Cosmic Editor

Chapter 62: Opening

Chapter 62: Opening

Truthfully though, he didn't feel that much different compared to before. He just felt that he could now do more, that was probably the entire basics of omnipotence, but he had somehow expected to feel more powerful or something, but this was bland.

However, the idea that was now capable of doing anything and the feeling he got each time he thought of doing something was intoxicating. Though due to the circumstances, he couldn't exactly use this power to affect much of the real world.

He could affect these people as much as he wanted now that they had signed the contract but there was nothing for him to gain from it now so there was no use to it.

After the contracts were done, Nous took them all to their accommodation so they could all rest and get ready to the next day. As for the other women, they would have to stay here as well until it is time for them to leave to their supposed destination.

While all this happened, the real David could be seen in an entirely different place, getting ready for the day. Today, the company officially opens meaning production and all begins today... well tomorrow.

"Is that what, you're wearing" Fadila asked as soon as she finally came out of the bathroom. "What's wrong with it?" David asked as he looked at the clothes he was wearing.

It was a normal suit and tie, there wasn't anything too fancy about it. It fit him well enough, so he didn't get why she reacted like that.

"Here, wear this" she said as she miraculously produced a new suit from somewhere.

"Where did that come from?" David asked.

"Wardrobe, you just didn't look" She replied as she threw the suit on the bed and went back to dressing up

Choosing peace, David simply wore the new suit. Surprisingly it looked better, it was a simply brown suit with few embroidery designs on it that enhanced its look.

"This is nice... okay that makes sense" David said when he saw her pull out a dress somewhat identical to the suit, well it had the same designs as the suit.

It came as a pair, seeing his reaction, Fadila immediately began to laugh knowing exactly what she had done. David himself couldn't reject it since he was already in the suit.

"Well done, I'mma get you back for this though" David said with a smile.

"You can try".

"Anyway, did you invite anyone?" Fadila continued as she sat to finish her make-up.

"Well, I currently know no one so my family members, imagine there faces when they see the car... oh and I also announced it on twitter though, I'm not sure where that will go".

"Well, it's just a personal celebration than some grand opening, it's not a shop"

"True, anyway are you ready?" David asked.

"Just five more minutes and I'll be done".

"Okay then, I'll be waiting downstairs" David said as he left the room.

Going downstairs, he relaxed in the living room. It was a common fact that women's five minutes is equivalent to around two hours, real time so he planned to gather his mind as of


"Come to think of it, Nous how did Hermes bypass my security?" David asked remembering the incident.

[Your defence doesn't prevent people from entering the mansion, it prevents people from harming your home and its occupants]

"What type of nonsense is that? Why didn't you tell me that it was so?"

[You didn't ask, however if you want, I can update it]

"Please do, unless invited I don't want any other person here" David said in a serious tone.

[As you wish] Nous replied as David saw a visible blue light pass through the walls and floor of the house.

"What was that?" David heard a voice call out.

Turning to its source, David saw Fadila standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at him with a fearful but still curious expression on her face.

"Updating our security settings" David said as he stood and held her to help assure her that things were okay.

"What type of update was that? Is that normal?"

"Yes" David replied with a smile.

However, his mind was in a different state, the energy wave should be invisible to the human eye. Which meant that she was close to tier 1.

"I really made you ridiculously OP" David said out loud as Fadila smiled not really understanding what he meant but still referencing the powers she currently had access to

Soon they were in the car and on their way to the location. This wasn't some form of big event however as per Nigerian tradition, such a celebration was required when opening any such location.

"By the way, since I wanted to inform you that the last repeater... turns out only two are enough for each state, one functional one and another hidden for back up" Fadila stated.

"Then we can begin sales then".

"Sure, but we still haven't started mass production yet and neither have they being actually set up".

"That... is true" David replied realizing how ahead of himself he was as he shook his head and focused on his driving.

Thirty minutes later, they got to the location, which was basically the company compound, but they had erected several tents.

It could be done in a small hall but that would kind of defeat the purpose of the entire thing. It was simply meant to be a small celebration to not only dedicate the company to the lord but also to officially open it for business and that all.

"Ehm, how many people did you say you invited again?" Fadila asked.

"This is way more than I expected... wait are those news outlets? Seems like we have to go way bigger than expected... Nous can you prepare me a good slideshow, we can use this as a product presentation" David said as he quickly sat up straight.

[As you wish, I will prepare all that is needed] Nous replied as David drove closer.

Now he could see it all in full, turns out the company was even more popular than he thought it was. With just a glance he already spotted several of the major news companies

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