City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 285: Grant Authority

Chapter 285: Grant Authority

“We have arrived,” said Carla, making me, look up from scattered pages toward the window.
The port of Greltheaven.
Seeing that, I stopped while Carla collected the papers.
“It is different from what you had planned earlier,” she said as she put on a stack in the binder. “Risky, but that isn’t surprising. All of your plans had been risky, but this time, the stakes are high enough to get you killed,” she said with concern in her voice.
“I am aware,” I replied.
The legacy might be mine, but the Emperor is the one who owns it and if I end up losing it, he will kill me. I am not being dramatic; the people who foolishly lost the legacies have been killed.
A few minutes later, the ship docked at the port, and I got out with Carla.
“See you at the establishment.” She said and walked toward the carriage waiting for her, while I sat in mine. I am not going to the establishment, even though I want to very badly.
Soon, the carriage crossed the city gates, and I felt the connection with my establishment getting stronger by folds. 
Caena had said that the witch hadn’t just bound me to the establishment, but also the city. I had seen that connection and understood. It is because of it I could exert some control over the establishment, from the city.
A few minutes later, the carriage stopped, and I got out before walking toward the mansion.
I could feel the gazes of others, the whispers, and the guards, who started to bow. I still haven’t got used to it. Well, it has been only three days, I will get used to it, in a month or two.
I was walking toward the office, when I saw someone familiar coming from the other side and his eyes became angry, as he saw me, but a moment later, there was a smile on his face.
“Lord Silver,” he greeted as he stopped. “Mr. Lucas, it’s nice to see to see you here,” I said. “You too, Lord Silver,” He replied, and I was about to leave when he opened his mouth. 
“Lord Silver, I have something important to talk to you about? Do you have time today?”. he asked.
“Unfortunately, I am busy in the next few days, but as soon as I have some time, I will contact you,” I said and a flash of anger appeared on his kindly face, which he suppressed.
“I will be waiting,” he said and walked away.
I don’t know what he wants and nor do I care. I am busy with my own things, to even think about it.
“He is waiting for you,” said the old woman as I reached the office. I nodded my thanks and walked into the office with Mage Beaumont.
The woman is silent. She barely spoke any words to me in these past two days. Though I heard, she had quite enjoyed herself at the old man’s. Her mood seemed better than I had seen in the past few months.
“My lords,” I greeted and bowed as usual. There is no change in my behavior, even the dip of my head remained the same.
He won’t do anything, even if I don’t bow, but I need to keep him happy to get the things I want. Especially today.
“Remus, welcome back. I can tell by your face that the trip went well,” he said. “It was my lord. I had learned a lot,” I replied and took the seat he had offered.
“Then, I hope you will be able to start the extraction of the essence as soon as possible,” he said, barely hiding that greedy glint in his eyes. 
“I will try, my lord, but as you might be aware, it is not easy,” I replied, shaking my head.
It hasn’t been even a week, and he is already asking about emotion essence. It isn’t surprising, even if there was another person than this greedy bastard sitting in front of me, they would have said the same thing.
It is too precious, even in the lowest grade.
“You are talented, Remus. I am sure, you will be able to do it sooner than others,” he said.
“I hope so,” I said, and he smiled before his expressions turned serious.
“I think it is time. I will tell you about the privileges you get from gaining the Legacy. Beginning with this one-time benefit,” he said and slid the check toward me.
When I saw the amount, I couldn’t help, but get surprised. I knew the number the city had decided, and it was huge, but the number on the check in front of me, is even bigger than that.
“It is bigger than, the stated amount,” I said, and a smile appeared on his face. “The prince is pleased. Yours is the first legacy in his territory,” he said.
“Please, thank His Highness for me,” I said. 
I will be sending him a big thank you for this; it is going to help me, tremendously in what I am planning to do.
“Aside from that, the income you earn from the legacy will be tax-free. The city gives you the land surrounding your legacy,” he informed me, and a smile appeared on my face.
I had nearly forgotten about it. No wonder Lucas wants to talk to me.
“Even the one owned by others?” I asked, and he nodded. “Those occupied with the business will have six months to shift their business somewhere,” he replied, and the smile on my face became bigger.
“Aside from that…” he informed, more privileges; there are many of them.
“The last is big, that many spent their whole life to earn. A title of Lordship and special privileges attached to it for the hosts of legacy,” he stated. I know those privileges, many of which are equal to powerful nobles like him.
Like the right to attend the Emperor's council and prime seats in all imperial ceremonies.
“The hosts of legacies get privileges, but they came with the responsibilities,” he said, with his expression turning serious.
“The first is 99% emotion essence extracted from it will be a tribute to the emperor. Second, there will be a guardian who will be the liaison between you and his majesty.” 
“Third, any changes to the legacy will need permission from the guardian and their absence, lord of the city, fourth…”
One by one, he lets out all the responsibilities, or rather, the restrictions. The old man had already told me about them, but I listened carefully.
Information is the key.
“Do you have any questions you have regarding these privileges and responsibilities?” he asked. “No, but I have a request and hope that you will grant it, my lord,” I replied.
