City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 293: Celebration II

Chapter 293: Celebration II

“My lord, my lady. The therapists are ready for you,” said the green-haired young girl as she appeared in front of us.
It had been a few minutes, and many who were sitting led away for their treatments and new people appeared in their places. Like an old couple sitting in front of us in a place where Huks had been. 
They appeared a few minutes ago and looked at everything with eyes filled with awe.
“Ok,” I said, and I got up and looked at my husband. He didn’t move, seeing that, I glared at him.
It would have been fine if he hadn’t come, but since he did. He will have to get the treatments. Baron Husk is doing them; there is no reason for him to try at least one treatment.
He got up after hesitation and it is a good thing he did, or he would have gotten an earful from me.
“It was nice meeting you, Mr. Kadal, Mrs. Kadal,” I said, before following the young girl with Elias.
“My lord, my lady, please change into the spa robes provided inside,” said the young woman as she stopped in front of the beautifully carved black door.
I nodded and walked inside with Elias. It is a beautiful changing room, with wood shelves and mirrors. 
I took the robes under my size and changed into them. Elias did the same with some hesitation. “I won't be doing more than one treatment,” he said.
I didn’t say anything and walked out of the changing room. 
The young girl took us down the stairs, before stopping in front of another beautiful wooden door and opening it for us.
We entered inside, and I was surprised to see the whole room was made of stones. Even the two massage beds were made of stone.
There is a diagonal slit in the back wall from which water came out and flows through the middle of the room through the curved ways. It looked beautiful and what made it even more beautiful was the blue and white emotion mist flowing over it.
It looked beautiful and serene, and that sound of water, makes everything feel so comfortable when added with the effect of legacy.
There are two women standing by the stone beds, wearing a white spa uniform with the spa’s emblem. 
“Baron Homer, Baroness Homer. I am Zaina and this is Rachel. It is our honor to serve you,” said a middle-aged heralden woman in a calm voice.
“We are excited for it all well,” I replied, and I am excited. I love messages. Unlike me, my husband is clearly uncomfortable. 
He hadn’t had many messages before and never joined me on a spa day. Men rarely go to the spa and if it was not the legacy, he wouldn’t have come here either.
“Do I have to remove all my clothes?” he asked, to which a small smile appeared on the face of the woman. “Only if you wish to, my lord,” she replied, and I could the relief flooding into his eyes.
They came toward us and took the robes off our bodies; I had worn nothing underneath them. Elias has his underpants on.
“Please, lay on beds,” she said, and I walked toward the black stone bed and expected to be cold, but to my relief, it was warm.
Seeing that, I gently laid on it, with my face down in the padded cavity.
For a few seconds, there was nothing but the sound of water, but soon I felt the warm oil on my back. It lay there for a couple of seconds before gentle hands began moving it across my back expertly.
I felt comfortable and with it came a feeling I had never felt during the message. 
The scenery in front of me seemed to have changed, and I found myself in a colorful space where all my suppressed emotions began to come out with motions of hands gliding across my body.
They were raw, but not uncontrolled, and began to flow across me.
I had never felt something like it. Those emotions were suppressed for a reason, but now they are coming out, under the guidance of a gentle hand, without causing any destructiveness that I always feared they would cause if I let them come out.
I don’t know how long it continued, but I only came to myself when the hands stopped moving across me.
I opened my eyes, only to see tears flowing through my eyes. I turned to my husband, only to see him, wiping his eyes.
I am also lying on my back. I was on my stomach; I didn’t know when she changed my position. I was so engrossed in it, that I didn’t feel it at all.
“It is the best experience I had. Thank you,” said Elias to his therapist. “It is my pleasure, my lord,” she replied and left the room with the other therapist.
We lay there on comfortable stone beds for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling, before getting up. We wore robes back and walked out of the room, where two young girls, waiting for us.
“Baroness Uda, please follow me for your facial,” said the green-haired girl.
I would have liked to talk with my husband about the experience we had, but he is not going to run away; nothing could be said about these spa treatments.
