City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 332: Establishment Explosion

Chapter 332: Establishment Explosion

Lich Savais
“These bastards!” cursed Necromancer Daril as he saw the projection. The whole circle is lit up with thousands of tiny dots.
We have reached near the bastard’s army and now stopped at the minefield circle. There are thousands of mines and other traps. If we are not cautious from here, we will pay a big price.
The price that nobody wants to pay.
“They have created a circle of mines and put themselves in the center. It is big enough for us to fight, but we will need to be careful after entering inside. The minefield is like a cliff, and they will be doing everything they could, to push us toward it,” said Esalya, with a nasty look in her eyes.
“The bastard who planned this, knows us well,” praised Vansgart grudgingly.
The minefield isn’t to stop us; it is pushing us toward it when enter the circle to fight. There are also those cannons that will rain down their fury on us and the spells from the mages.
Vansgart is right; the elder-blood knows us well enough to plan this.
If it had been an army of living; they wouldn’t have done this. It would be like handing the city to us and caging themselves in the circle. It would have been suicide, but it is different when it comes to us undead.
Our objective is the city as well as the bodies, and the army has the best bodies.
Whenever we attack any place, we go for their army. Here, we might have acted differently and taken control of the city and laid the siege around these bastards till they starved, but we were under pressure from the command.
They want us to get complete control of the city as soon as possible.
We will be attacking the bastards, and the question is from where. There are mines and traps everywhere and in enough quantity to kill a considerable number of us.
There is only one gap, and that is by the legacy, but there is one problem and that is the legacy. 
We had strict instructions to not cause any damage to the legacy. The command wants completely unharmed, and it is one of the reasons why, they want us to gain control over the city as soon as possible.
There is a whisper that merchants might play shenanigans.
Not personally, but through the proxies. 
They have already started their plan, and we wouldn’t want to give them a chance. They are not the enemies that we take lightly.
“Which route, commander?” I asked, and every eye turned to Knight Bartram. The man didn’t answer but turned toward the army of humans.
“By the legacy,” he replied, before turning to me, with a bloody smile. “They have forced us here and it wouldn’t look good. If we didn’t pay it back,” he said, and hearing that, a grin appeared on my skull face.
“As you wish, Commander,” I said, and my staff lit up.
It is the least we could do to pay them back for this welcome they have given us.
A moment later, a big chunk of the horde separated from the horde and moved away. They are going toward the safe zone. 
We wouldn’t have done that, but we will be fighting inside a circle. We do not need a big horde in there; the numbers we are taking are more than enough to deal with the tiny army in front of us.
They noticed it within seconds, and I could see the change appearing on their faces, with many panicking.
That bastard seemed to have said something, which seemed to calm down, but there was still panic. Soon, we are going to turn that, into despair.
“Move!” ordered Knight Bartram, and we moved toward the legacy.
Nobody said anything further, but I could feel the pillars casting spells to control the horde tightly. They understand well that no harm should come to the legacy, or it will be their head on the pike.
I also cast master control to aid them as we reached closer to the legacy.
Boom Boom Boom!
We were just two hundred meters away from the legacy when their cannons boomed. The fire spewed from the mouth of the cannons and cannonballs came toward us, tearing through the air.
Right behind them are the spells and arrows.
“They are not holding back,” said Zylna as his staff lit up and shields appeared above us. “But they are also careful,” added Esalya, looking at how the cannons, spells, and arrows are only attacking the undead that are away from the legacy.
They are not attacking the ones, that are closer to the legacy.
Knight Bartram had expected that and kept the undead dense near the wall, while those further from it were thin.
Like us, they don’t want to harm the legacy. It is a delicate thing; damage it too much and it will disappear.
Soon, I appeared at the gate of the legacy and could see the building. It is a beautiful one; though it looked paler than what I heard about it. There is barely any emotional mist covering it.
“Once we dealt with these bastards; we will party in here,” said Zylna, while the others nodded and even Knight Bartram smiled.
Everybody liked the legacies. Even with their power, they only get to visit one or two times a year. 
It had been over two years since I visited one; I planned to after I finished the mission on the namdar’s island, but this didn’t go well. 
In the evening, I will be here, and I will make the bastard serve me personally.
I was dreaming of the humiliation, I would give him when suddenly the attacks from the enemy stopped. From cannons to spells, everything had stopped as the bastard raised his hand.
It surprised me, but it disappeared when suddenly my Dangersence blared loudly. It was as loud as the time when the bastard's amulet reacted to my attack and destroyed my body.
My staff lit up with the most powerful spells I had; the others were doing the same, activating their most powerful skills and spells.
Even Knight Bartram had turned pale and cursed out loud.
‘Just what the nine hells it!’ I thought with horror as I turned to the legacy; the feeling was coming from it.
‘Couldn’t it be?’
‘That bastard wouldn’t be doing that. It would vaporize, not only us, but the whole city,’ I thought, and it was the last thought before I saw the legacy turn red, the ground turned red, trees turn red.
We watched in terror while trying to get away, as far away from it as possible. Despite knowing in the heart, it is already too late.

“It is time,” I muttered as I looked at the horde getting into the place, we needed them to.
I had just thought that when I felt him acting, and a second later; the entire legacy turned red.
Seeing that, a smile appeared on my face, but tears started to drip from it. I had said to myself, that I wouldn’t cry, but here, the tears are coming out of my eyes like a flood.
I wiped them as I moved. I have a responsibility and I will handle it. Though, I would have wished, the numbers were as much as Stone had said.
He said the undead would try to send some undead toward the safe-zone. It would be ten thousand, fifteen at most, but there are twenty-five thousand undead moving toward it.
Even with all the powers of legacy and mine, killing them would be hard, but I am going to try with my all.
I will begin as Silver is finished.
I raised my hand up, and immediately the attack stopped. At the same time, I did, the that gave me the greatest grief.
“I love this city and its people,” I said, with my voice reaching to every ear; not just the army, but the entire city, including the safe zone.
“For it, I could sacrifice anything, including my legacy,” 
People looked at me in shock; the only one who wasn’t shocked was Stone. 
I turned and saw the establishment turning bright red, not just the establishment, but the ground around it.
I have used Master of Legacy to burn the emotions that were present in every brick, wood, plant, and even soil. I am burning it all and seeing it, the enemies are running.
It is futile, they will not be able to run away.
I whispered with tears coming out of my eyes and brought out a massive amount of energy crystals, I had stored the Vault of Ru and forced the burning emotions into them, causing the reaction I wanted.
The establishment exploded, and it did so with such power, that had shocked me. I had imagined many scenarios, but this was grander than anything I had imagined.
The explosion spread, covering the whole horde in its embrace and still spreading and reaching us within seconds.
Bang Bang Bang
Its powerful shockwave crashed against us; there were shields and protective skills, but it broke through them and crashed against us.
It was like being hit by a sleigh hammer; for a moment, I thought as I thought I would crash like a broken doll, but at that moment, I felt the hundreds of skills and shamanic magic, that kept my feet on the ground.
I forced back a couple of steps along with the whole army, but that is all. Aside from small injuries and massive heat, we are fine.
Our enemies aren’t.
This was the plan, burning the emotion power and creating the explosion by pouring that power into the crystal, creating the powerful explosion.
It was more powerful than I thought and dealt massive damage against our enemies.
I looked ahead toward the establishment, that no more. It had disappeared, leaving nothing but the dense smoke.
“Are they dead? I can’t see anything,” 

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