Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 401: 228: The Big Shot of the Twelve Pavilion!_1

Chapter 401: Chapter 228: The Big Shot of the Twelve Pavilion!_1
Fang Mu did not lack manpower.

Even if Fang Mu prepared to provide Fu Gui Xue with substantial resources as a Grandmaster Creator, he had no intention of keeping her by his side.

Instead, he wanted Fu Gui Xue to help share the pressure with Fang Yuan.

Fu Gui Xue, whose soul was parasitised by the Soul Parasite Ant, was among those in the Mu Commerce Association that both he and Fang Yuan could trust fully.

Having a person they could trust completely as Fang Yuan’s assistant could solve many problems.

Upon joining the Mu Commerce Association, Fu Gui Xue would not reveal that her soul was being controlled by Fang Mu.

To outsiders, Fu Gui Xue was just a Hexagram Beast Master newly hired by the Mu Commerce Association.

Members of forces such as the Lionheart Brigade, the Solemn King Pavilion, Ten Thousand Treasures Commerce, all of whom had partnerships with the Mu Commerce Association, would interact with Fu Gui Xue.

The attitudes of these force members when dealing with Fang Yuan would undoubtedly be completely different from those when dealing with Fu Gui Xue.

Fu Gui Xue could effectively feedback the intentions and attitudes of these forces to Fang Yuan.

Fu Gui Xue’s four Guardian Beasts each had different attributes.

Blood Coral and Red Vine was a rare blood-wood dual attribute Guardian Beast, Hurricane Orb Orchid was a wind attribute Guardian Beast, Sword Vein Climbing Bamboo with wood attribute, and Diamond Light Sea Yam was a light attribute Guardian Beast.

After these four Guardian Beasts had upgraded their Sequential and started working in the Contemplation Hall, they could exhibit four different scenes.

If Fu Gui Xue performed well enough in the Mu Commerce Association, they could offer her the opportunity to become the manager of the Contemplation Hall once it was established.

This would alleviate Fang Yuan’s workload.

Fang Mu was the Red Sleeve of the Mu Commerce Association, a position that allowed a level of leisure uncommon among major forces.

Similarly, few people worked as diligently as the Golden Gloves of the association – Fang Yuan.

Should Fang Yuan assume personal responsibility for all matters related to the establishment of the Contemplation Hall, it would certainly overwhelm him.

Fang Mu handed over the Soul Parasite Ant hatchling birthed by the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen to Fu Gui Xue, who accepted it into her soul under the guidance of She Wan.

Fu Gui Xue thought broadly, knowing that the resources Fang Mu provided were unavailable to her otherwise.

There was no way she could have afforded the elixirs in the brocade box with her original abilities.

Having no existing commitments and joining a force that had been so generous and appreciative of her talent, Fu Gui Xue had no reason to betray them.

Thus, she felt no mental pressure whatsoever having a Soul Parasite Ant nesting in her soul.

In contrast, as long as she did not betray the Mu Commerce Association or Fang Mu, the Ant Nest formed by the Soul Parasite Ant in her soul would protect her.

Having received such preferential treatment as soon as she joined the force, Fu Gui Xue knew she could look forward to further rewards as long as she performed well!

“Young Master, feel free to instruct me on what I need to do.”

“The seventh day since my father’s death has passed, and I have no other matters at hand.”

Upon hearing this, Fang Mu immediately replied.

“Whenever it’s convenient for you, go directly to The Capital to report to my older brother, Fang Yuan, at the headquarters of the Mu Commerce Association!”

“He will make arrangements for you then.”

When Fang Mu gave instructions to Fu Gui Xue, he deliberately mentioned “older brother.”

Fu Gui Xue keenly caught the implications in Fang Mu’s words.

A young man who could casually bring out Master-Level Maker resources must undoubtedly be a significant figure.

Without even a Sequential Guardian Beast, Fu Gui Xue had never entertained hopes of staying by Fang Mu’s side like She Wan did.

How could she compete with the noble girl of the She Family?

Being able to work at the headquarters of the Mu Commerce Association, assisting Fang Mu’s elder brother, was already an excellent opportunity.

“Sir, I’ll go back to prepare shortly, and I can set out tonight!”

Fang Mu nodded at her words, preparing to call and inform Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan put significant importance on the recruitment of strong individuals for the Mu Commerce Association.

Fang Mu understood that Fang Yuan’s emphasis on recruiting the strong was partly due to the Contemplation Hall he had proposed.

In addition, as the Mu Commerce Association expanded, it was becoming increasingly difficult to sustain without a strong team.

Relying solely on their partnerships with the Lion Heart Mercenary Group and Suwangge for support would only work in the short term.

If this situation persisted in the long run, people would feel that the Mu Commerce Association was all show and no substance.

Fang Yuan, as the Golden Gloves of the Mu Commerce Association, couldn’t always rely on the Grandmaster relationship behind Fang Mu.

Having served as the Golden Gloves in the Ten Thousand Treasures Commerce for several years, Fang Yuan deeply understood the world’s inherent greed and drive for profit.

Only by strengthening yourself can you forge steel!

Whether it was seizing the opportunity the Mu Commerce Association had offered initially, or working to protect his family’s industry,

Fang Yuan would make every effort and wrack his brains to develop the Mu Commerce Association.

To make the Mu Commerce Association a behemoth that no one would dare to covet, even without considering the Grandmaster behind Fang Mu!

After Fu Gui Xue’s departure, She Wan recalled the words She Ruan had said on the phone.

She knew how difficult these years had been for her father in the She Family.

Her eldest uncle cared about propriety in his dealings, so it was not praiseworthy for him, as the elder brother, to oppress his younger brothers. He only suppressed her father discretely.

However, her third uncle, She Hang, acted eccentrically and ostentatiously.

She Hang was like the sword in the hands of her eldest uncle She Rui, always piercing her father and her fifth uncle, She Long, during the family meetings.

She Hang’s actions would not affect She Rui. Instead, whenever She Hang went overboard, She Rui would step in to stop him.

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