The single treatment was enough to tell me, how amazing they are, and I am more than willing to forgo talking to my husband for an hour or two.
He, who was only going to do a single treatment, was thinking the same, seeing how quickly he gave me a peck on my cheeks and walked away, with the brunette.
Soon, we reached another wooden door, and the young girl opened it for me before I walked inside. 
It is a small square room with a delicately carved wooden bed and wooden shelves lined with tools and bottles.
A woman is standing by the bed. She is a petite woman with blond hair and a pretty face, with a girl-next-door look.
“My lady,” the therapist greeted. 
“Hope, you will take good care of me, Miss Bevna,” I said to her, reading in her name tag. “You are in hands, my lady,” the woman replied.
“So, what, do I have to do?” I asked. “Please lie down on the bed and I will use my skills to test, which is the best facial for you,” she instructed.
I nodded and lay down on the bed as she asked and a second later; I felt her hands on my face.
“For an oily skin like yours. Brin facial would be the best,” she informed me, and a small surprise flashed in my eyes. It is a facial I had before, but it is not what surprised me. What surprised me, is that it is the facial that suits me most.
“Ok,” I replied.
She begins and within seconds; I begin to experience another, which I had never experienced before.
This time, I didn’t immediately close my eyes and saw her mixing different colors of emotion mist into things in her hand before applying them to me. It is like a work of art, and if I hadn’t wanted to focus on emotions, I would keep watching it.
I closed my eyes and felt the emotions filling me. It is a surreal feeling to observe the emotions so closely.
I was so lost in the feeling that I didn’t realize the time was passing and only came to myself after the facial was over.
“Give me, a mirror,” I said. 
I want to look at myself. I am sure from my heart that the facial had done something amazing to my face.
Though, I understand, the bigger the change appeared inside. Still, I want to see how I look after the facial.
“Apologies, my lady, but the mirror isn’t available,” I said and looked at her. I wanted to say ‘really’ but that would be insulting my intelligence.
Some spas do not let their, clients see the mirror, till they are finished with the package. It seemed like it was one of those spas.
I am not as disappointed as I would have been. As I could feel, the treatment had brought an amazing effect. I am feeling them, and I only need to wait to see those that appear on my face.
Since I couldn’t see my face, I touched my skin and was immediately surprised, at how soft it felt. I can’t remember the last time; I felt my skin so soft. 
It felt as soft as babies’ cheeks.
I stayed in the room for a minute more before I walked out and went to another room, where I got veriacis aromatherapy body wrap.
They covered me with a thick aromatic mixture of essential oils and then wrapped me in clothes. The treatment too invoked emotions, bringing them out like a flood in form of the tears.
I felt every emotion from love to envy to joy to grief and let them all out through my tears.
I am grateful that the therapist walked out after she wrapped me and came inside after I sufficiently calmed down.
However, the treatment left me drained like never before.
The fourth was the jukio hydrating hair treatment, and it was like a gentle embrace that healed my drained soul with warmth.
By the time, I am done fourth treatment. I felt like, I was finished with the spa.
The first treatment had brought out the emotions, the second treatment took it to the peak, the third treatment had drained it all and the fourth one brought my soul to the stability.
It made me feel reborn.
I don’t know, how the fifth treatment could make it any better or might make it even worse. I don’t want to lose the peace I am feeling right now and thus brought out the question to a young girl.
“It might feel complete, but it is not. You will understand it when you go through the last treatment, my lady,” replied the young girl, and stopped at the door.
I was surprised to see the door. It is different. 
It is metallic, made of copper while all the doors before were wooden. It is also simple, without any design compared to others, which were painted and carved beautifully.
The young girl opened the door for me and turned to me with a smile.
I nodded my thanks and entered inside the room, which was simple, bereft of any decorations.
In the center of it is a simple wooden chair and below it is a copper basic, with rose petals and emotion mist floating over it. Beside the basin is a woman of my age, sitting on her legs, with a small wooden box over it.
