Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 263 This Is Better

Sarah was a little surprised when she saw Michael who finally came down from the second floor. Tonight he looked quite casual in his appearance as he was wearing a polo shirt instead of a shirt, but…

"You wear perfume?" Sarah asked when she could smell a subtle and elegant familiar scent.

Michael nodded his head. "We're going on a date. Do I look okay? Not too casual?" Michael asked, while opening his hand.

Sarah looked at Michael through his hair, then down to the shoes he was wearing. Tonight his appearance does look casual, but isn't this a bit too much?

He even wore a watch on his hand and wore perfume, when they were just going to the street night market!

No wonder the man took a while to get out of his room.

"I don't think that's a problem," Sarah nodded. Even though she thought it was a bit too much, Michael's appearance looked okay, and he actually looked pretty cool tonight.

"Then let's go!" said Michael with a big smile on his face.


On the way to the street night market, Michael and Sarah walked while talking about the beautiful sky view tonight, and many things. They get a lot of topics of conversation.

However, the look on Michael's face made it clear that he was thinking about something. Since then his eyes occasionally turned to Sarah's hand swinging beside him.

Should he hold that hand? What if Sarah refuses? But… didn't they often walk holding hands? Especially now that they were walking in the same area as six years ago, when they were holding hands and sometimes she hugs his arm.

Michael licked his lips which suddenly felt dry. Should he hold the hand? Right! Looks like he has to!

Michael's left hand then tried to approach Sarah's right hand, his heart beating fast as he could feel the distance between the two hands getting closer. He then opened his hand, trying to reach the woman's slender fingers.

"Is that the night market?" Sarah asked, pointing towards the crowded place that was starting to appear from where she was.

Michael became flustered when he heard Sarah's sudden voice and the hand he was about to hold rose up before he could hold it.

"Ah, yes, I think it's there!" Michael said, trying to look calm even though his heart was beating really fast.

That's almost it!

Meanwhile, Sarah's expression immediately turned excited when she saw the crowded place. She wasn't very interested at first, but it seemed like there would be a lot of things for sale there.


Michael looked at the woman walking beside him and had been keeping a big smile on her face and looking happy ever since. They are currently on their way back to their apartment.

Judging from the look on Sarah's face, the date seemed like a success.

They tried the snacks sold in some of the tents and even went so far as to buy them to take home when they both thought they were good. They also played a prize game and got a stuffed dog.

"Are you that happy?" asked Michael who also smiled at the woman.

Sarah turned and nodded. "Yeah, it was so much fun! Even though there were a lot of people, it was fun! Next time we have to bring Raphael and Gabriel, they'll love trying to play the game over there!"

Michael nodded. He also felt the same way, it seemed that the two children would be happy if they went to the street night market.

"I'm glad. Too bad we'll be arriving soon. I still want to be with you," Michael said as he looked up, looking at the stars that looked beautiful tonight.

"What do you mean? We will go to the same place, and will meet again in the morning," said Sarah shaking her head.

Why is Michael acting like he's taking her home, then Michael is going to his home, and will see each other again someday?

"You know, sometimes you're really dense!" said Michael, turning to Sarah in annoyance.

Did Sarah really not understand the meaning of his words?

"But I'm telling the truth," Sarah said quietly, not understanding why Michael would be upset.

"Forget it," Michael said with a snort. "Let's walk slowly. I still want to be with you, while looking at the beautiful sky view," he continued then suddenly stopped and looked up.

Sarah then stopped and followed Michael looking up, today's sky was shining with many stars.

"Sarah," Michael called softly.

"Yes?" Sarah asked, turning her head, the man still looking up.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity and for going on a date with me tonight." Michael then turned to Sarah. "I'm happy," he continued with a genuine smile.

Sarah was a little surprised at the words that came out of Michael's lips. She could feel the man's sincerity.

"Then should we go back?" Michael asked when Sarah said nothing.

Sarah immediately regained her senses when she heard that and nodded her head.

Suddenly, Sarah immediately looked down to her left when she felt something touch her hand, it was Michael's hand!

"What is it?" Michael asked when Sarah didn't move and looked nonchalant at her.

He actually knew why Sarah was surprised because he had just grabbed her hand.

To be honest, he had been trying to wait for a chance to hold Sarah's hand. They're on a date, shouldn't they at least hold hands?

However, he couldn't find the right moment to do that because Sarah was moving her hands a lot, and he couldn't find the courage either!

,m Soon they would be home, and the date would be over. He would really regret it if he didn't hold that woman's hand!

So before it was really over, Michael mustered up his courage and grabbed the hand he hadn't held in a long time.

Sarah came back to her senses when she heard this. She could feel her heart beating fast and his face hot.

This wasn't even the first time she had held hands with Michael because in the past they had done so often. However, why was her heart acting as if this was the first time?

"Do you still want to see the stars?" Michael asked, holding back a smile when he saw the look on Sarah's face. The woman's face reddened.

"Ah! No! Let's go!" Sarah said and then moved her legs, but she still let Michael's hand hold hers.

"Wait a minute," Michael said, stopping suddenly, then placing his fingers into Sarah's finger gap. "This is better," he said after successfully interlocking their fingers.

Sarah's face turned red again when she heard that, but she didn't say anything. She admits that it's much better like this.

The two of them then walked back to their apartment with red faces and felt hot.


Finally, Monday has arrived, and today Mrs. Collins looks very excited! She couldn't wait to meet her grandson!

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