
183 Chapter 183

With a plan set in stone, it was time to execute it. I thrust my trident in front of me aiming for shields and chest armor, using the explosion to push the skeletons back while my front 2 spider legs quickly penetrate their skulls. I use my lower 2 spider legs as a way to boost my range of attacks or to block an attack coming from my sides.

Stabbing one into the ground and lifting my body up until I was parallel to the ground and twirling in the air to attack the opposite defending against attacks for Gewari all around. Gewari wasn't just standing still being protected either. When I knock away a skeleton and don't have the time to kill it, she would dash forward stabbing its skull with her knife. Before quickly spinning on the spot to dodge an incoming stab or swing from a nearby skeleton. It was like watching a ballet dancer, spin, and twirl around as she fluidly dodges attacks and counters immediately.

Razor and the other two wolves weren't standing still either. They charge into the thick of things, attacking with their paws or teeth. Their swipes would knock down a skeleton easily and the moment the skull gets in between their teeth it is crushed instantly. Although, they did get hurt and injured more than Gewari or I did since their style of attack wasn't meant to engage a large horde of monsters.

Wolves hunt in packs, usually chasing their prey down before eliminating them. Even in a defensive battle, they would race around finding opportunities to flank or charge at the enemy but in this situation, they were unable to show their strengths.

After getting hit in the face, one of the wolves had to back off, activating Moonlight Renewal. To defend that wolf from being attacked during the healing process, Razor and the other wolf had to back off as well. However, their presence was already helping the uphill battle Gewari, and I was facing.

I grab onto Gewari once again, pulling her towards me and activating Cleave before rushing into the space freed up. The chain of explosions created more room than I expected and with another 2 swings, I broke through the encirclement and stood in front of the wolves.

"IAN! Get inside!" - Solar

"No, this is the best place to fight them. I don't see any more skeletons exiting the forest which means the skeletons here are all that is left. Gewari, go back inside with Razor and the other wolves. Get Lucina to give you a potion and heal up before coming back. I'll stand at the gate and defend HavenFall." - Ian

"My lord! I can still fight." - Gewari

"Don't worry, you're still going to fight, but I need you to heal up first." - Ian

"But-" - Gewari

"I can't have you dying. Get healed and come back with a bow and arrow. Same with the group of assassins that came with you. Attack from the wall." - Ian

"Alright. Got it. I'll be back my Lord." - Gewari

"Razor, you did well. Come back." - Ian

Gazing into my eyes, Razor turns towards the other two wolves and howled an order, before coming back and standing next to me. The other two wolves dash back into HavenFall, leaving behind Razor. He growls and lowers his head to the ground staring daggers into the approaching army of bones.

"Alright then, just remember it was your choice to stay behind. Solar, how long until you can cast any supporting spells?" - Ian

"5 minutes for Touch of the Sun and then another 5 for Shield of the Sun. Do you want me to cast Ball of Light?" - Solar

"Depends, how's your mana pool?" - Ian

"I can cast Ball of Light 1 more time before I'm out but if I don't do anything I should recover by the time my other spells come back." - Solar

"Then don't cast anything. Go back to Lucina as well and grab a couple of potions. I might need them." - Ian

"Got it. I'll be right back." - Solar

"Now, then. Round two, defend the gate from an army of lizard man skeletons. Shouldn't be too bad right? I wonder how it is going for everyone else?" - Ian

Gripping my trident tightly, I exhale and gather my strength as the skeletons approach closer. I stand confidently as Razor bares his fangs, pouncing on the skeleton that finally got within range, starting the fight once again. Releasing the grip on my left hand, I thrust the trident forward with my right, penetrating through a skeleton's armor and exploding its upper body.

Following my attack, I step forward and lunge at the skeleton right behind aiming for its skull, eliminating it within seconds. My front spider leg at the skeleton on my left while I proceed to stab the one on my right. Razor dodges under my strike and leaps at the skeletons on my left helping my spider leg eliminate two more skeletons. Arrows rain down from the towers, eliminating skeletons one by one.

I swing my trident to the side creating a semicircle of explosions while my right spider legs blocked a downward swing from a skeleton. Using the butt of my trident, I slam it into the skeleton's chest pushing it against its bony companions behind it and refocusing my attention on the skeletons attacking Razor.

I activate Cleave off cooldown eliminating the skeletons that were attacking Razor and lunge forward as he leaps behind me. Glancing back, I see him biting on the skull of a skeleton whose spear was just centimeters away from the back of my neck. My lunge meets with a skeleton's skull shattering it to pieces in the explosion. However, the skeletons were coming closer, and I was losing space to swing my trident.

Leaping back towards the gate, I reposition my grip and let out a long breath, followed by Razor jumping next to me. Without leaving me much time to breathe the army of bones swarms the narrow space but with them being concentrated on a tiny area, I was able to easily attack them. Quick stabs over and over again. Some hit shields, others hitting chest plates, leg armor and sometimes killing them with an accurate attack to the head.

Explosion after explosion rings throughout HavenFall as I keep the army of bones at bay with my thrusts, however, I can feel the fatigue setting in with each attack. I had been fighting intensely for a while now without any proper break and the constant fighting is definitely taking a tow. It wasn't before long when I miss an attack allowing a skeleton to breach my attack, but I still had my spider legs and Razor to back me up, quickly eradicating the problem.

However, that was only the start. Bit by bit I let more and more skeletons past my strikes with some of them disrupting the flow by knocking my trident downwards. I quickly recover but this time it was too late, it got close enough that my spider legs can't react in time and Razor was already attacking another enemy.

"Ball of Light!" - Solar

Flying past my ear, and exploding right on the skull of the skeleton was Solar's attack. It reached just in time.

"Ian, catch!" - Gewari

I glance towards the small water bag that was thrown into the air. I gather all my strength and do a big sweep at monsters before reaching out and grabbing the bag.

[ Minor Healing and Stamina Potion - Heal 10% HP instantly as well as give a boost of energy to the user. Cooldown 5 mins ]

Lucina had revised her potion-making and instead of adding the herbs with food, she instead used the extract and collected it slowly into small bags. She used two different herbs in the making of this potion, and while it heals less than the Diluted Healing Soup, it heals instantly as well as gives a burst of energy. It was like a shot of coffee, with a healing effect and only a 5-min cool down before I can use the effects again.

I didn't get hit that much during the time Solar and Gewari had been gone, but my energy had been drained fighting so many skeletons all at once. However, Gewari had come back with her small group of assassins, each holding onto a bow with 2 quivers strapped around their shoulders.

"There isn't much left. ARCHERS ON THE TOWERS ATTACK!' - Ian

"Get on top of the wall and fire at the skeletons. NOW!" - Gewari

"I'll help as well." - Solar

With my newfound energy, I plunge headfirst into the group of skeletons stabbing them the moment they get close. My spider legs go into overdrive, slashing, stabbing at anything that moves around me. Explosions happen all around me, nonstop with arrows raining down on the unsuspecting skeletons. Solar's spells eliminate them one by one while Razor defeats any skeletons that escape my grasp.

Not long later the last skeleton is defeated, and my chest heaves up and down heavily. Littered on the ground were shards of bones, piling up to my ankles. I pick one up to find out the description.

[ Bone Fragment

A shattered piece of bone from a skeleton raised from the dead. It has little to no use on its own to many people, but to a necromancer, it serves many uses. ]

Dropping the bone fragment and turning towards Solar and Gewari who were both on top of the wall, I wave to them to come down. Solar passes me another potion while also casting Touch of the Sun on me, recovering my HP to full.

"So, Gewari I never got a chance to ask. What happened in the forest for you to come back to me?" - Ian

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