Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 129:

We kindly ask for your understanding regarding the inconsistency of character pronouns, particularly for the Entities (ex. The Greedy Predator). In Korean, pronouns are rarely used, making it challenging to ascertain a character's gender or identity until later narratives unfold. Update twice a week [SUN] & [THURS] starting August 2024!

December 31st was when their parents departed this world and the miraculous day when the Cheorwon Dungeon was closed. A commemorative ceremony was held at the Seoul National Cemetery every year to honor the Hunters who protected Korea.

Until Jeaheon left for Athena, he attended the event every year. Standing tall and resolute, he endured the gaze and chatter of the crowd from the beginning to the end. On the other hand, Seora had never attended the ceremony, not even once. She simply visited her parents’ graves with a bouquet of flowers like an ordinary person paying tribute to a hero the day before, on the 30th.

She didn’t want to witness the sight of people mourning while also rejoicing over their sacrifices. However, this year is different. Ever since Seora revealed herself as their daughter, she had a choice.

“There’s still three days left, so I’ll take my time to think about it.”

“…That’s right. Seora, no matter which path you choose, make a decision solely for yourself, not because of anyone else’s pressure. Auntie and I will support you no matter what.”

“Of course. I know both of you only care about me.”

She didn’t want to think of others exerting themselves to protect her, as much as she disliked thinking of her mother. But family was different. Family members strived for each other’s well-being, so she would gladly accept their protection. And she would do the same for them.

“Well then, I’m off. Now nothing is holding me back. I’ll fly immediately if I hear any news of you getting hurt, so be careful.”

“Do you know where the Athena headquarters are?”

“That’s the problem. Where is it exactly? No matter how secret it is, it’s hard to believe it can be this well-hidden.”

“If it becomes known, it would be a waste to call it a secret base.” Behind his warm smile, there was a sense of pride about Athena.

It was a much better sight than seeing him consumed by revenge, so Seora smiled along with him.


5 PM, Seoul Airport.

The numerous reporters waiting for the private jet couldn’t contain their excitement.

It was already a hot topic that the president had specially opened Seoul Airport to welcome the three Korean L-class Hunters who had successfully conquered the 8th floor of the Labyrinth and contributed to world peace.

“Can you believe Headbang was the biggest contributor to the Labyrinth? I never saw this coming.”

While it was true that other Hunters had made significant contributions too, the significance of Headbang’s achievement in the Labyrinth was unparalleled. She was the one who had led the charge for world peace, fearlessly taking on challenges without caring for her own well-being. Only someone like her could make a name for themselves.

In other words, her mere presence could shake up the world ranking.

And to make it even more impressive, the most crucial contributor was a Korean Hunter, and not just any Hunter—she was the most recent L-class Awakened. Even those not interested in national pride couldn’t help but shout, “Hurray!”

“But that’s not all. It turns out that Headbang is the daughter of Hyeon Jaehui.”

Who was Hyeon Jaehui? She had been the first S-class Hunter in Korea and was still considered one of the strongest Hunters in the country. Her name was always brought up whenever discussions about the most powerful Hunters in Korea arose. A hero who dedicated herself to the country, sacrificing without caring for her own well-being, and eventually giving her life for the nation—she was like a character straight out of a movie and the most beloved figure among Koreans.

And now, her daughter, Headbang, had an even more dramatic life than Hyeon Jaehui’s.

“The plane is landing!”

At the shout from someone, all the reporters at the airport turned their attention. Song Hanna’s private jet was arriving. The reporters stopped their chatter and raised their cameras. Not a single moment could be missed from when the three L-class Hunters disembarked the plane and got into their cars.

The door opened, and Kang Sejun appeared first. The sharp gaze he cast around made the intimidated reporters lower their cameras discreetly.

This time he was officially attending, so, hopefully, he wouldn’t break any cameras, right? Well, surely not…

But those who had experienced it before couldn’t help but be on guard, trying to protect their cameras from Kang Sejun’s gaze.

As he seemed to scrutinize something, Seong Jarim descended next. She was almost as elusive as Headbang, rarely revealing her appearance, so the reporters quickly lifted their cameras to capture her photo.

Finally, the one they had eagerly been waiting for emerged—Headbang. With her black hair, a face that exuded kindness but also stubbornness, and lips that seldom curved into a smile, she had a very different aura compared to the gentle appearances of Hyeon Jaehui or Yun Jaeheon. However, no one doubted her origins. Instead, admiration and gratitude filled the air for the one who proudly engraved her name as the first on the list of the Labyrinth’s greatest contributors.

It was all thanks to Song Hanna’s and Yun Jaeheon’s efforts during the 27 days that Seora was in the Labyrinth.


【Title: Wow. The Feeling of Patriotism Hits Hard!】

【Who could have missed the return of the L-classes today?? Just seeing it, my heart swells with pride; this must be the true taste of patriotism.

