Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 202 I Don't Need Your Money

There was silence between Michael and Sarah again. Sarah's expression looked like she was deep in thought, and Michael was waiting for her answer.

After a while the waiter came to bring their drink order. Just like before, Sarah refused to order food, and Michael wasn't too hungry to eat alone.

Michael thanked the waiter then looked at Sarah who was still deep in thought.

"I don't know where you currently live, but our apartment… I mean, the apartment you and I lived in at that time, must be much better than where you live now," Michael said trying to persuade the woman.

Sarah still didn't say anything and thought about Michael's words.

Currently she and the Twins are still living in the orphanage where she grew up because she hasn't had time to find a place to live for them.

"Think of it as a down payment because you want to help me," continued Michael again.

"I don't need your money, Michael!" cut Sarah in a firm voice.

"I mean… you want to do this when you can get a lot of inheritance . I don't want my dad's wealth, I just need the shares, so consider this payment for the shares?" Michael said carefully, afraid that Sarah would misunderstand.

"You don't have to pay me!" said Sarah in a sharp voice. "Okay, I'll do it. I will move to your place!"

After thinking about it, Sarah thought it was the best choice. Michael's apartment is a penthouse with two floors. When compared to the orphanage they were currently living in, it was definitely better.

She can also save her money on renting an apartment while also using this time to find work for her.

A smile immediately appeared on Michael's face when Sarah agreed to his offer.

"I'm glad you're willing to accept it. Don't worry, I won't stay there with you guys. But later we will come to visit dad several times and show that our relationship looks close. I guess that's what he wants."

Sarah just kept silent hearing Michael's explanation. She felt guilty that this time she had to lie to Mr. Collins, but… she had no other choice. The man had gone too far to ask her to do that.

"Hopefully everything goes well," Sarah thought.



The Twins couldn't hide their amazed expressions when they had just entered the apartment where Michael and Sarah were living at the time.

Sarah just chuckled at their attitude, while Michael just smiled.

"Mommy! There's a car in the living room!" Raphael pointed excitedly towards Michael's car which was parked beside the living room.

"There is a swimming pool too!" pointed Gabriel towards the balcony when from where he was he could see the swimming pool.

"You can't go out!" Sarah warned when she saw her two children turned to look at her with their eyes wanting to swim.

"Riel! Look! This house has a second floor!" pointed at Raphael when he could see there was a staircase leading to the second floor.

Gabriel, who still couldn't take his eyes off the swimming pool, immediately turned his head when he saw this, before finally running after his brother who had already climbed a ladder.

"Riel! You can't run! Later the owner downstairs will come scolding you!" scolded Raphael when he saw his brother running around.

Gabriel immediately stopped where he was when he heard that and started walking slowly.

Seeing this, Michael chuckled. The Twins' behavior was absolutely adorable.

"You can run as much as you want. No one will scold you," Michael said as he watched Gabriel walk slowly like a thief, and Raphael waited impatiently for him.

The two children immediately turned to look at Michael when they heard his words, then turned their heads to their mommy in unison.

"Is what the old man said true, Mommy?" asked Raphael, seeking Sarah's approval.

Sarah sighed. "Yes, you can do it, but be careful."

They had been living in a high floor apartment, and if the Twins ran around, the people downstairs would hear them. So Sarah always advised them not to run around in the house.

After hearing Sarah's agreement, the two children's faces immediately smiled and ran towards the second floor. Sarah could even hear that they were saying to race to do it, making Sarah scream again to be careful.

Meanwhile, Michael did not stop smiling at the behavior of the two children. He was pleased that the two children seemed to like their new place to live.

"You want to drink something?" Michael asked, then casually walked to the kitchen. "I think I still had soda in the fridge."

"You think?" asked Sarah who followed Michael behind. She really had a strange feeling right now because of how familiar this place was to her. It is so familiar she immediately sat at the dining table that was there.

"Actually… I live here," Michael said then took out two cans of soda and walked over to Sarah. "But don't worry. You can still use the room upstairs, and let the Twins have their own room on this floor, I'll stay somewhere else," Michael continued and sat down at the dining table.

He had bought this apartment because he remembered Sarah wanted to have two children. So on the first floor there are two rooms, and on the second floor is the master room.

However, he had no idea that Sarah would actually have two children, but it wasn't with him.

This is really weird. He felt weird!

"It's fine, we will occupy two rooms on this floor," refused Sarah immediately.

She'd been feeling something strange ever since she'd come here, and she was sure it would have been even stranger if she had slept in the upstairs bedroom, her and Michael's bedroom that time.

"Okay," Michael replied, not at all pushy.

Not long after, the two twins came up to Sarah and began to narrate their discoveries excitedly and alternately. Both of their faces looked excited with sweat dripping down their foreheads.

Michael couldn't help but shake his head at how Sarah had responded to both of them. The woman could even tell what they were saying? Sarah is really great.

"Would you like some cold milk?" Michael offered when he saw the sweaty Twins, then immediately stood up and walked to the fridge to get them.

The two stared at Michael for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Old man, are you rich?" Gabriel asked suddenly after drinking the milk Michael gave him.

"What?" Michael was a little taken aback by the sudden question.

"You have a good car, your house is also good. Are you Batman?" Gabriel asked once again explaining what he meant.

"He can't be Batman, you silly. Batman is cool, he's an old man!" Raphael commented when he heard his brother's words.

"Ahh… I think you're right," answered Gabriel nodding his head.

Hearing this, Michael just stared at the two children in disbelief. Did he really not look cool in front of them?

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