“As long as it is within my power,” He said, with his face serious.
“I want to make changes in the legacy,” I said, and his expressions turned serious. “How big?” he asked directly.
“Very,” I replied, truthfully.
“Then, absolutely not,” he replied. 
“If it had been small changes, I might have agreed, but big ones are extremely risky. We might lose legacy, which we couldn’t in a time like this,” he added, and a smile appeared on my face, which made him frown.
“Please, look at what I want to do,” I said and took out a stack of papers and pushed them toward him.
He looked at me for a few seconds before turning to a stack of papers with texts and rough drawings. 
He looked at the first page and there was only a slight change, but on the second page, a huge change appeared. So much so that Lancel, sitting on the couch, appeared by his father.
Even Mage York looked sneakily from the side.
“I didn’t know, you have so much space there.” He said as he finished. “I had to for the girls,” I replied.
There was silence for a few seconds before the Count opened his mouth.
“While you are barely touching the building, these changes are huge. I need to ask, the prince for permission,” he said, and I smiled with relief.
“Why are you making such big changes, Remus? If you just place tables, you will earn far more money and harness more emotions,” he asked.
“I want to take my legacy higher, my lord, and all the hosts I had talked to, including my guide. All of them said to me, that it is not the quantity of emotions that matters, but the quality,”
“It is what makes the legacy advance and I have a great ambition for my legacy,” I replied, and a big smile appeared on the Count's face.
“I will relay this to the prince. It will be up to him, whether to approve it or not,” he said finally. 
“That is all, I want,” I replied.
There is a trick to make the Count do things or nearly everyone, let them see their benefits into it. If my legacy advanced, the Count would be one of the biggest beneficiaries.
He has a share in that 99% emotion essence. I could already see him dreaming about it.
“If His Highness accepted the request; then I might need to hire some people from a merchant state,” 
“I hope, that won’t be a problem?” I asked and for a moment, there was confusion, since hiring people isn’t restricted, even to work on the legacy, as long as they are under surveillance.
“You mean the non-humans?” he asked as he understood, and I nodded. I don’t know if I am going to need their services, but it is wise to ask about it beforehand when he is in a good mood.
Usually, such requests are denied, but exceptions are made for legacies. Many legacies in the empire had non-humans, including the legacy of the old man.
“It won’t be a problem, as long as they follow the rules,” he replied. “Thank you, my lord,” I said and bowed.
A few minutes later, I walked out of his office. 
“Ask Valentina to come to my office in the evening,” I said to Zela before stepping into the carriage.
Fifteen minutes later, the carriage entered the establishment through the crowd of people. 
There are no patrons in the establishment. It is only ten, there are two more hours before we open the gates for them.
There is a waiting list of thousands and every hour, it is only increasing, but even then, we didn’t change the timing. 
It’s not like I don’t want to, but it is not the time.
The timing will not change, till I am finished with those changes. They will be finished within a month, before the big celebration, which will be on the one-month anniversary of the legacy.
It is a tradition that most legacies follow, and I will follow it too. 
“Lord Silver,” 
Some staff greeted, even bowed. I am glad to see them bowing expertly without any awkward movements. Those lessons are helpful and now that the establishment has turned the legacy, they will need to use everything, they have learned.
I turned to the staff, especially those I had taken with me to Inam. They are looking at expectantly. I know what they want, and they will get that soon enough after I meet with the madams.
Stone opened the door of my office, and I went inside, where Carla, Caena, and Margaux were waiting for me. 
All looked excited about what was coming; I didn’t tell them, but they seemed to have guessed.
“Are you all ready?” I asked, and all of them nodded their heads excitedly. “Then give me your hands,” I said and immediately, all three hands appeared in front of me.
I took Carla’s hand first. It was soft, and I wanted to kiss it, but I controlled my urge. Instead, I activated the legacy skill.
[Grant Authority: Carla Salt]
A gasp rang out in her mouth before a big smile appeared on her face as she waved her hand. 
The emotion mist twirled around her, while the two watched wide eyes. I wanted to capture, that wonder in her eyes, but I watched as she tried different things.
I watched try things with childlike curiosity before taking Caena’s hand.
“[Grant Authority: Caena Aris]
Like Carla, Caena's eyes also widened, and joy appeared in her eyes. I smiled and took Margaux’s hand, which was shaking.
[Grant Authority: Margaux Swan]
Shock appeared in her eyes, but there was no gasp, instead tears started to stream down her face.
“Thank you for the honor, Master Silver. I will not let you down,” she said. “I know, you will not, Margaux,” I replied.
There is one more authority, but I haven’t decided who to give it to. There are too many candidates, that for the time being, I have decided not to give anyone, which is also wise.
Usually, Grant Authority skill comes with only one authority. It is quite rare to give three authorities four is unheard of.
“The vault is amazing!” said Carla, as she made things appear and disappear from her hand.
“How big is the range?” she asked. “Entire plot,” I replied, and her eyes widened.
“Amazing!” she said with glee and a moment later, I saw my whole desk disappear, making me glare at her.

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