It all feels very ritualistic, like the name of the treatment.
It is not like I had not experienced things like this before, I did many times, and with a much grander scale, many spas do it, but I had never felt such spirituality, in any that as I am feeling right now.
Which felt kind of ironic, seeing I was standing in a den of sin.
“Please sit, my lady,” said the woman.
I nodded and sat down, without speaking a single word.
The woman smiled gently and put the wooden box beside her, before pushing the copper basin toward my legs. As the basin appeared below my feet, she put my feet into it.
A faint fragrance of petals came out of the water into my nostrils, making me comfortable all over.
As she did, she opened the wooden box. From it, she took one of three small glass bottles with clear yellow oil and opened it, before dropping three drops of it into the water.
As she did, a citrusy smell came out. That felt familiar, but better than what she had sensed before.
She closed the bottle and took out the second with green oil. 
She dropped the three drops of it into the basin, and I felt that gorgeous, minty smell. It is my favorite smell; most of the perfume I have has this smell.
She put the second bottle back and took out the third bottle with dark brown oil, with a hint of gold, and dropped a single drop of it into the water.
It didn’t have to smell to know it was sandalwood. It was a sandalwood, but not a simple one, but a magical one.
A single breath, made me feel like, I was flying.
She put the bottle away and swirled her hands across the basic, moving the water as well as the mist with it, before she began gently pouring the water on my feet in a rhythmic movement.
Her movements are gentle and soft, and I got lost in them.
I don’t know how long it had lasted, but she stopped and opened that wooden box again and took out the black stone.
She gently picked up my left foot and began to move the stone across it with the same rhythmic movement. 
Exfoliating never felt so good.
I laid back on the chair and closed my eyes. Focusing nothing but on the movement of the stone. They lasted for a while before she released my left leg, picked up the right one, and repeated the same movements.
It was wonderful that I had no words to describe it. 
Usually, I talk to the therapist during the treatments, but here, during these treatments, I barely spoke any word after the initial greeting.
These treatments demand silence.
She stopped, and I opened my eyes, only to see her wiping the stone with a simple white cloth before putting it back into the box and closing it.
She brought her hands near my feels and moved them. As she did, steam came out of the copper basin, with emotion mist mixed in it. 
It enveloped her hands, with which she touched my feet and magic happened.
A soft moan escaped from my lips as she began to massage my feet.
Unlike my husband, I do not make a sound during the message, but it is so good, that I couldn’t help, but it. I felt embarrassed and tried to control myself, but the moans kept coming out of my lips, that I stopped resisting, seeing how futile it was.
The hands worked on my feet, but I felt the effects of it all over my body. It is an experience that simply couldn’t be described in the words.
Like all things, it also ended, leaving me content.
A moment later, I felt a soft cloth on my feet. She is wiping the excess moisture off my feet.
She finished wiping my feet and put the cloth away before opening the box and taking out a small clay jar. She opened its cap, took a healthy amount of cream, and pressed her palms together before she applied it on her left foot with emotion mist.
She did the same with my left foot before putting away the jar and sliding the basin away from my legs.
“Narthian foot ritual is finished, my lady,” said the therapist. “Thank you. It is an experience I will never forget in my life,” I said, and the woman smiled.
I was questioning why the fifth treatment was needed, but now that question was answered. It was in the name of treatment. The first four treatments made me go rebirth and the fifth one rejuvenation.
A minute later, I walked out of the room and a young girl was there, waiting for me as she did during all the treatments.
“Is my husband finished with his treatments?” I asked the girl. “Yes, my lady. He is waiting for you in a relaxing room.” She replied.
I was a little surprised to hear that, but followed the young girl.
Soon, we reached the hallway, that is extra dim, but didn’t feel gloomy. It gives the feeling of serenity. 
A few seconds later, we stopped in front of a wooden door, which had a circle carved on it.
The girl opened the door, and I walked inside, but just as I did, I stopped as I saw my husband.
