City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 327: Valorous Governor

Chapter 327: Valorous Governor

Blade Warrior Lv. 20
{Conditions Met: Blade Warrior – Valorous Warrior}
Skill Gained: Gymnasts Control
{Conditions Met: Masterful Administrator – Governor}
{Conditions Met: Governor + Valorous Warrior = Valorous Governor}
Valorous Governor Lv. 19
Valorous Governor Lv. 20
{Skill Gained: Governors Presence}
{Skill Gained: March of Braves}
{Condition Met: Contract – Solid Contract}
{Conditions Met: Swift Blade – Blade of the Gale}
{Conditions Met: Rapid Steps- Blitz Steps}
Came out of my mouth as I saw the long line of texts in front of me.
“Is something wrong, my lord?” asked the guard by the bed. There are two of them, with each standing on one side of the bed.
“No,” I said and looked at the text in front of me.
Yesterday, I was a little disappointed when the Masterful Administrator didn’t advance to the Governor, but now it has not advanced to the Governor but also merged with my combat class. 
Giving me a Valorous Governor Class.
It is a powerful class, far stronger than both classes combined. I could feel its power and a smile couldn’t help, but appear on my face.
I had not only gotten the new class but three of my skills had also advanced. There are also three new skills in my arsenal; all of them feel powerful.
I turned to the first skill that I had I got from Valorous Warrior before it merged with the Governor. 
It is a passive skill like its sister skill, Gymnasts Grace. While the Gymnasts Grace had most of its focus on flexibility and balance, Gymnasts Control is all about control.
As I moved my finger, I knew, I could now control my body more perfectly than before.
The second new skill is Governors Presence, from the Valorous Governor. It is also a passive skill, similar to the one, I had borrowed from the Bell.
If the city survives, the undead. That skill will be very helpful to me.
The third is March of Braves. This skill excited me the most. It is the first army skill I got and a pretty powerful one at that. Level 20s usually get this skill, especially those of the Governor Class.
It is usually got by those of the Lord Class or powerful General Class. 
The last three are my old skills, belonging to both classes, that had advanced. The Contract advanced to a Solid Contract, making it more powerful.
Swift Blade had advanced to the Blade of the Gale, and Rapid Steps advanced to Blitz Steps. The two were powerful skills to begin with, and now they have become even more powerful.
That is not all I have got from the advancement. There are also two attribute points. One, I had got, when Blade Warrior reached Lv. 20 and the second when merged Valorous Governor reached Lv. 20.
I thought for a moment and deposited one point into intelligence and the other into the Vitality, taking both to the fifteen.
I felt the wonderful effect of them on me. I wish it could last forever, but unfortunately, they had only lasted for a few seconds. 
Vitality is a wise choice, but adding the point into intelligence might surprise some, but they wouldn’t be surprised when they will see the skill, I had copied through the Copy Skill.
It runs on intelligence. 
I still don’t know whether I would be using that skill or not, but if I did means, things become truly dangerous for me. I would need intelligence as high as possible, seeing there is going to be some resistance from the skill, for the purpose I am going to use it.
“My Lord, Commander Stone had asked us to take you to him, as soon as you woke up,” informed the blond woman, surprising me.
“When did he wake up?” I asked and looked at my pocket watch.
It had been only three, and a half hours since I slept, and he retreated slightly more than four hours ago.
“Has something happened?” I asked as I got up and found myself quite springy, but in no mood to care about it, seeing Stone wake up.
My orders were clear. They were to forcefully bring him to consciousness in six hours, or if something drastic happened.
“We don’t know when the commander woke up my lord. He asked us to relay this message to you, twenty-minutes ago. As for what happened, we don’t know, everything had been the same for the past few hours since you have retreated with the army,” replied the woman.
I nodded and walked toward the door, with two of them following me.
Mage Ravill is still sleeping, while most of the people have woken up and their place has been taken by others. They only need to sleep for a maximum of three hours to get the level up. 
If they don’t get it within three hours, then there is no level-up from them.
Soon, we reached the door. The guards standing by it bowed, before opening it for me. I nodded and entered the room.
The room, which was earlier filled with people, had only three people in it. Robin, Stone, and Ina.
Most of his injuries seemed to have healed, leaving only marks behind, but tiredness was apparent in his eyes. The four hours of rest are far from enough to help him recover from what he had gone through.
I was about to speak to him when I noticed a familiar feeling coming off him. It feels unstable; it is getting stronger and weaker.
