Cosmic Editor

Chapter 54: Guest

Chapter 54: Guest

A few seconds later, David paid the man, and he soon drove away. Once again, it was David alone on the mountain.

[Do you want to experience the full power of an Editor?] Nous suddenly asked

"Huh?" David responded, confused by the sudden question

[Do you want to experience the full power of an Editor] Nous asked again

"Uh... sure but what exactly are you talking about?" David asked

The entire conversation was weird and too out of pocket. It had literally come out of nowhere. Of course, he accepted; it was random but it didn't mean that he was stupid to reject it.

[Then walk into the house with purpose. Nous replied

"Huh?" David asked, still confused.

David couldn't understand exactly what was happening, for some reason, he felt as though he was in trouble but at the same time, he felt safe.

Following Nous's words, David gave a sigh as though he was resigning himself to work or something then picked up his pace and began walking into the house. It was nerve wracking but Nous's voice calmed him down.

[Go into your study] Nous instructed and David did so

[Pull out the guest chair, and invite your new guest to seat] Nous said as David's heart immediately skipped a beat

Forcing himself to remain calm, David walked into his study in the most natural way he could think of. His life may depend on it so he did the best he could

"Sit!" David said in a commanding tone as he pulled out the chair before getting his own designated seat

Honestly David felt like some sort of Manhwa protagonist but now that he was in the chair, he felt as though he was in a hostage situation but the problem was that he was both the hostage and the hostage negotiator.

Seconds passed and nothing happened, there was still no one in sight. It felt awkward but he had to continue to pretend as though he was busy and thankfully, he had some work to finish anyway.

"How did you know I was here?" a male voice was heard as David felt some form of veil fall in the room as a man was revealed.

Rasing his head towards the source of the voice, David saw a young man who looked to be around his early thirties however since the man was clearly part of the supernatural community, David couldn't tell the if that was his exact age.

The man seemed to be of Mexican or at least South American descent, however his accent wasn't one that he recognized, not that he even knew any other accent apart from the Mexican one that was shown in Hollywood.

[Hermes, Messenger God, however do not underestimate him, He is still a tier nine] Nous warned

"Hermes? the speedster... how fast is he really?" David asked somehow much calmer compared to before

[He's a god, do you think the so-called speed limit of the universe matters to him] Nous replied, thanking God for their mental connection if not, it's stupid master would have been in heaven.

"Hermes... you know for some reason, i expected maybe Apollo or probably Zeus but it makes sense." David said now much calmer than before

Hermes, hearing his words, frowned slightly. He had been found, but he didn't expect him to be this calm. It was one thing if he was currently on duty, but he was not; this was just a tier one, and yet he was calm.

"Your Honor, i am here on behalf of Olympus, the God-king, invites you in hopes of celebrating your recent ascension to tier one" Hermes said as he gave a short bow.

"Is that normal?" David quickly asked

[Its Olympus, they are one to always look for a reason to party but majorly this is to butter you up so you can side with them]

"Makes sense," David replied as he relaxed into his seat

"From your actions, i can tell that you are familiar with my kind. I thank you for even acknowledging me but i will step foot in Olympus only when it is necessary." David said in a firm tone

"I see..." Hermes replied before a short pause

"I shall inform the God king of your stance" Hermes continued

"That's it then, thank you... i wonder if you eat human food, i think there is still a bit more remaining in the pot" David said casually

"Forgive me but i cannot stay for such merriment, my duty awaits me" the Greek God replied before vanishing from his sight.

David couldn't even tell that he was gone until the image before him dissolved into thin air. The papers in the office immediately flew apart due to the speed. After that David immediately heaved a great sigh of relief as he relaxed into the chair.

Though he acted casually in front of the Greek God, it didn't mean that his heart wasn't beating quickly. He didn't know much about Greek mythology to know much about Hermes's personality, the little he knew at least put him on the mellow side of the gods.

That fact allowed him to at least act casually in front of the god. As for actually relaxing that was impossible.

"Hey... Nous, you promised me that i would feel the true power of an Editor?" David asked remembering Nous's words.

[You would have but you rejected their invitation, smart move by the way] Nous complimented as David smiled

He felt that was the right move to take and thankfully it was. Nous had made him to understand multiple times that an Editor has to be neutral no matter the situation considering their duty.

A partial Editor could spell doom for the whole universe, he was in duty in. Since Olympus was trying to curry favour with him, it meant that they knew this but hoped that he would somehow still favour them in certain situations.

Above all, why should he even go. He was just a tier one, who knew what they could do to him?

It was best that before he reaches a reasonable level of power, he doesn't associate himself

with them.

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