Contract Marriage: Emperor CEO's Secretary Wife

Chapter 264 - Shenzhen - Arrival

Chapter 264 - Shenzhen - Arrival

Xiu Mei grunted in frustration as soon as she saw CSRC’s email. It was the full report she had been waiting for a full week regarding their investigation on the sudden spike and dip of stocks last week that caused a lot of problems and also made them halt some of their operations temporarily.

She carefully read the report, and the conclusion was that they haven’t apprehended the culprit behind it. Her lips pressed into a line as she recalled Albert’s email before it all went crazy. She exited the CSRC’s email and read Albert’s last email to her.

It all officially starts now.

That was a brief and strong statement.

Xiu Mei’s brows knitted as she took a second look at that sentence.

All starts now...?

Does he mean about the stocks? Or does he mean something else?

Xiu Mei contemplated on it for a little longer. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was but there’s something in this sentence that was really bugging her. It was like she was missing something but she couldn’t identify what it was.


Her thoughts were immediately cut off when her assistant suddenly brought to her another pile of folders.

"What are those?" She frowned as she glanced at those thick pile of papers.

She wasn’t expecting to receive any reports at all today. So what were these?

"Accounting report from our branches in Shenzhen."


"The accounting department reported that they have suspicions of embezzlement in three of our branches there."

Xiu Mei’s face blackened.

Her voice subconsciously rose as she replied in frustration, "Then they have to do something about that. Send a team to investigate there. Aren’t our protocol is they have to submit evidence of embezzlement first before escalating it to our side?"

Her assistant was taken aback with her boss. Why was she suddenly so angry ah?

Since Xiu Mei rarely gets angry, she was almost scared but still answered her. She pushed the folders towards her and replied in a small voice, "They already did... that’s why they sent this report."


There was a brief awkward silence between the two.

Xiu Mei almost choked on her saliva.

She suddenly realized that she got worked up too early and almost wronged her innocent assistant. She cleared her throat and awkwardly accepted the folders.

"Sorry." She uttered. "Did you already verify it?"

"En. I worked on it this morning and had a meeting with the investigation team to get their statements."

"Good job. Then I’ll prioritize this now so I could revert back to you what you need to afterward."


"Book me a flight to Shenzhen for tomorrow afternoon and forward the flight details on my inbox."


By 5 o’ clock, Xiu Mei was still cleaning up her deks when Lu Shao approached her table. He briefly glanced at the other assistant’s figure in the pantry before speaking to Xiu Mei in a low voice.

"Madame, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"I heard you’re flying to Shenzhen tomorrow?"

Xiu Mei nodded and looked at Lu Shao in confusion.

"Yeah. Why? Is there a problem?"

She tried to remember her schedule tomorrow and knew that there were nothing too important to be reminded of.

Lu Shao’s eyes quickly landed on her stomach before he looked back to her face again and cleared his throat.

"Will your body be okay to fly tomorrow?"

"Huh? What do you-- Oh."

Her hand flew to her mouth as she covered her gasp. She almost forgot. Now that she’s pregnant, there are a lot of things that she couldn’t do anymore and some that she needs to be careful with.

Even though she already adjusted her work habits, she still couldn’t change all of them.

She glanced at her phone. Maybe she should ask Tang Li first if it’s safe for her to fly? Will it negatively affect the fetus in her stomach? She won’t have a miscarriage, won’t she?

Xiu Mei suddenly grew anxious.

She thanked Lu Shao for reminding her and quickly got back to the car. Lee In was already inside the car when she arrived. She briefly greeted her and immediately called Tang Li.

"It’s me." Xiu Mei spoke as soon as the call connected.

"Madame? Is there anything wrong?" Tang Li was surprised to receive Mrs.Lu’s call for the first time. So he immediately assumed that something went wrong when she called.

"Nothing. I’m currently fine. I just wanted to consult with you about something."

"Sure, no problem."

"Uhm... I need to go to Shenzhen tomorrow morning and I’ll be flying there tomorrow afternoon. I’m just a bit worried so... is it safe for me to go air traveling while pregnant?"

Tang Lo thought for a moment before he said his advice, "Air Traveling during the first trimester is usually okay. However, you know very well that the greatest risk during the pregnancy is usually the first trimester so you have to be mindful when you travel. Not only during air travel but every time you’re traveling as well."

Xiu Mei was silent before she finally replied, "So as long as I’m careful, it should be fine right?"

"Yes. Extremely careful is better."

Because if something happens to the Madame, he will surely feel guilty ah. It would feel like he was indirectly responsible then the big boss will beat him to death before throwing her to the training floor again to mope around.

Feeling assured, she thanked Tang Li and hung up the call.

Well, at least that’s now clarified. She can go tomorrow. After forwarding her flight details to Lee In so she could accompany her tomorrow, she immediately started packing her stuff.

Lu Qiang was helping her fold some of her clothes. He was staring at her for so long that she couldn’t help but finally ask him about it.

"Why are you looking at Mom like that? Do you have a special request for souvenirs?" She ruffled his hair before putting her stuff in the small suitcase again.

Lu Qiang shook his head and raised his head to look at her again with his curious gaze.

"Mom, is there something happening again?"

Xiu Mei paused. She tilted her head as she asked him why he thought that way.

"Lee In has been hanging around you for days. I see her sometimes roaming around the house and she was often with you everytime you come home from work except when you’re with Dad."


"There’s something, isn’t it?"


Xiu Mei’s gaze subtly trembled.

Goddamnit. Why is her son so perceptive when it comes to this kind of thing ah?

She did her best not to avoid his gaze as she thought of an excuse.

Well darling, it’s because there’s a baby brother or sister in your mom’s tummy ah. But Xiu Mei can’t tell him that.

Dang it! Ugly Lu Chen, where are you when I need you ah? This is all his fault.

She can’t tell the truth to her son because of her husband’s request. And now that her son was asking her like this, she felt like her heart was being stabbed by guilt ah.

"Nothing. It’s just the usual. Dad just wanted someone to always be with me just in case."

She tried her best to look calm and collected so that he won’t notice her lying through her teeth.

Lu Qiang frowned. "That means that there’s really something. Dad didn’t do it like that before."

"It’s nothing really." She immediately thought of a lie using her family’s situation. "You know that Mom’s family is a bit high profile right? Your father is just worried that someone might try to use me against your grandparents so he assigned Lee In to me. Do you get it?"

The kid looked at her with squinted eyes as if he was trying to see if she was telling the truth. Xiu Mei was still for the whole three seconds.





She wiped off the nonexistent sweat on her forehead.

Gosh. Lu Chen, when are you coming home ah? She really can’t keep it from his son any longer if he keeps getting curious like this.

The next day, after finishing up some of her work in the office that morning, she went straight to the airport for her scheduled flight.

Tang Li’s reminder to be very careful echoed in her mind as she sat on the first class seat. Since she didn’t want to give away that she was pregnant, she can only buy the most expensive ticket despite the short flight so she could be prioritized in boarding the plane.

She was slightly anxious throughout the flight and almost bowed to the heavens when she was able to safely land on Shenzhen an hour later.

Lee In followed her in the shadows again while she checked to the hotel. Of course, Lee In checked the entire room first before she cleared that it was safe. She was being very strict and careful, not only because of her pregnancy but also because she was kidnapped under Lee In’s eyes when she stayed in a hotel back in City S.

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