City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 329: Dead

Chapter 329: Dead

The moment she shouted; a powerful invisible suppressive feeling came out of her like a tide.
It slammed something into the wall behind me. I saw a man appear in the mirror in front of me, with shock written all over his face.
Seeing how close, he had been behind me. A horror rose in my heart. If Bell hadn't brought him out, that dagger would have reaped my life.
“Aura!” he said with a voice shaking.
Yes, Bell had used Aura. It is a power as well as a symbol. It is a representation of the will, and the great hand has no control over it. 
It is a power that comes from the very core of a sentient being and is considered most sacred. Everyone desires it, but very few could awaken it.
“You have made a grave mistake, assassin,” said Bell, and I felt the invisible aura shifting.
The ripping sound rang out and a huge wound appeared on the body of the assassin. It seemed to have to bring him out of his and he pounced.
“You will not!” I felt the aura moving again, but this time, the assassin was ready, and he moved. 
It shook him, but he avoided whatever, she used as the gap appeared on the wall behind him.
“Aura and aura skills! Just who are you?” he asked and flicked away, avoiding another attack, that smashed tiles beneath his feet.
“You do not need to know,” Bell replied and attacked again with her aura. 
He dodged the attack and tried to move closer to Bell, but retreating as she attacked. He did it over and over, while I watched in panic.
My thoughts are a mess, each running in different directions. 
What is happening is just too shocking. First the assassin, then the aura, and now the aura skills.
I don’t know what aura skills are; I had never heard about them, but they looked powerful, seeing what they were doing to walls and the tiles.
Remus said Bell was not what she seemed. Even Margaux had suspected something about her, but I am sure, no one had expected this.
“Hehe. You have mastered the aura skills, but don’t have the experience to use them. If you had, then even my sister wouldn’t be able to beat you,” he said, laughing; all the worry on his face seemed to have vanished.
“You are talking like you won already, but are dodging my attacks,” said Bell confidently, but I could see, a hint of worry appearing in her eyes.
It seemed like what he said, is true.
It reminds me of what Sir Schengen had said once when he was training Stone. 
He said an arsenal without experience is useless. If he wants to control the power of his elder blood, then he should use his elder blood as much as he can, till he becomes familiar with every aspect of it.
Stone seemed to have listened, because every day, he used the power of elder-blood to spar against Sir Schegan.
Bell intensified her attacks and within seconds, she had destroyed the whole bathroom, but except for the first attack, not a single one seemed to have hit the assassin.
Worse, he was getting closer and closer to her, and Bell was barely able to repel him. If this kept happening, he would reach her eventually, and it would take a single attack from him to finish her.
‘Why aren’t they coming?’ I thought.
The noise was huge, and everyone in hallways should have heard it. Not just the guards, standing by the door. 
‘Has he killed them?’ a question couldn’t help but rise in my heart.
“You can’t touch me, whore,” goaded the assassin as he appeared a meter in front of her, before disappearing to dodge the attack.
Bell didn’t rise to his goading and kept attacking, but the assassin seemed to have got better at dodging, seeing how close he was getting to her.
I was watching him, when he appeared in front of Bell, before disappearing. I looked at the likely spots he would appear, but he didn’t. 
Instead, I saw Bell whipping her neck toward me, with horror in her eyes. For a moment, I didn’t understand, till I felt a cold sharp dagger on my neck.
“This delicate head will fly in the air if I feel the slightest change from your aura,” the assassin threatened.
He is behind me, holding his blade to my neck. I could feel its sharpness and skills attached to it and knew how effortless it would be for him to kill me. 
“I will kill you. If you harm her,” said Bell, and to that he laughed.
“There is no need for the threats. I am going to walk her toward the door, and you will stay at your place. Once I reach the door, I will leave, without harming this woman,” he said and slowly pushed me toward the door.
He kept as much distance between Bell and us as he moved us.
I am panicking like there is no tomorrow, but I controlled it forcefully. 
I am aware this assassin is for me, and once we reach the door, it is unlikely that he will leave me alive, despite what he had said.
I have to do something before that happens, or I will die.
I don’t want to die.
For the first time in my life, I am feeling true happiness. I want more of it; I deserve it.
But what c
I stopped the question mid-way. I am not powerless, at least not since the morning when Remus had come to the establishment and told me its greatest secret. That only Caena and he knew before.
I was a little angry, that he Caena had known before me, despite understanding. It is she who is responsible for it.
I calmed myself more and focused on what Caena told me.
I reached for that thing with my authority, and I had it instantly. It seemed like, he didn’t sense it, as there was no reaction from him.
I didn’t act immediately, which I really wanted to do, but waited as we moved closer and closer to the door.
