Corrupt Creations

Chapter 249 - Crushing One Of The Three Heads

Inside a hidden cave at the deepest parts of the Desolate Scorching Wastelands, there was a demon that looked practically like a normal human, apart from his aggressive dog-like ears and his slightly sharper canines.

He was currently writing some observations on the documents that contained the whole record of his research and the results of all the samples he had collected.

This demon was called Zertis and he was one of the most important figures inside the Cerberus Clan. This demonic clan had the "Three Heads" or three leader-like figures. Barghest was the main head and also the Clan Head, the one that was above all others inside their ranks. Zertis was his right head, the one that took care of everything regarding to plans and logistics, while the left head was called Grigor, the one titled as Hellhound.

Zertis was working on the project called "Crimson Agent", trying to complete the awakening of the Crimson Giant, stationed within this hidden base. As he was about to study about the next procedures, the Sound Transmit Formation showed connection signals.

He stood up and connected the formation, expecting it would be Barghest calling, but the first thing he heard, was a desperate yelp of one of his subordinates.

"Help! Master Zertis, please help! They had discovered our location! We are being attacked! We need your h..." The formation suddenly disconnected.

Zertis furrowed his eyebrows after he realized it was something serious. Other than Grigor and Barghest, the only other location apt to send a sound transmission for him, was the hidden base they used as a "pet house".

At that place, there were not only their hound beasts, but the experiments that had at least survived the transformation process. If they lost that place, it would mean the loss of their powerful beasts and the samples they worked on for so long.

Zertis immediately connected his Sound Transmit Formation again, but trying to contact a certain person this time. After a few seconds, the formation was thoroughly connected.

"What do you need?"

"Grigor, the second base is currently under attack. I need you to quickly destroy whatever is causing that attack, else we will lose the progression we've made so far."

"Oh? Finally, some action." On the other side, the voice of the man called Grigor, sounded a bit content.

The formation was disconnected, but Zertis knew Grigor was already on the move. That man loved to battle and to destroy his opponents, so he would not miss that chance.




Some minutes before those transmissions occurred, Seth and Lan Xue were standing at the edge of a canyon, from where they were able to see a hidden entrance on the wall of rocks on the other side.

Both of them used their scans to sense the situation inside that hidden entrance and what they discovered made them furrow their eyebrows. Lan Xue, because she never thought this place would be a hidden base, but Seth furrowed his eyebrows in disgust, after seeing the horrifying condition of some "samples" inside there. Lan Xue wasn't able to see them, else she would be acting like Seth.

"Let's go."

They jumped from the edge, quickly moving towards the hidden entrance. Like lightning, Seth suddenly appeared in front of a cave wall that seemed to be closed, but in reality, it was a fake cover. He sent a kick that contained his Mana towards there and a loud explosion occurred.


A single kick of his, was enough to blow the whole entrance away, together with the dozens of guards that were caught off guard inside. The impact was so fierce, that their bodies instantly shattered together with the whole wall.

As the debris and dust were still falling down, Seth invaded the base, quickly turning into a dark shadow and diving deeper inside the base. His Soul Sense captured the movements of some members that were in charge of contacting the outside, so he moved to take them out first.

Lan Xue slowly entered too. Differently form Seth, she had her own pace. A pace no one would be able to disturb, be it the other demonic guards that were already approaching her, or the hounds that were ready to attack as well.

"Move! Fast! We are under attack!"

"Release the dogs!"

Woof! Woof! Woof!

Many Qi Realm hound beasts, started to madly dash towards Lan Xue, trying to bite her to death. But as they approached her, their bodies started to slow down considerably, until they stopped. There seemed to be a barrier that made it impossible for them to move forward.

As Lan Xue approached them in her slow steps, they turned into ice statues, dropping down and shattering.



The demons from the Cerberus Clan tried to attack her from the sides, but they ended up suffering the same destiny as their pets.

On Seth's side, he had just entered a very secluded room, deep inside the hidden cave, where there were five or so demons trying to send a sound transmission. Just as the demon responsible for that action, was able to connect the formation and say the first phrase, he felt a stinging sensation around his neck, from where a thin line of blood started to ooze out. He lost his ability to speak and seconds later, his head fell down. The connection he was operating shattered instants later.

The other four demons tried to understand what had happened, but their reaction was too slow. When the first one of them was about to run away, darkness descended inside the whole room, swallowing their bodies and souls.

Seth quickly vanished, moving to a deeper room. Throughout the way, he murdered all of member of the Cerberus Clan he came across. His state of mind was a bit euphoric, not because he was killing, but because this was the start of his revenge. He had finally found them and even though this place was not the same giant base he had been confined in, he felt like he was taken a huge step.

Some minutes later, he arrived before a huge room. The path behind him, was littered with corpses of both demon and beasts. Even though he was decimating the enemies, he didn't feel even a tiny bit of remorse, and the room before him was the real motive for that.

When he stepped in, he saw many cages where some monstrous chimeras were caged in. They were strange-looking beasts that had a human-like shape, but full of beast parts. Seth was even able to see traces of their previous real bodies on some of them. This situation made him recall the scenes from back then, when he was a prisoner. That nightmare sometimes haunted him at night, increasing his will to find these bastards and put an end to all of this.

As Seth was walking through the room, he saw the figure of a demon standing a dozen of meters ahead. On his finger, there was a genuine Cerberus ring, it was not one of those rings that had a single hound head or two heads, that Seth had seen before.

The man in front of him was one of the three most important figures of the Cerberus Clan, yet Seth wasn't happy. He was not the one he wanted to find the most, but one of the other two. Actually, while using his Soul Sense, he felt this man was not as strong as Barghest. He was a Mana Control peak-stage Realm cultivator, just like Seth.

Grigor looked towards his opponent, feeling like he would finally have a good fight, since they had the same Realm of power. Unfortunately for him, he was about to face Seth; a person that could easily crush opponents at his Realm of power.

Seth noticed that man didn't seem to recognize him, what should have been improbable. Actually, Grigor hadn't seen Seth at those times, because he was out, doing important missions. He was an individual that disliked the monotone work of researching and enjoyed fighting the most.

"Hehe... Who are you? I want to know the name of the person that..."

Just as Grigor started to talk, Seth's figure vanished like a dark fog. When he appeared, he was already right in front of Grigor, holding an orb of darkness inside his hand.

Grigor only had the chance to activate his protective Mana shield, before receiving a huge impact right on his chest.


Seth's orb of darkness, sent Grigor flying all the way to the end of the room, making his body hit hard against the wall.

Grigor hadn't suffered any major injuries by this attack, but that was just because Seth wanted it to be like that. He had to secure a source of information and Grigor was the lucky individual chosen to be that source.

That's why Seth didn't give him time to recompose himself, appearing beside him and stepping on top of his chest.



Grigor felt some of his ribs breaking and an immense weight over him, not letting any possibility for him to stand up. Even his Mana seemed to have been suppressed somehow.. When he looked towards Seth again, all he was able to see were two huge and deep blue eyeballs.

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