‘He hadn’t activated the blood,’ I thought.
The feeling was weak, even at its strongest, but I had felt it enough times to recognize instantly, that it was from elder-blood. Though it confused me. This presence only appears when Stone brings out the power of elder-blood and currently, he has not.
“Congratulations, my lord,” said Stone, breaking the silence.
“Thank you,” I replied.
I didn’t have to think about even a second to understand why he thanked me. He clearly felt the power of my passive skills and interpreted what happened.
“We were able to get the information,” informed Robin, breaking me out of my thoughts. 
“Really! How?” I asked but calmed down my excitement at seeing the worry on their faces. Whatever the information they have got is serious enough to make them worry like this.
It is likely why; they had woken Stone forcefully and had guards inform me as soon as woke up.
“It was Eli and his little sparrow,” replied Stone, surprising me.
Higher-leveled people had their monsters slain, while his little sparrow had not only been able to pass through the blockade but also brought back the information.
“He had got inheritance skill,” he added, seeing the surprise on my face.
When I heard the words, the surprise disappeared, and shock appeared on my face.
Saying inheritance skills are rare would be an understatement. 
These are skills that their ancestor had. The ancestor needs to be at least an s-class powerhouse; a person at Lv. 50 and above to pass his skills and the class.
One needs to satisfy conditions to gain those skills. It is also become harder to get them with each successive generation. 
I heard from Eli and Zela, that his ancestor was the s-class scout who used cloud-surfing sparrows. Getting the same monster wouldn’t be enough. There must be more he needed to do to get it.
Whatever it is; the ancestral skill didn’t disappoint us. He had brought us the information.
“What did the information say?” I asked, and their expressions turned even more serious.
“Another horde is coming. It had around fifty thousand undead. At least one level 30 and four pre-30 in it. It should reach the city within two hours,” replied Robin, and I shook.
I wanted to scream hearing that, but I fell silent instead. 
More undead would spell a doom for us. We had fought the horde for three hours and were barely able to kill over 15% of it. Which had tired us out and killed and injured many of us. 
Now, another horde is coming toward us, bringing more undead.
There will also be powerhouses in it, which will make dealing with it, even more dangerous.
We will get slaughtered by them.
It took me a few seconds to control my emotions, and I turned to Stone. “What should we do? Should we bring our plan forward?” I asked.
He didn’t say anything and kept looking up for several seconds, before turning to me.
“The addition of the fifty thousand more undead will make things very dangerous, but it also provides us with the opportunity to execute our plan more smoothly,” he said, and I caught the hidden meaning behind his words.
“What do you mean?” asked Robin.
“They had called the reinforcement because they didn’t want any stone upturned. They want to crush us, absolutely, and with such a horde, they will have the confidence to do it, which will present us with a great opportunity to execute our plan, with lower chances of failure,” he replied.
Robin just nodded and turned to me.
“I hope whatever you have planned is enough to deal with the horde,” he said to me. “It is enough to give us a chance of victory,” I replied, with a small smile appearing on my face.
Which brought a small on his face too, but soon his expression turned serious.
“There is another news,” he said somberly. 
“What is it? I hope it is not another horde coming from the other direction?” I asked with nervous laughter. Hoping the joke wouldn’t come true.
Robin shook his head, and I felt relieved, but a moment later, he pushed a page toward me.
I took it and was shocked immediately, reading the first line. The more I read, the more shocked I would become.
“Madman! He used a Grade VII empire protection spell. I thought, there are powerful restrictions around them, that even the emperor couldn’t use them unless the empire is truly in danger?” I asked with every word filled with shock.
I mean, what kind of spells are the Grade VII spells? 
They are called archmage spells, only archmages can cast them. In the past two thousand years, there have never been over nine archmages at one time in the world. Currently, there are said to be only seven in the world.
An archmage is a walking nuke, powerful beyond comprehension.
That madman had just used the spell, and he didn’t do it to save the empire from danger.
If I remember correctly; it is explicitly forbidden to use them for the purpose he did. The madman didn’t care about that.
“That’s what I heard, but he was somehow able to do it,” replied Robin. “It will affect the Greltheaven greatly,” he added, looking worried.
“We will think about it after we defeat the horde,” I said, to which he laughed, and I turned to Stone with an important question.

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