Cosmic Editor

Chapter 68: Punishment

Chapter 68: Punishment

He didn't want to lose this, so far he had put his own priorities over that of the planet. Maybe it was because it was hard to feel a sense of urgency when the threat was only put in paper.

Fadila sensing his change quietly placed her hand on his to calm him down, she too understand it now. They may have been taking things a bit too lightly.

"It's okay" Fadila said amidst the noise, calming her boyfriend down enough for the smile to return.

The family interested this as some form of show of affection as several 'awwns' resounded throughout the table.

After a while more, the family finally went to bed. It was very late when the family finally went quiet. Thankfully he didn't have any neighbour's or anything that would complain. [Sir, the compound has been fully set up] Nous announced in his ear

"Thank you, I believe training starts tomorrow right?" David asked

[Of course, sir] Nous replied as David nodded

As he tried to learn as much details from the right lipped Nous, he felt some sort of spirit descend on him and immediately he felt his power growing at a rapid speed.

His eyes glowed gold as he pupils changed color. He could finally feel it, the true power of an Editor, his power rose so quickly that control wasn't something he could do

At the same time too, his control over said power was just impeccable even if he felt himself lacking in terms of control. He felt the earth.... The universe even submit to his will.

The air moved gently around him, the Earth trembled as though in fear to offend him and He finally saw them, the gods.

The monsters, the supernatural side of the world in all it's entirety. The Universe in its entirety, it's gods and their divine realms, his true place in the universe.

However just as quickly as the power came did it disappear. David was soon left as regular David. His power quickly plummeted down to tier 1, his omniscience gone, his Omnipotence gone but he could still feel the gaze of all the beings on him.

"Look away" David commanded after gathering some courage

He didn't know what made him say that considering that some of these people were beyond Tier 9, he couldn't even tell what was beyond it anymore nor could he even imagine how powerful one had to be to be beyond the supposed strongest tier.

However despite his current weakened form, they all immediately looked away. The gazes on him seemed to have reduced from millions to just a few.

It was an interesting situation he had found himself in but it was also one he accepted wholeheartedly.

[I never said that the Tier 9 was the strongest tier... for your world, it may be so but it isn't so everywhere else]

"Okay, that sort of makes more sense now that I think about it"

"But still why couldn't I see anything concerning the event?" David asked as he entered sat on the bed to wonder what just happened

Turning around, he saw Fadila still quietly preparing for bed, somehow she hadn't felt all that

[You are unable to see it because you currently do not have the actual power to stop it nor influence it without using your abilities as an Editor] Nous replied

Hearing it, David simply sat and pondered it's words a bit but he only came to the conclusion that he was too weak but there really was nothing he could do

"Wait, Nous can I edit my tier?"

[An Editor can not directly edit themselves and any object that gives you power will only be borrowed power, no matter what happens, it is advised that you instead look for ways to increase your training speed] Nous replied

"That's sort of annoying, okay what if I simply just give myself superpowers, like Reality warping"

[Tier 1's already warp reality, you can move faster than your reality allows, how do you think you achieve that?] Nous asked

"The Universe is really strict" David said aloud

"What is it?"

"Nothing just thinking of something" David replied immediately in order to not worry her.

"No, it's not nothing, you're clearly worried about something" She said as she stood up from where she was and came to him.

Sitting astride on his laps, Fadila crossed her hands across his back as David immediately began to smile like a fool.

"Well not anymore" David replied as the smile got even wider

Immediately lifting the girl up as he carefully lifted her into the bed. Both intent on doing the sacred did so they gladly read their bibles.


In a large hotel room somewhere in the world, two people could be seen sitting opposite each other. Both dressed as responsibly as possible but one looked as though he hadn't slept in days.

"Why are you in the Light?"

"He was here" the sleepless man asked

"Who was here?"

"He was here"

"How? And why are you in the Light?"

"I'm no longer Strigoi... Can you believe that?" the man said as he chuckled

"What do you mea... Your Majesty, you can't possibly mean.... No!" the man said as a look of realization appeared on his face

"There is no how, I am now a human" the man said before he stood up

The sensation he was currently feeling was one that he has never felt before. Blood actually flowed through his veins, he could sense life within himself

"But your majesty, without you, what will we do, this blasted dogs will finally have a hand above us"

"I doubt he is safe from this treatment as well he sensed us and without as much as a sound, he administers punishment... This reminds of when Lycoan thought to feed Zeus, flesh but unlike him we angered an even higher being" The man said

"From now on, you are prime, you will lead our kind through the ages and into a glorious future. He at least didn't attack you all, meaning you all wouldn't pay for our sins" the man continued as he walked up to he man and placed his arm on his shoulders

As he talked, his hands glowed as though he was transferring something from himself into the man. His time was done as evidenced by his humanity but thankfully his race was spared.

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