When they entered the 8th floor, I prayed desperately for them to return alive… But I never expected one of them to become the top contributor and rank first.

What star did the Headbang fall from? As if being Hyeon Jaehui’s and Yun Jaeheon’s family was not enough, she jumped from F to L-class;;;; Will she be the world’s first EX-class??? Hahaha, okay, even I admit the last part was a bit exaggerated.】


EX-class haha, is that even possible??

└Do you think it’s even possible? If it existed, we would’ve heard about it in the last 13 years.

└Does the EX-class actually exist??

└I heard rumors about Headbang’s weapon being EX-class.

└When was that rumor? Do people still believe it?? Until just half a year ago, she was only an F-class. How did she get an EX-class weapon?

└Seriously, if something like that existed, at least one of the L-class Hunters would have had it by now.

└Is it possible for an F-class to jump into an S-class??

└Get a grip. If such a thing existed, several would already be at the top rank globally. Seriously…! ;;;;

└Stop acting brain-dead.

“Sigh. Why are there so many quick-witted people in this world?”

Seong Jarim had shared a community post, giggling, saying it was a must-see. Hardly anyone knows that Hit is an EX-class weapon, so how on earth did they figure it out? I can’t stand those quick-witted individuals sometimes.

“What’s the matter?”

“People like me, who have a lot to hide, find it really tough to live in this harsh world,” Seora lamented, and Song Hanna chuckled. She simply smiled when asked if there were other things she was hiding aside from being an L-class.

That’s right. She still had one gigantic secret she hadn’t told anyone. It’s that she was the contractee of the system administrator.

“By the way, are you sure it’s okay to go right now? Without resting?”

“It is more tiring to be dragged out after resting. It’s better to handle it in one go.”

“I think so too.”

“Me too, me too.”

Seora’s statement received agreement from Kang Sejun and Seong Jarim, who were sitting in the backseat. They were on their way to a famous traditional Korean restaurant in Seoul. President Jang Inhu had personally invited them for a special treat.

“Wow, being treated by the president. Life sure has its surprises. Can I eat a lot today?”

“As much as you want. It’s not a bad idea to become the only person who empties the president’s wallet.”

“How exciting!”

Song Hanna seemed to encourage Seong Jarim’s excitement instead of trying to calm her down. Kang Sejun was reflected in Seora’s eyes as she shook her head and promised that she should do the same. Unlike Seong Jarim, he had a dull-looking face.

‘What’s with that relaxed expression?’

Could it be that he had met the president before?

‘Well, judging from what I’ve heard, his past life was quite extraordinary.’

If he had lived such an extraordinary life and never met the president, that would be surprising in itself.

“We’re here. Get off.”

The restaurant was located in a tranquil and serene mountain setting. The chirping of birds and the creaking of winter branches added to the traditional Korean ambiance. Surrounding it were security personnel, wearing solemn expressions, stationed in all directions. They were members of the Presidential Security Service from the Blue House.

“It feels like someone dressed in hanbok should come out dancing, but instead, we have these serious-looking guys in sunglasses.”

“I’m the one wearing hanbok.”

At that moment, a dignified elderly woman appeared, dressed in a hanbok with a neat bun. She was the owner of this place.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m honored to welcome the heroes who saved the world.”

Seeing someone her age speaking in such a manner wasn’t familiar. Even Seora hastily bowed in response.

“Please come inside. The president is waiting.”

This place had a different atmosphere compared to the illegal residence of Baek Huiwon on Mount Taebek. While the latter felt like a wealthy mansion of a powerful figure, this place exuded the purity and integrity of a virtuous scholar’s home. In any case, it was a splendid mansion.

“Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you.”

President Jang Inhu was waiting alone in a room with one of its walls adorned with a large glass window. The view of the beautifully illuminated garden beyond the window was mesmerizing.

“Hello, Mr. President. I’m Yun Seora from the association’s Management Office.” Who would have thought that a low-ranking civil servant like her would be dining with the president? Life indeed holds unexpected surprises.

“I’m Kang Sejun.”

“It’s Seong Jarim! Nice to meetcha!”

All eyes turned to Seong Jarim. However, she seemed completely oblivious to the oddity and smiled warmly. Seora rubbed her forehead.

Oh no, this big sister… To be fair, she is much older than the president, so I can understand, but…

“Ahem. Our apologies. Seong Jarim has a bit of a… special circumstance…”

As Seora bowed to apologize, President Jang Inhu chuckled. “It’s alright. You can speak comfortably.”

“I’m relieved to hear that. The truth is, Seong Jarim spent 108 years in the dungeon. So, in many ways, her common sense is a bit, well… like that.”

As Seora continued speaking, Jang Inhu’s laughter abruptly stopped. It was the first time he had heard such a story, and he looked at Seong Jarim perplexedly. “…108 years?” His face seemed to say, “Could you please turn on your blinker when you change lanes?”

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