City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 295: Celebration IV

Chapter 295: Celebration IV

“Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Viscount Moldt, Viscountess,” I said to a middle-aged man and a blond-haired woman.
“Thank you for the invitation, Lord Silver, and regret from his grace, the Duke of Dawhall. He couldn’t be here due to the important business,” he replied, and I smiled.
“It is regretting my lord, but I am glad that he sent you,” I said, he smiled and walked inside.
Not a single powerful noble from the mainland had come personally. Usually, they throng to the places like this. It is not because it is a brothel, but because of the state of the empire.
The emperor could fall dead at any moment, and they didn’t want to be out of their territory during that. It is not just that, but also the assassination and other things. 
A few seconds later, another guest arrived, and then another. 
Soon, a carriage entered the establishment, bearing the two flags. One belongs to her, while the other belongs to the organization she was part of. I am also part of it and today, it will become formal.
The carriage door opened, and the woman came out. She is tall, with strawberry-red hair. She is pretty, but not as strikingly beautiful as one would expect, seeing her race and position.
The woman is a half-elf, and she is not hiding it. With the organization she is representing today, even the Empire wouldn’t do anything to her except send her out politely.
Soon, she has appeared in front of me.
“Lady Awyn, welcome to my humble establishment,” I said to the woman. 
She is Ophelia Glynrieth, the lady of Transcendent Pleasure. The most powerful brothel of the entire continent, but she had not only come as a lady of her legacy, but also as a representative of Synod.
“It is anything but humble, Lord Silver,” she replied and nodded at Leila, before walking into the hall where nearly everyone had turned to her.
Her legacy is Grade 4, and she achieved that feat in a remarkable time.
“That woman will be your biggest competition when you decide to expand,” said Leila beside me. “She seemed to consider me that already,” I replied and smiled.
Ophelia may consider me as competition and one day we might be, but it wouldn’t be soon.
My legacy is different, and I need to focus on it first before I can think about expanding. Not to mention, doing that soon would be a mistake; my first focus should be on the establishment.
Old man Vanis had straight up said I shouldn’t even think about expanding before I take my legacy to Grade 4. Synod advises the same, but not many follow it due to the allure of wealth. 
Old man Vanis hadn’t either.
Ophelia Awyn had followed it, she hadn’t expanded into the branches till her legacy had reached Grade 4 and when she did, her expansion was fast and sustainable. Now, she is the richest brothel owner in the whole of merchant states.
Speaking of the old man, I saw his carriage stopping, and he came out, along with his granddaughter.
Old man Varis doesn’t travel, but he came here.
“Lord Lindgren, thank you for coming,” I said politely, to which the young man looked at me for a moment, before opening his eyes.
“Thank you for the invitation, Lord Silver,” he replied unenthusiastically before his expression turned stern. 
“You have made too big changes, young man. Didn’t listen, to what I have said,” he said. I could feel the disappointment in his voice. “I have listened to what you said, old Vanis, and these changes are a result of that,” I replied with a smile.
The old man seemed like he wanted to say something, but decided against it, as he looked at the establishment.
“You are looking, Miss Alina,” said Leila to his great-granddaughter. “Thank you, Baroness Leila,” replied Alina, looking slightly embarrassed.
The young girl was already beautiful, and the spa had made her even more.
The old man walked inside after the nod and entered inside. 
The guests kept coming, including the lords and governors of the cities of the Renwell region. All of them had come; the only one who didn’t is Marquess Gats, but that is to be expected.
The man is guarding the region against the Tabes. If he moved, Tabes might try attacking and nobody wants that.
I welcomed the Lord of Inam and the son of Grand Mage Salazar. After that came the Lord of Ashton Harbor. People kept coming, and we welcomed them.
All the important people have, aside from one. He took another twenty minutes to arrive, and he did so in style.
Earlier it was not just his wife who had come to the spa, but he also appeared. Along with the bastard Lancel. I had invited both of them, but they declined and hadn’t thought, Countess would be able to bring them to the spa.
“Count Darrow, Countess Wilstein, welcome,” I said and bowed with a flourish, before bowing at Lancel and his daughter-in-law. She is the wife of his eldest son, who is handling the Count’s territory, with his father being here.
“Remus, you have made fine preparations,” said the Count, without addressing me with my title.
“It is all thanks to you, my lord,” I replied politely and turned to his wife. “Countess Wilstein, Lady Rusar, you both are looking magnificent. Even my establishment is looking in front of your glow.” I praised, and a smile appeared on both women.
Lancel’s mother is a beautiful woman. Even at this age, she had kept herself in shape, unlike the bastard Darrow.
“You are too kind, Lord Silver,” she replied with a pleased smile.
Maeve herself had worked on her and I had sent Eudo for her make-up. It was a wise move because she and her daughter-in-law are really glowing right now.
I could clearly see the lust in Lancel’s eyes for his sister-in-law.
Leila and I took them inside; all the guests had arrived. Only Count and his family had remained and now they did. The real celebration could finally start, and I have prepared something special for it.
Something that had never been done in the Greltheaven. Many people, might have seen the act, but a few had seen of this level, with the power of legacy mixed in it.
I would have liked my girls to do it, but they are years away from achieving such a feat. So, today, it will be an outsider, that will show me a glimpse of my vision.
