Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 219 - The Merchant (2)

Chapter 219 - The Merchant (2)

It turns out that Ephrah is Alexander's friend. They met during one of his adventures during the wars, way before he was sent to bring Polis down.

They can't keep in touch often because they both have their responsibilities. But, somehow, they trust each other enough to plan together how to deliver a lethal message.

This reminds me of the merchant that refurnished Polis during the war. They're brave people, I have to admit it. Even though they're driven by nothing else but profit. Few know how much it cost to my city to have that food.

If the deal turns out unprofitable, Ephrah will turn his back and leave. If anyone offers more, he will betray us. No matter how friendly his current relationship with Alexander is, he won't stay if it costs him.

?What about the silk?? I inquire, feigning interest. ?Are you planning to sell it in the north too, Ephrah??

He blinks, surprised by the question.

?Oh, I haven't been able to get rid of it earlier, so I'm going to present it to the northern populations. It might become an investment in the far future.?

?Do you think anyone will buy silk there? The weather is already chilly in Kyre. I can't imagine how cold it can become behind the border.?

?I will manage somehow, my Lady. Thank you for your concern,? he mutters with an odd smile.

?I can introduce your products to my friends if I like the quality. If the northerners aren't interested, I'll help you,? I reply and show him a polite smile.

He won't be ensured with a single offer. However, by introducing him to Kyre's noblewomen, I'm promising him a new market.

?I also would like to know whether people in the north like reading,? I say, tilting my head.

Not just messages, by the way. Do barbarians enjoy literature? What about newspapers?

Ethirians talk about them as savages, but I bet there's more to the story.

?It would be a new market, wouldn't it??

Ephrah blinks again, confused.

?May be.?

?For sure, they like to drink.? They have so many interesting beverages. I've never tried it, but the merchants at my Palace told me stories about the whole world. They said barbarians know how to brew alcohol, which made me think their strong beverages were renowned.

Yet, I've never heard of it. Let alone try it!

I can ask Alexander to design a pretty package and start delivering it in the whole Empire! Oh, not having borders and customs is such a great advantage.

?Not to mention all the routes that are now unattended from Polis's fall,? I whisper, lost in thought. ?Have they already been replaced??

?Not yet, my dear,? Alexander replies, his eyes firm on me. He seems to listen even to my breath, let alone words I say to myself.

Ephrah's expression lights up all of a sudden, understanding what I'm referring to.

?And what is it that Polis had control over?? he inquires.

?Information has a price.? I shrug.

I don't just know what routes were disrupted during the war, but also who are the right people to contact to make them reopen.

?What kind of price, my Lady??

?You're already going to the north, aren't you? Can you bring along something for the northern populations??

?It would be my honour to be of help.?

?Once opened enough routes to the north, we can move south,? I grin.

Only after finishing the conversation, I notice that Alexander has been quiet for most of the time. Is it a bad sign?

When we walk out for a stroll, I take the chance to ask him about it.

?What do you think??

?You're just two steps ahead,? he sighs. ?I wasn't considering the chance that Ephrah would betray us. But, indeed, it's a possibility. There's nothing linking him to us, is there? He's a merchant.?

?Your wife knows merchants well? I remind him.

?Is there really a need to take back the border? Do you want Count Grahm to fail that much??

?There are mines in the northern territory. Kyre can't continue its currency production at the same rate if we don't get it back,? I say. ?Also, I need to meet the Duke at once! I want to look in the eyes of the person that is after me.?

Hiding won't solve anything; just lure more threats in.

?We can't just erase the Grahm's from the Empire. They're too powerful.?

?But we can make sure no one decides to help them when it comes to harming us.?

Alexander chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief.

?What's up, now?? I moan, offended. What is so funny in what I've said?

?Nothing,? he says in between a laugh and the other, ?I just feel familiar at those words.?

?From your first life??

?No, Thea, from this one. Yet, it's funny. I spent quite some time remembering about my past life, so I'm surprised every time something happened in this one reveals some utility.?

?You've done well, Alexander. You don't have to think of yourself like that,? I point out. ?You're more than just your past.?

And I'm more than the shadow of Queen Theodora, aren't I?

?There's a reason why people say I'm cruel,? he reveals, curling his lips. ?I've made sudden decisions quite a few times. Sometimes, I made things work. Seldom, they turned out worse.?

?Do you want to tell me about some of those times??

?They all brought me here to walk with you at this moment. I don't hate my decisions. But you wouldn't be proud of me if I told you.?

?I don't need to be proud of you.?

What's with this sudden uncertainty?

He's the mighty Lord of Kyre; he's the crazy Duke that threatens the court with his existence.

He's the man that smiled at my blushing like a wolf in front of a lost sheep. He has always been so sure of the effects of his words and actions, never doubting nor considering that I could back away frightened.

But he's also the kind man that prepared chicken for my first night in the Palace. Not to mention all the rest.

?Are you afraid I would leave you for someone more perfect?? I ask, tilting my head and smiling cunningly. A lock of hair slips on my shoulder and frames my face, followed by Alexander's attentive eyes.

?What if I am? Would you reassure me??

All of a sudden, his eyes are crossed by something that isn't uncertain at all. If anything, it's wily and planning. Almost strategic.

He's considering all the options with attention. He realises that, maybe, playing unsure will gain him more points than pretending to be cold and overbearing.

His lips curl for a moment, showing me his delicious evil expression. It's just a second as he returns in control of his facial muscles.

?Is there anyone that my Duchess admires?? he asks with fake unconcern. ?I can try becoming like that person...?

Or you could try killing them. I could see the menacing aura surrounding my husband from miles of distance. From this close, I can even sense the chilly murder intents.

?Oh, there is,? I tease him. ?He's kind and considerate, you know? Too bad he doesn't have as much power as my husband...?

His eyelashes flicker, his brain focuses. The sound of his thoughts is just amazing.

He's listing all the possibilities in his mind, conscious that I can't have been in contact with so many people these last months.

?Is he from the Empire?? he mutters, forgetting that he was trying to sound pitiful just a minute ago.

?Hm-mh,? I moan, nodding.

?Less powerful than me??

This means you can exclude his majesty from your count.

?But kind and considerate? Is he a noble??

?Oh, yes,? I chuckle.

?Is he younger or older than me??

?You're assuming it's a he.?

?Is it not??

?It is,? I admit. It will be a problem if Alexander starts targeting Kate or lady Lyana.

?But is he older??


?Then younger??

?Why don't you just ask for the name at this point,? I puff. He's just like a kid, sometimes. ?I would have told you, already.?

?Then, who is it??

?It's a man I met only in my dreams,? I reveal. ?He's the kindest man ever. He treats his wife with care. And he's very obedient. Not like a Lord I know.?

?I am obedient,? he murmurs. ?Not always, but usually.?

?You know, I still prefer living my life than dreaming. No matter how perfect that man is, I like my husband more.?

Maybe it's because the first Alexander is dead, just like Queen Theodora.

?And I won't let anyone hurt him,? I continue.

I won't let anyone cut his head this time. Even if it means forgetting all about my old self.

?Hurt whom?? Alexander asks, raising his brows. ?The man from your dreams??

?My husband,? I chuckle. ?I will protect my husband.?

He opens his mouth to say there's no need for it, that it's his job. Yet, no words come out.

His throat is dry, and his Adam's apple trembles with emotions.

Somehow, deep down, he's still the same. Deep, deep down.

So deep that it's difficult to notice.

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