Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 319 She Is My Ex-Wife

"That..." Sarah didn't continue when she heard what Michael had just said.

To be honest, she did not trust the man a bit.

Maybe it was because Michael took so long to act when he found out the kids were his, or... she doesn't know, Sarah herself was confused as to why she couldn't trust Michael.

Maybe from the start she wanted to settle this on her own and not involve the man. After all, those people had hurt her babies. They had crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed!

Sarah couldn't continue her words, seeing the look on Michael's face that looked sad and disappointed like that, made her not have the heart to tell the truth.

Michael sighed when he saw Sarah didn't continue her words. The woman didn't even try to make an excuse.

"It's okay, the more people looking for this, the better! Thank you!" Michael replied, forcing a smile on his face. He just hoped that the smile didn't look awkward, or look forced.

Sarah just nodded at that.

"Then, I'm gonna bother you for this," said Sarah who sounded awkward because of the situation earlier.

Michael nodded. "It's not a bother at all. You can count on me!" he replied with a smile, this time his smile seemed more sincere than before.

To be honest, Michael was really disappointed that Sarah asked Anna for help. He thought, since Sarah had given him a chance, and she had ended her relationship with the lawyer, he had won her heart and trust.

But apparently he took it too easily. It made him angry with himself, who didn't seem to be able to earn Sarah's trust yet.

However, he must not continue to let such feelings haunt him. That means he just has to get Sarah to trust him again, right?

Even though he didn't know how to get Sarah to trust him, it seemed that with him handling this matter well, Sarah would slowly trust him.

Again, Sarah just gave a nod. She did plan to let Michael deal with it, because there was something she needed to deal with, which was the blonde woman.


After dropping Sarah off, Michael went straight to his office. The look on his face from the way until he went to James to hand over the envelope Sarah had given him looked the same. He was very upset.

"What's my schedule for today?" Michael asked looking at James who came in with him into his room.

"In 30 minutes you have a press conference with reporters, then after that we have to go to MCGames, and then you have a conference with Collins's business partners," said James explaining his schedule today which didn't seem too busy.

"Only that?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow. His tone was cold. "What about me meeting those people at the police station?" he continued.

"You want to meet them?" James asked with a look of surprise on his face.

"Of course!" Michael answered, raising his voice. "Then who will go to meet them?!" he continued angrily.

James was silent when he heard that. Normally, Michael would just tell him to deal with this. However, Michael wanted to go see them?

"Okay, I'll let you know when you can go see them," James replied.

Michael just nodded. "I want to see them this afternoon! Including people who weren't on yesterday's list. You can find the rest of the people on that list!" Michael explained.

James just nodded then immediately excused himself to leave. Looks like today will be a busy day for him again.

After James left, Michael checked his email and replied to the unread email, then immediately stood up when James called him, signaling that the press conference was about to start.

The press conference was held in one of Collins' offices room. There were people already there with cameras, and some were sitting in front of their laptops, typing what Michael had to say and writing news articles.

,m When Michael entered and walked towards the front of the room, the people holding cameras immediately seemed busy taking pictures, while those sitting on laptops prepared to type.

"Alright, thanks for coming here. I can't linger because I'm busy, you guys must be busy too. So... please ask your questions," Michael said expressionlessly and looked tired.

After what happened to his kids, he was too lazy to even pretend to smile at them. He knew it wasn't their fault, but still Michael was already tired.

Immediately the room became noisy, the people sitting in front of their laptops all immediately raised their hands, preparing to ask questions.

"Yes, you!" point Michael at one person.

"I'm 2lazy2care. Is the news circulating true? That the twins are yours?" asked the person politely.

Michael immediately nodded his head at the question. He slightly praised the person who wanted to directly confirm to him the news and didn't jump to conclusions.

"Yes, they are both my kids. My biological son! Next!" said Michael, giving the opportunity for further questions. He then pointed to the person sitting in the right corner.

"I'm BedheadBookworm. You said that those two are your biological kids. Does that mean that you are currently in a relationship with the woman in the photo and you are living together?"

This time, Michael didn't answer the question right away and thought about it first.

"Our relationship is a little complicated at the moment, but I'm pursuing her right now and hope our relationship can be at that stage. Yes, we live together." Michael explained then again pointed to the person sitting in front.

"I'm Kele_Finger. What do you mean by your complicated relationship with that woman? Is she your ex-girlfriend?"

"No, she's not my ex-girlfriend." Michael's words made the people who were there gasp. Their facial expressions clearly showed shock.

If that woman wasn't his ex-girlfriend, then what? Are they perhaps one night stand partners?

Michael's lips formed a smile when he saw the expressions of the people and could guess what they were thinking.

"She is my ex-wife!"


Sarah could feel people staring at her as she headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Some didn't even look shy to whisper in front of her and stared at her in disbelief.

Sarah sighed. At first she was confused as to why people were suddenly staring at her, but eventually she found out what had happened.

Turns out Michael held a press conference and announced to the world that she was his ex-wife!

Well... Michael didn't really say that directly, he just mentioned that he has kids with his ex-wife. However, not long after, information about her immediately spread on the internet, starting from her name, her photo, even her place of work.

When she found out about it, Sarah really cursed Michael for saying that she was his ex-wife. Like Michael, the people at this hospital don't know she was ever married.

They knew that she might have married because the twins had been to the hospital, but they probably thought that she was married to an ordinary person.

Not an ex-wife of the famous Michael Collins!

"Someone has become really popular, huh!"

Sarah, who was already sitting in the cafeteria chair, raised her head when she heard those words, and saw Steve sitting in front of her drinking his coffee.

"Popular my ass! This is really uncomfortable!" said Sarah angrily. "People look at me like I'm a spectacle!" she whispered.

"That can happen. You're married to Michael Collins," Steve replied casually.

"Divorce! We are divorced!" Sarah's correction.

"Well... the point is, you were the one who once got Michael Collins to marry you, and is now after you again. It's only natural for those people to look at you with envy, and wonder. Like, what did Michael Collins see in you?" Steve said with a serious face.

"You know you're really annoying, right?" said Sarah, rolling her eyes.

Steve immediately laughed out loud when he saw Sarah's annoyed expression.

"Hahaha. As your senior, I suggest you just enjoy it," Steve said suddenly acting wise.

"Senior my ass! We are in the same class! Even though your position is now higher than mine, I refuse to consider you my senior!" Sarah said irritably, couldn't stand seeing Steve act like that to her.

"I'm not talking about our work," Steve said seriously. "I'm talking about this."

"This?" Sarah asked confusedly.

"This one! What happened to you! You think it only happens to you? You forgot my wife is a famous supermodel?" Steve asked with a proud look on his face when he mentioned it.

Sarah opened her mouth in disbelief when she heard that. So it was Steve's point that the man was her senior, because he had gone through what she was going through now.

Even after having children, the man never changed at all.

"So, as your senior..."

"Stop saying that!" said Sarah angrily.

Steve chuckled at that and then put on a serious expression again.

"You have to act normal, if necessary, you should look more proud with your head held high, like I did before. Yes, I managed to get Anna Moss dating me. Take a good look at me, you pathetic loser!" said Steve gave the tips.

"You may not know it because you have been in America for a long time, but your ex-husband is quite famous even though he is a businessman, and not a model. So it's only natural that people will look at you with envy, and you should be proud of that. After all, the person they admire is your ex-husband who is pursuing you right now," Steve continued.

Sarah was just silent when she heard the advice from her "senior" which, oddly enough, it helped her a little.

'Yeah, this isn't the time to think about this. I have to go see that blonde woman!'

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