City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 314: Request

Chapter 314: Request

Dealer of Desire Lv. 23 [Master of Legacy]
Dealer of Desire Lv. 24 [Master of Legacy]
Skill Gained: Energizing Essence 
Masterful Administrator Lv. 23
There was a text in front of my eyes, as I woke. I had leveled up. 
I barely glanced at the first two lines, before turning to the skill with eyes wide and heart beating in the excitement.
Energizing Essence is a really powerful skill that is specific to the masters of legacies. It works as it states; it lets one use the emotion essence to energize.
I wonder, what kind of variation it is. Some energize the mind, some the body, some both, and some specific emotions. It is an extremely rare skill to get before the legacy reaches Grade 4 and the one old man Vanis wants since he is always damn tired.
I quickly controlled my emotions and focused on the last notification and a slight disappointment couldn’t help, but appear in my heart.
Masterful Administrator leveled up, but it didn’t upgrade as I was expecting.
Well, it is not easy to gain those powerful classes. One needs to work for months and years to gain them, while I am at the job for less than a week.
I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the important thing.
The four attribute points I have stored. I got two from this level up and another two from the last, which I hadn’t used, but now it had become clear where I needed to use them.
I added two to the vitality and two to the strength. Taking the vitality to fourteen and strength to sixteen.
Immediately, I felt the change. My skin had become slightly vibrant, and I felt more strength in my body. For a few seconds, it gave me a high, that made me feel like, I could do anything.
It took a while for the high to vanish and for me to get control over my emotions.
I got out of bed, feeling a slight regret, that I couldn’t add some points to the intelligence and charm.
If I had planned the lead only, I might have, but I planned to fight and body stats will help a lot with that. 
I quickly freshened up and changed into the new clothes, before activating Get Ready. I wanted to shower, but I already slept more than, I wanted to.
I planned to sleep for three hours only but ended up sleeping four. The sun had started to come out and in a few minutes, the whole sky would light up.
I walked out of the bedroom and saw Shaun and Lt. Colonel Julian standing in the bedroom.
“Any news?” I asked him.
“A lot; I have written it all down,” he said and handed me a stack of papers. I took it from him and walked out of my suite, with them following behind them.
“They are still in the Panar?” I asked, and he nodded.
They reached the Panar three and a half hours ago. They entered the gates without any resistance since more than half of its population deserted the city, most of which undead brought it back.
The undead were around the city, hiding before the horde even arrived. They have killed and captured most of the people trying to escape.
I thought, they would leave the city by now for Greltheaven, but they didn’t. It is good for us. It gives us more time.
It is not the only good news; there is another about the Port Midlet, where the undead had yet to breach walls, even after twelve hours of battle and it seemed like, the big credit goes to that bastard.
He had finally entered the battle and turned the tide. I hate the bastard, but couldn’t help, but become impressed by his and his cavalry’s prowess.
These two are only good things because others are bad.
The horde that captured Bilgas is now moving toward Port Midlet and there is another horde that has come out of the Ashton Harbor and is moving south-east.
It is unlikely to be going for the Bilgas, since they already conquered it, and it is too small for the Deerpond. The only city toward which it could go against seemed to be Riverbell.
It is one of the three cities by the river, with Deerpond and Greltheaven. 
It would be disastrous if they captured the Riverbell because it would cut our main trade route with the rest of the rest of the empire. 
I can not do anything, but I hope, the others would. Especially, the merchant states. The thing, they had been waiting for to happen had happened; the emperor was dead and wars were everywhere.
Means more business for them and I am sure, they wouldn’t want any harm to come to this precious trade route and would be pulling the strings in the background.
By the time, I reached my office; I had finished reading everything.
“Any news about the Count?” I asked, before sleeping, I had asked him to keep an eye on that news. “No, there was nothing,” he replied.
‘Did they really capture him?’ I asked myself. 
It might have happened, or he went to the place which I couldn’t guess. There is also a chance, that he might have dug the hole and is hiding in the wasteland.
Stone had said, it was the best option to survive the undead. One only needs good mages to hide the life signatures, and the Count had gone with three high mages.
For a minute, there was a silence, before I turned to Bell and Ina.
“Have you two slept at all?” I asked. They have been here since I had gone to sleep and are still here. 
“We did,” they replied in unison.
They have skills that let them operate with less sleep. I know for a fact Bell has it and Ina has it too.
I didn’t say anything further and focused on the files in front of me. It is not all work, much of it contains intelligence; we have mages who are responsible for receiving it from the other cities.
Yesterday, there was only a single file, and now there are tens of them. With each passing day, more and more scouts were getting closer to the cities and information was leaking from the cities where the undead were fighting or already captured.
They may have sealed cities communications, but that doesn’t mean, there would be a complete blockade of information.
It would leak eventually. 
“The horde had left Panar,” informed Shaun, stopping me and everyone. Turning the mood of the entire office somber. 
We have been expecting the news, but it still shook the hearts of many. Till now, the horde was coming, but not directly toward our city, but now it is.
“It had split into two parts, one coming for the Greltheaven, while the other is moving toward Norke,” he added, predicting Stone turned true.
“What is the number?” I asked and his expression turned bad hearing that. “Around hundred and fifty thousand for us and fifty thousand for Norke,” he replied, turning everybody’s expressions worse, including mine.
We have been hoping for a hundred thousand to one hundred and thirty thousand, but this hundred and fifty is going to make things a lot harder for us.
Still, it didn’t change the fact, that we will need to fight them. There is no choice, other than that.
Half an hour later, Stone came to discuss it and left a few minutes later. Like, I had said, it didn’t change things. 
“Lord Governor, they are here,” said the voice through the intercom. “Send them in,” I said.
The door opened, and six people walked inside. They looked tired despite the sleep and pale; some even had bandages around them, with loss filling their eyes.
There are six people, with the muscled middle-aged man in the lead. He is a tall man, with thick blue hair and green eyes.
“My lord,” they greeted. “Please, take a seat,” I said.
“Thank you, my lord,” said the leading middle-aged man.
“I am glad to see, you have survived. It wouldn’t have been easy,” I said after a few seconds. 
“We did, but we have paid a great prize for that,” he said, looking at people beside him.
“It would have been wise if we had prepared, like you are doing, instead of escaping. The result would have been the same or worse, but it would have been honorable,”  he added and sighed.
He is a Major Hunriet of Panar; one of few hundred that was able to reach Greltheaven, among tens of thousands, who had escaped.
“It is not your fault, Major. With how things were in your city, you couldn’t have done anything,” I said, but the man didn’t say other than shake his head.
There was a silence for nearly a minute before the man turned to me.
“I have come here, with the request, that you would let me and the people from my city fight the undead with you. Our strength might not be much, but we want to take back our honor from the undead,” he said.
“It would be my honor, to fight alongside you and your people, Major,” I said to a middle-aged man.
“Thank you, my lord,” he said and bowed deeply.
We need people to fight and some of the people who come from Panar are good. Stone had informed me, he would be enlisting them.
So, even if he hadn’t come to me for permission. He would have needed to fight, every person in the city, who could fight is doing.
He left soon after and an hour later, I walked out of my office.
I was going to do a thing, I wasn’t planning to, but the nightmare I had changed my mind. It is extremely risky, for her, but if I didn’t do it and something has happened to her, I won’t be able to forgive myself.
So, I would do it, even knowing, it might put her in danger if we survived, and the secret is revealed, but she will need to survive the undead to face that.
That is all I care about, right now.

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