City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 291: Harvest

Chapter 291: Harvest

The door closed with a click as Valentina, and I entered the carriage.
“Throughout the party, you seemed a little hurried. As if you can’t wait to get out of there,” she said.
“I was not. It was a party, in my honor. Why would I want to leave early?” I refuted unabashedly. She didn’t say anything and just kept looking at me, while the only thing I gave her was a smile.
She knows me too well.
I wanted to leave the moment I finished reading that imperial contract, but I didn’t. It was an important party, not only for me but also for Carla, where I introduced her to a lot of people.
I offered some incentive to the Count for her invitation. They were big, but I didn’t mind it. I would have offered those to him, nonetheless, to keep, to keep myself in his good graces.
It now becomes even more important to be in his good graces with the thing I am planning to do because if I get caught, I will want a lighter punishment.
“You are a lord now. How are you feeling?” she asked, and a mirthless smile couldn’t help, but escape from my lips.
 “The same, even worse than before. I told you; it is an empty title to keep the power of legacies restricted,” I replied to her.
“If you get a class, it might not be so empty,” she said, this time, and I smiled.
“It is hard to gain a Lord Class through this empty title,” I replied. Though what she says is true, if I am able to gain the class, I will have some power, but it is far harder than one would realize.
Hundred times harder than those with landed nobility. 
“If anyone had a chance, then it would be you,” she said. I looked out the window, but there was a small smile on my face.
Yes, I have better chances than most others, given the responsibilities I have, and I will try my hardest. The skills of Lord Class are powerful. It will help me tremendously if I gain the class.
Though, I wonder if the Count would let me have the opportunity to gain the class. The man is not an idiot. He wouldn’t want me to have more power, that he wouldn’t control me.
So, I have to achieve it, before he takes away the responsibilities. Not that I have a lot of time, with a deadline of synod looming.
A month passed. I have five more months, before I need to make my decision.
Soon, the carriage reached the establishment.
It entered through the front gate and stopped. I had kept the establishment closed for the day. There were some minor changes I had to make in the establishment before the celebration began tomorrow.
“I had a surprise planned for you, but it is clear, that you have something to do. So, I will give it to you tomorrow.” She said and gave me a seductive smile, before getting out of the carriage.
‘She knows me far too well,’ I said once again and sighed.
She guessed, I had something important to do and said that intentionally. Now, I will be thinking about her surprise every minute, while fighting myself not to go to her.
It might seem like the secrets aren’t bothering her, but they are, and this is her way of taking revenge.
“Meria did a wonderful job. Turning it into a piece of heaven,” said Carla, looking around, and she was not joking. That woman had surpassed all my expectations. Giving her free rein was the best thing I had done.
She had transformed the whole establishment, turning it into its namesake.
It is quite radical. My designs were pale compared to it. It is likely why I felt they were incomplete. Forcing me to give her complete freedom and she hadn’t disappointed me.
Others couldn’t see the change. For the last few weeks, I had covered the area aside from the building in the mist. 
Tomorrow, most of the mist will be dispersed.
Soon, we reached the door and walked inside, where I saw Sharn, Amellus, and Meria, with workers finishing the last of the work.
They had finished the work in the basement three days ago. What remained was the establishment, which they had started since the morning. They should be finished by the dawn.
“Lord Silver,” they greeted, seeing me coming.
“How are things?” I asked, looking at the amazing change that happened on the first floor. “Good. We will be finished by the dawn,” replied Rolgath.  
“Continue then and tell me if you need anything,” I said and walked away, leaving Carla with them.
Every floor had a big change; we didn’t remove many things but added something, that completely changed the establishment. Count had problems, but when I promised him the benefits, he agreed.
There are benefits for him, a lot of it. 
I don’t like to give him that much, but it is necessary. Especially, when I think about the things, I will do in the next few minutes.
Soon, I reached my office and a minute later, Caena walked in, looking at me with excitement and nervousness.
“What happened?” she asked after a moment of silence. I didn’t answer immediately. Instead, I activated the Privacy Sphere and used the privacy tool.
I had even activated the planet with an isolation effect. It’s better than privacy. Forget listening. Even divining into what happened here would become extremely hard.
