Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 295 You Are My Daddy?

The atmosphere in the teacher's room became silent as soon as the words left Michael's lips.

The teachers there and the White seemed to be blinking their eyes to process what they had just heard.

Likewise with Sarah who seemed to be opening her mouth in disbelief, she didn't think Michael would say something like that.

Meanwhile, the expressions on Raphael and Gabriel's faces looked confused when they heard what Michael said.

"Mommy," Raphael called quietly, looking at Sarah, then at Michael, and then at Sarah again.

"Is what the uncle said true?" asked Raphael.

Sarah looked at her eldest son when she heard the question that just came out of his mouth. She had forgotten that Raphael and Gabriel were also here, and that meant they heard what Michael had just said.

Sarah sighed and smiled.

"Yes baby. Uncle is actually your Daddy."

Although Sarah didn't expect her kids to find out this way, it couldn't be helped. At least now they knew.

Raphael blinked his eyes when he heard what his Mommy had just said.

The Old man… ahem uncle, is his Daddy?

The expression on Michael's face that had been angry changed to surprise when he realized that his kids were also listening to what he had just said.

Suddenly, he felt his heart beat fast and sweat started to wet his palms.

He had said it and his kids heard it!

To be honest, Michael didn't regret saying that. He was furious when he found out that this problem occurred because his kids were bullied for not having a father.

However, Michael wished he could say that to his kids in a better place and not in this kinda situation.

Michael's lips suddenly felt dry when he felt someone staring at him and it was Raphael. The boy's expression was completely unreadable to him.

Was he disappointed? Angry? Or don't like him as his Daddy?

Michael had absolutely no idea and he was really scared about it.

He was afraid that the boy would not accept him, considering that at first Raphael had hated him.

"Is that true? You are my Daddy?" asked Raphael, looking at Michael intently, as if trying to convince himself once again that the man who had lived with him all this time turned out to be his Daddy.

Michael subconsciously swallowed his own saliva when he saw the expression of his eldest son, then took a deep breath.

"Yes!" Michael answered steadily and tried to hide his nervousness. Although there are various negative thoughts filled his mind right now. He must remain calm and confident.

Raphael's expression was still the same, then it turned into a smile and looked at Michael with a sparkling gaze.

"Daddy!" said Raphael then immediately hugged Michael's legs. A tear appeared in his brown eyes. Tears of happiness.

He had always wanted to meet his Daddy. He was very happy because he finally got to meet his Daddy.

Michael breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the attitude of his eldest son. He then immediately picked up Raphael and held him in his arms.

Raphael didn't rebel and hugged back while resting his face on Michael's shoulder, smelling his Daddy's scent which turned out to be fragrant.

'Looks like I'm just overthinking,' Michael thought when he saw Raphael's attitude which was far different from what he thought.

"Gabriel." Michael's gaze then looked for his youngest son, wanting to hug him too.

However, Michael's facial expression immediately changed when he saw the look on Gabriel's face which looked surprised to receive the news.

"Gabriel? Come here with Da…" Michael called softly and smiled.

"Nooo!" Gabriel shouted then immediately ran out of the room.

Michael was very surprised by Gabriel's reaction. He thought Gabriel would be happy because so far their relationship had been very close.

Likewise with Sarah who did not expect the reaction of her sons. Just like Michael, Sarah thought that Raphael would oppose or reject Michael. She didn't think that Gabriel would be the one to do that.

"Mr. Collins."

Michael and Sarah, who wanted to chase after Gabriel, stopped where they were when they heard Mr. White's voice. They had completely forgotten that they were currently talking about their son's quarrel.


Seeing his younger brother leaving, Raphael immediately asked to be put down and chased his younger brother.

Michael and Sarah just watched their eldest son leave without trying to stop him. It seemed because he was still a child, so he didn't think that he should be here as well. However, on the other hand, they were happy that someone had gone after Gabriel.

Mr. White had an awkward look on his face when Michael looked at him! He's really unlucky! Why did he have to go through such a shameful thing?