He seemed to have frozen too seeing me, even his breathing seemed to stop. Seeing that, my cheeks couldn’t help, but get flushed and joy lit up in my heart. It had been decades since Elias had been struck by my beauty like this.
“You are looking as radiant as you did on our wedding day,” he said breathlessly and came walking toward me.
“You are not looking bad yourself,” I replied as he stopped in front of me.
Elias is a handsome man, but now he is looking handsome as he never did, and seeing him like this desire wouldn’t well up in my heart.
He seemed to feel it too, as he took my lips.
The kiss was gentle, but soon it turned passionate, with our hands moving across each other bodies through the robes. 
“This place,” I said, as I broke the kiss and he smiled. “We are doing what this place is for,” he said, and realization dawned on me, and I let go of all my inhibition and melded my lips into his.
Feeling a desire that I had not felt in decades.
We love each other, but our sex life isn’t much. We do it, once a month at most and even that was average, but now, I felt like a volcano of desire had burst out from deep within my soul.
Our robes had already fallen onto the floor, and he took me to the bed, where I began to moan loudly as I had never done in my life.
Not even during our wedding night.

“Will you look at those emotions!” Caena exclaimed as thick, powerful emotions came in and merged into the sun.
They are all coming from the spa. They are at the level of what the sex-room produced. 
In it, there are small wisps that are far denser than others and shining like stars.
Those wisps of mist are the holy grail that the host of every legacy wants.
They are coming from the relaxing rooms and looking at the type of emotions that are those wisps. One didn’t need to guess what was happening in those rooms.
They are different and have far better quality than what sex rooms produce. There is not just lust and desire in there, but also love, affection, longing, and other deeper emotions.
These people have been together for decades, and love each other immensely. Their union produces far stronger emotions than what came out from the sex rooms.
I am glad, Caena had imprinted charms to enhance the carnal experience. It will make their amazing experience even more amazing.
These relaxing rooms weren’t part of the plan until two days ago, but after seeing those people, I called to test things doing the deeds in temporary rooms and emotion the establishment get through it.
I had decided to create them, and it seemed to be a good decision.
The whole spa is a great bet. It is giving me far more emotions than I had expected. It is making me feel like a farmer, harvesting emotion, instead of crops.
The spa treatment is draining the emotions of the patrons, which the establishment is absorbing. The harvest of emotion is so thorough that I feared I might harm, but it is far from the truth.
The patrons liked it very much. They said that they had never felt so light in their lives.
Maeve hadn’t thought such a thing would happen when she created this package. She had chosen this because she and her staff were the most experienced in it. 
Because of the effects, we even changed the name of the package and it fit aptly. 
“If we keep harvesting, emotions of this quality in such quantity. The establishment will advance sooner than we had thought,” said Caena, looking at the stream of emotions.
Emotions alone aren’t enough for advancement, but it is one of the two most important factors, along with vision and the spa is providing both.
If I wanted to, I could have brought more clients, and fit more in each room, which most spas do, but it won’t give them the experience of a lifetime. Most of our rooms are for the treatment of a single person. 
I want them to feel special and enjoy the experience without disturbance. It didn’t matter to me if I earn less. 
What matters is I am achieving my vision. 
“Good, because we are burning money here,” I replied. 
Running a spa isn’t cheap. Those spa materials, from tools to essential oils, cost a lot. I wish I would have gotten those of the lower quality, but that would have defeated the entire purpose.
The three days of celebration would be entirely free of charge. As for how much we are going to charge for our services later, I haven’t decided yet, but seeing the response. 
I could definitely charge on the high side. It is not the experience they could get anywhere on the continent and already there is an enormous demand. 
Those who experienced it want to book it for their children, siblings, parents, and friends. Many had directly stated they were willing to pay any price for the appointment.
“How are the preparations?” I asked as I made the sun disappear. “We are ready for the first night,” she replied. 
“Good, I want it to be night, they will not forget,” I said. “They will not,” she replied in confidence, before walking out of the office, while I walked out of mine.
Only an hour had remained, and I needed to get ready, too.

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