I talk to Count and Countess for the minute, before taking the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Lords and Ladies, thank you for gracing me in your presence.”
“Exactly, a month ago. The legacy is born. It had been born, not only by efforts but also by the grace of the Lord Count and the blessing of his highness. Without them, there would not have been this wonderful and the city.”
I said and could see a proud smile appearing on the bastard’s face, hearing the unabashed praise.
I would have really liked it. If I had honored my girls and employees, the real people who helped to make the establishment what it is, but that could only happen in an idealistic world.
This is not that world, and thus, I need to praise the bastards, who wouldn’t mind even legacy burning, if the benefits of it are high enough for him.
I looked at the vibrant face of the Count, who was all ruddy and glowing. Thanks to the efforts of my staff. It is not just him, but many men and women are glowing, looking beautiful like they never did in the past few years.
“To show my respect for you all, I had prepared something. I hope you all will enjoy it,” I finished my speed and got off the stage.
People looked at me in question, including Count and my sister. They do not know. Nobody knows, except for the Carla and girls; I wanted it to be a surprise.
People looked around, and for a few seconds, there was nothing, before finely dressed men and women appeared on the stage, and recognition lit in the face of few people.
Everybody understood what was happening as the wands appeared in their hands. At the same time, all the lights in the establishment dimmed until it was nearly dark.
“Honored guest, please enjoy the show,” said the beautiful elf with green hair, and her wand lit up and released a bright green fireball from her hand. The twenty-three followed right after.
Soon after they released the fireball; their wands lit up, in other spells and golden ribbons began to come out from them, wrapping around each other.
Soon, a golden lion formed above them. It is huge and majestic and looked really good.
What made it look even more majestic was the emotion mist coming out of it. Making it look like the powerful aura it was said to have.
It is a Frasrius Lion. 
If the Empire has any national beast, then it would be this. The frasrius lion was a beast founder of the imperial house; there is a massive statue of it in front of the gates of the capital.
I could see the joy and wonder in the eyes of many. Even the Count seemed pleased. Everybody loves mage shows, and this group is part of one of the best mage show companies in meldhorn.
They are the only ones who didn’t offer their services for free. I paid them a massive amount of money for this show.
The huge lion moved around the hall, creating ripples with every step it took, while guests watched in wonder. 
The lion returned to its place and roared loud, with mist blazing around it; like it was angry and about to attack people. It looked realistic but also felt realistic, with a red mist of anger blazing around it.
People gasp in shock and surprise, before claps begin to ring out. That was just the start. For the next hour, different beasts came and performed different tricks, making the guests laugh, smile, and be awed.
Finally, rang out from a huge purple-red bird and it exploded into a shower of purple and red feathers that went all over the hall.
Clap Clap Clap
A huge applause rang out for the half-elf and her team. 
“It was an impressive show, Remus,” said Grandfather, as he appeared by me.
He may have seen the mage shows bigger than it, but this one in the legacy, with emotion mist. It gave him the experience, he never had.
“Thank you, Grandfather,” I said. 
He is a tall man with thick raven hair and bright silvery grey eyes, that would attract the eyes of everyone.
“My lord, this is Edmond Silver, my grandfather,” I introduced him to the Count. “We have met, Remus,” he replied and turned to my grandfather.
“How are you, Mr. Silver? How is your business?” asked the Count as he shook his hand. “I am good, my lord, and the business is also doing good,” he replied. 
We talked to the Count for a few minutes, and I introduced him to a few people, like old man Vanis, Ethan, Rolgath, and Ignatius, before leaving him with my sister and going to mingle with other people with Carla.
Time passed as people drank and ate, the food filled with the emotion essence, and enjoyed the music from the band, which utilized emotion mist.
Making music sound far more incredible than it is.
The bar is filled with staff working non-stop. They would mix drinks and add emotion mist into them, before serving it to the guests.
The bar staff was able to learn it within a month and now, they are serving them rapidly, but the one, that impressed the most people is Drev.
The food is being praised by everyone. He is a hugely talented chef and emotion mist gave him the wings to reach his full potential. The things he was able to do with it, were so amazing that even old man Vanis had praised him.
He is the only staff he has praised.
The celebration lasted past midnight, before the guests began to leave, one after another.
Till only family had remained.
“You have made the whole house proud, Remus. If your father had been here, he would have been proud of you too,” said Grandfather, with watery eyes.
“I wish he had been alive,” I said, with my eyes turning emotional.
“Take a rest. You deserve it. We will talk more tomorrow,” he said and left with Gerald and others.
I stayed by the door, till their carriage left the gate, before wiping my eyes away and turning to Carla beside me. 
“She is waiting in the office,” she informed. I nodded and walked toward my office.
I opened the door of my office and entered inside. There is a woman, sitting. I would have liked to meet her tomorrow, but she was leaving tonight and insisted on finishing the formalities.
“Lady Ophelia,” I said as I sat down.
The woman nodded and put the box in front of her. Seeing the box, all the irritation vanished from my eyes and changed into excitement.

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