"I'm really sorry for what my son did…"

"If you're really sorry, then kneel down!" said Michael coldly, repeating the words he had heard earlier.

"Eh?" Mr. White's expression looked surprised when he heard that. He didn't expect that Michael would say what came out of his mouth earlier.

So did Sarah, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Michael," said Sarah, holding Michael's arm, telling him not to overdo it.

Sarah was annoyed with the family, but she just didn't want them to kneel. An apology alone was enough for her.

However, Michael's facial expression didn't change at all and looked cold.

Mr. White swallowed his saliva when he heard that, then looked at the people around him who were now looking at him like a spectacle.

"Mr. Collins… That…" said Mr. White deliberately hanging his words, sweat starting to appear on his face.

"Why?" asked Michael coldly. "You can't do that? Shouldn't as a parent, you must be responsible for the mistakes made by your son?"

Mr. White licked his lips. Once he was promoted, he had heard that Michael Collins was a good man and made his employees prosperous. Basically he is a good leader.

However, that doesn't mean Michael is a pushover. If someone did something wrong, he would act so ruthless that the person regretted doing something wrong to Michael.

At first Mr. White thought that it was just an exaggeration. Michael's public image was so good that he simply couldn't believe that Michael would be so ruthless.

Now he knew that he was completely wrong.

"Michael! Enough! You're too much" Sarah said raising her voice when she saw Michael looked serious with his words.

"What did you say? Too much?" asked Michael looking at Sarah in annoyance. "I'm just saying what he said. It seems he is used to kneeling to apologize to others so if anyone wants to apologize, they have to kneel," continued Michael who didn't want to stop this at all.

The man dared to tell Sarah to kneel in front of him! He wouldn't just let it go!

Sarah sighed when she saw Michael who wasn't listening at all.

"It's just a kid fight, we can sort it out in a calmer way." Michael's face still looked dissatisfied when he heard that. "Right now there is something more important than this. We have to go find Gabriel."

Her youngest son might look cheerful, but Sarah knew that she was actually quite sensitive. So now Sarah's mind is more focused on her youngest son.

Michael's expression changed when he heard what Sarah had just said. Right! How could he forget that?

Seeing that Michael's expression had changed, Sarah looked at the Whites.

"Like I said before. I'll pay your son's hospital bill. Will you accept it?" Sarah asked calmly.

Raphael punched his friend and hurt the boy's face. Even though the boy deserved it, Raphael who made his face hurt was a fact.

At least as a parent, Sarah wanted to take responsibility for it.

"Ah! That's not necessary at all. Thanks for the offer, but we can pay for it," said Mr. White politely.

How could he ask Sarah for money after finding out that she had a relationship with Michael? He must be crazy!

Mrs. White, who had been silent all this time, also nodded her head. She was smart enough to realize that the current situation had changed.

"Well… If you don't want to accept it…"

"We'll pay for it!" Michael cut in before Sarah finished her sentence.

Sarah turned to Michael. She wanted to end this conversation immediately to find her son. However, what does Michael want to do?

"It's all right, Mr. Collins," said Mr. White still looking polite.

"No! We will still pay for it! After all, our son has made your son look like that," Michael said then turned to the little boy who was there.

The expression on his face was shocked at how big the boy was and his condition. Does that mean, Raphael won his fight with that kid because Raphael's cheek was only scratched?

A smile appeared on Michael's face. Proud of his son.

Mr. White licked his lips. He really didn't know what to do. He wanted to refuse, but they insisted. After all, how could he receive money from his boss?

"Very well, I will accept the generosity of Mr. Collins," said Mr. White making up his mind.

"Then we'll excuse…"

"However," Michael cut in when he saw that they seemed to be leaving. He then held Sarah's hand which was held by Mr. White earlier.

"You touched my woman and hurt her. This is a different matter, Mr. White. My lawyer will contact you later!"

After saying that, Michael immediately grabbed Sarah's hand and pulled her out of the room to look for Gabriel.

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