‘Now!’ I said and acted when we were just a meter away from the door.
Puch Puch Puch!
Immediately, a clay-brown layer covered me, and I heard the wet sounds front and back of me. A faint sound came from the man holding me, but it had disappeared, just as it appeared.
The dagger remains where it was on neck, but the blood started to seep down from the arm from several places.
I am feeling wet on my back and wanted to move.
Spiked Shell.
I had used the spell, that Caena had asked told me about. She had given me a list of seven conditions and spells, I could use. If I found myself in those conditions; these spells are best in dealing with those conditions.
According to Caena, Spike Shell is a Grade 2 Earth Elemental spell. It covers the body with light earth protection from which the spikes come out in all directions.
A Grade II spell is not powerful enough to deal with assassins, but Caena said, all the spells enhanced when activated through legacy; their power jumped the grade.
I still didn’t understand most of it, but it seemed to have saved me.
“Is he dead?” I asked, to shocked Bell. She didn’t reply for a second before nodding slowly.
I deactivated the spell, and the body of the assassin fell down with his enchanted dagger clattering on the floor. I looked at the body and saw tens of holes in the man, including three on his head.
They are likely what had killed him.
“I have his blood all over me,” I said; I don’t know, why, I said it, but I did. My whole back is drenched with his blood and also my chest.
She opened her mouth to say something, but at that exact moment, the door opened and two women entered inside with smiles on their faces, but a moment later, they froze with smiles on their faces transforming to horror.
The woman on the left screamed.
“What happened?” asked the guards as bolted inside and immediately alarm appeared on their faces as they saw my state, the dead body, and the state of the bathroom.
“The assassin,” I replied, with a surprisingly even voice.
“What were you doing? Have you not heard the sound of battle?” asked Bell, with her passive skill pressing on the guards, that seemed to make their knees so weak.
Even both women were got surprised, seeing the power of her skill. Bell seemed to realize what she had done and immediately lowered the power of the skill, till it couldn’t be felt.
If I had not been in condition, I am. I would have marveled at her control over her passive skill.
“We didn’t hear anything, Miss Bell. It was all silence behind the door,” the guard replied.
The reply eased the anger in her eyes. As she seemed to understand, that the assassin must have used some skill to isolate the noise from the bathroom.
There was silence for a moment as all eyes turned to the body and the blood that was spreading from it.
“Miss Carla, are you all right?” asked the woman on the right and walked toward me. “I am alright Mrs. Hardt; all this blood belongs to the assassin,” I replied, and relief appeared on her face.
Though I could see the questions on their faces, even Bell had questions.
All of them are thinking about how the assassin got killed. They would never in their dream would think, the two whores have killed him, especially seeing the way he died and the blood all over me.
“I hope everyone will keep this news to themselves. We don’t want to cause the needless panic,” said Bell, looking at the four people.
“Will more assassins come?” asked a blue-haired woman, who screamed. “Unlikely. The assassin was for Miss Carla and since he was dead; they won't send any, knowing she is protected,” replied Bell.
I am so glad she is here; I don’t think, I am in a state to answer any of their questions.
“Miss Carla, you have a skill, right?” she asked. I didn’t have to know what type of skill she was talking about. Only one is needed here and I activated it immediately.
Fresh As Morning.
As the skill activated, the blood and sweat floated down my body, creating a small puddle around my feet.
A minute later, we walked out of the bathroom. The guards locked it, while I went back to be my responsible, suppressing everything I had experienced deep into my mind.
I have responsibilities. I wouldn’t let what I had experienced come in between them. 
Lich Savais
“My mark had vanished,” I said as I sensed it had disappeared. “He is dead?” asked Knight Bartram with shock.
“Likely. Though he might have removed it on his own to reach near the target; it wouldn’t be the first time he has done that,” I replied.
The mark kept me in a loop of his state, but it is also a hindrance to the rogues. It makes magic sensing skills discover them. 
He had removed the mark many times due to it.
“Let’s hope he is alive. I don’t want another death in my name, and there is also his crazy sister,” said Knight Bartram and sighed.
He was not Lv. 30, but one had a chance of becoming one. He and his sister also had connections back in the kingdom. They wouldn’t like it if he is dead and will bring the consequences.
Knight Bartram wouldn’t be the only one suffering it.
My reputation is already in the dirt due to the Namdar incident, and I already squeezed my backers for everything they had.
They wouldn’t help me. If those bastards tried to mess with me.
“It has become very important for us to capture the city, in a way, that impresses the higher-ups or there will be consequences,” I said after seconds of silence.
“There will be no further disappointment,” said Knight Bartram and turned to the wall, with fury blazing in his eyes.

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