It may seem excessive, but with what we are planning to do, we need to be extremely careful. 
We are cheating the damn emperor. Sorry, I am not cheating. She is cheating; the contract forbids me from doing any cheating.
So, I couldn’t.
She got her answer through my actions, and a big smile appeared on her face, with a hint of nervousness as she added her privacy skills and spells to it.
“Should I start?” she asked. I didn’t answer, nor did I change my expression, anyway. That might show the accent. Showing the accent won't trigger the contract, but I want to be careful.
She received her answer, and she closed her eyes, muttering something, and a moment later, everything darkened.
The sun appeared, with the planets orbiting it.
This is the thing that could only be done by the host of legacies and its heirs. Caena is neither. She is an employee, but she had done things to the core, before it turned into a legacy that gives authority to summon the core, as long as she had permission.
Which I had given her a month ago.
“This might get me executed if found out,” she said, but there was no fear in her eyes, only excitement as she touched the colorless planet, and activated it.
The planet shone, and the thing happened. That would shock the host of any legacy or anyone who had the knowledge of it.
The dense mist around the surface of the sun moved. Turned into a stream before it began to funnel into the planet.
Inside the planet, the colorful mist begins to separate into individual colors and enter the pools. Filling them, slowly making the colorless planet colorful as more and more mist enter those pools.
It continued for several minutes before stopping.
Seeing that, a big smile couldn’t help but appear on my face. Caena had told me about it, but I didn’t dare to believe it with how easy it seemed. After seeing it with my own eyes, I have a choice, but believe it.
Caena looked at me before a wooden box appeared in her hand. She opened it and in that box were tiny glass bottles. 
She put them on the planet.
Next second, the color begins to drain from the pools and stops when only a quarter of it remains.
She touched the planet again, and the bottles began to come out. Each one is filled with a drop of emotion essence. 
The host of legacies takes months to learn to harvest the emotion essence. It is an exhaustive process and for Grade 1 legacy; it is a mixed emotions essence. Separating the emotion essence by emotions is very hard for them.
Even the host of Grade 2 legacies couldn’t do that. At most, they could sort out the basic emotions and not the complex ones; that could only be done by Grade 3.
Here, that difficult process happened in minutes. A speed that not even a host of Grade 3 legacy could achieve.
She had put all the bottles in a different wooden box, before that box disappeared from her hand.
She had not harvested all the emotion essence. She had kept a quarter in the planet, which is more than what a normal new legacy would have produced by now.
My legacy is not only at the peak level of Grade 1, but it could also absorb far more types of emotions than normal legacies. Its absorption and processing abilities are also better than most legacies. This means it could produce more emotion essence than other legacies of the same grade and level.
What she had left behind would be for the emperor, or rather Prince Grelt.
“It is an enormous risk we are taking,” she said as the sun disappeared. “There is no choice. Difficult times are coming, and we need to be ready to face them,” I said, and she laughed.
“It is said the safest people are hosts of legacies. Even their mortal enemies won’t kill them, in fear of losing the benefits,” she said, and I smiled.
“You are aware of how safe we are,” I said, and she smiled back.
Hosts of legacies are the safest people in the world, but my legacy isn’t normal. Not to mention my establishment is in a place that could be attacked at any time. There are a lot of enemies, Navr, Tabes, and many others.
I cannot depend on a legacy to protect me and my people. I need to make my preparations, too. 
She left soon, while I laid back in my chair. It is a massive risk, but I have to do it. As for what I am going to do with them, I have a plan.
It will make one man very happy. Given his nature, he will accept it. It is an opportunity of lifetimes, which he would not dare to reject, even in his wildest dreams.
He has the connection that will make this whole deal stealthy. If he doesn’t accept, then I will have to take a long route, which is really risky, and I would rather not take it.
I pushed those thoughts away and focused on tomorrow.
The next three days will be a celebration; people from all over the empire and those outside of it will come. I had spent a huge amount of money on the changes, cashing the check without care.
It was worth it and now I hope, it will give guests and patrons the experience of a lifetime.

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