replies with a little smile. ?I've made so many mistakes, but I brought you far from Asteria's reach.?

?That won't stop them.?

?We'll just fight when the time comes.?

?Together,? I add, just to be sure. I don't want to be left behind, to wait for him to return from war. I want to help.

?Together,? he confirms, maybe not realising what I meant.

Only after whining like an idiot some more, I remember that I'm not the one that should be crying. I haven't lived through all of that. Alexander did.

I calm down and sigh on his chest, still unwilling to move.

Can I blame the hormones for this tantrum? I can't bring myself to look at my husband in the eyes now.

I've cried over nothing. And it's not the first time that I react too harshly to something that didn't happen to me.

Yet, every time it feels better. By a single degree, but still better. I'll be able to think about it without breaking down one day.

When I can move without help, I reach the throne and caress the forearm. I miss the burdens on my shoulders, meeting foreign delegations, and discussing with my officers.

But now my life is different.

?I should be the one comforting you, yet I act like a little girl,? I chuckle when I sense Alexander's presence.

He hasn't made any noise by walking, but my being is able to follow his presence. I always know where he is, or better, how far from me.

?You didn't have to make such a ruckus just to get to me. You could have avoided so many difficulties if you forgot everything,? I note.

He blinks, and then he laughs out loud for a minute or so.

Is this his way of reacting to weird emotions? I cry like a baby while my husband laughs?

?Have you dreamt about our last hour together??

?Not really,? I murmur. ?Just a few scenes. It was bloody, wasn't it??

?You were spared the worst part of that memory,? he sighs. ?But one of the things you said before dying was to find a woman and live happy, far from Polis.?

?Oh, for real??

?Yes, you told me to forget you if it's easier.?

?I'm too greedy to say that.? I shrug as if his words aren't clutching my heart.

So, Queen Theodora already forgave him. There's no need to drag it longer.

?But you fulfilled part of her request. You have a family and live far from Polis. Almost safe, at that.?

?That's true,? he nods. ?Does it mean you'll forgive...?

?Don't start already!?

?All right,? he whispers, moving his eyes down.

?It can't be that easy.? I cross my arms, challenging him with my gaze. ?You need to work harder.?

?You're taking advantage of it,? he complains.

?You took advantage of me.?


He drops his shoulders and turns his head to the side.

?Let's go, now. I don't like being here...? Even though my weird moment passed. I'm now as comfortable as always here.

But Alexander isn't. His movements have been nervous from the moment we stepped into the throne hall.

I hold his hand while walking through the garden. We use the servants' doors to leave unbothered.

?What are we going to eat for dinner?? I inquire, looking at the streets that are lighted by lanterns in front of big shops.

?I don't know. Let's see if the knights managed to find a room for us,? he replies, taking out our original mantles from a bag. We can't change clothes in the middle of the streets, but at least we don't look like thieves anymore.

?I hope they have. Even though there aren't many people in the streets. I guess tourism and commerce haven't returned to the level they were at before the war.?

?It hasn't yet, but it will. Soon, people will come back here.?

?Can we speed up that process??

?Let's think about it in front of some food. I'm starving!?

?We haven't eaten anything for lunch,? I realise. ?We skipped it!?

?We were busy.?

We reach the harbour and wait for the knights to find us.

?My Lord, we found a suitable inn for the night and ordered dinner to be ready at any time.?

?Oh, good,? Alexander says. ?Which way??

?It's not far from the harbour, but the shouting of the fishermen can't be heard.?

As we reach the place and find our room, my feet start to hurt.

I've walked for the whole day, and now I'd just throw myself in bed and sleep for a couple of days.

Alexander changes clothes and washes without showing any hint of fatigue. I'm not even impressed anymore.

Then, he cleans the sponge and throws it on the bed for me.

I clean myself quickly while my husband wears clean clothes, and then he sits on my side. He grabs my ankles and moves my legs on his lap.

He starts massaging my calf, moving his fingers with his usual precision. I moan in pleasure and lean back on the mattress, sinking in the pillow with my eyes closed and a smile on my lips.

When Alexander's hands reach my ankle and heel, I sigh in peace and forget all about this long day.

?Better?? he inquires, maybe looking at me.

?No,? I moan. If I feel better, he will stop. I can't let him realise that his care helped. It's better if he continues some more. Just a minute or so...

?You don't seem convinced in your own words, wife.?

?Just keep trying, husband!?

?As you wish,? he murmurs. A moment later, his lips peck my knee. ?I will keep trying.?

He moves his mouth an inch lower and pecks me again. Then, he kisses the lower part of my thigh.

?We interrupted something on the ship, haven't we?? he reminds me.

?Oh, yes,? I sigh. ?But I'm so tired that I'd like to sleep.?

?And dinner??

?I'm not hungry.?

?Are you sure, wife? It's not like you. Should I worry??

?No, just come here and warm me up,? I sulk.

?Isn't this place warm enough??

?Then do not come here and let me sleep.?

He lies on my side and waits for me to get my hands on him before embracing me. We've slept close to each other for two weeks. Why should we stop now? Just because we have more space?

?I'm hungry, though,? he murmurs after some time. ?Starving.?

I turn to the side and let him get up. He sits at the table and observes the food, glancing at me a couple of times.

?Come here with that food,? I state. ?I'm starting to feel some appetite.?

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