City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 282: Gift

Chapter 282: Gift

“The window offers some good view,” said Count Darrow, looking through my office widow.
Outside of the window, there are thousands of people. Even now, at midnight, after the whole day, their numbers didn’t seem to lessen at all.
“Thank you, my lord,” I replied. 
He kept watching for a few seconds, before sitting on my seat, while Lancel sat on the couch. 
“Your legacy seemed a little stronger than the newly born one, I had seen in our territory. Alas, it didn’t last for over three decades,” he said and sighed.
The life of the legacy depends on the life host. The host dies, legacies disappear; there is less than 10% of legacies get passed to the second generation.
The birth of a legacy is a joyous occasion, but the death of it hits even harder.
“You know you are the youngest in eighteen hundred years to gain the legacy. Second youngest, since the beginning of the new calendar,” he informed, and I put an appropriate surprise on my face.
“I had expected to be one of the youngest, but didn’t expect to be second youngest,” I replied, and he smiled.
I am the youngest in the eighteen hundred, fifty-seven years, five months and nine days. I was informed of this fact earlier.
“If you live well, the legacy will last for at least seven to eight decades. There is also a very high chance, that you might be able to pass it to the second generation,”
“The legacies born of the young hosts, tend to have greater potential. The legacy of the youngest person is still standing after over two thousand years and is a spirit,” said Count with his eyes shining.
“I will try to live up to your expectations, my lord,” I said. He nodded with a smile.
“You have planned the party well. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.” He said, pleased, but a moment later, his expression turned serious. 
“I would have wished, if you had done away with the brothel and turned it into a full restaurant,” added and sighed.
“It is a brothel, my lord,” I said, and he nodded heavily.
He also understood it was a brothel and the cost we might have to pay if I changed that. It is why, even when the party is going on the first floor; three floors above them are doing business.
For a minute, nobody spoke. 
“You are leaving in two hours, right?” he asked. “Yes, I would like to reach Inam by ten,” I replied. 
“Vanis Lindgren’s tower is the oldest legacy in the empire. He will guide you well,” he said.
“I hope so,” I replied, showing the nervousness I was feeling.
The old man is my guide, host of the oldest legacy for nearly a century. There is not a single second-generation legacy in the Navr. There were two, but both of them died with their second-generation hosts.
The latest one was just seven years ago; making the Vanis Tavern the oldest legacy in the empire.
“You will be taking my yacht. It is my gift for you, for the gift you have given to our wonderful city,” he said, and surprise appeared on my face, before it lit up, in a big smile.
“Thank you for this great honor, my lord,” I said, bowing deeper than usual. He never let anyone borrow his yacht which is the thing he loves the most after his children and territory.
He is giving it to me and while it is only for one time; it is still a big thing.
The man isn’t an idiot. He had known what he had done and now trying to make do with these things and I will accept, while not forgetting he would have no qualms in sacrificing me for his gains.
“Go to Inam, but return soon. We have a lot of things to talk about.” He said and got up. 
I followed him out of the office and stepped into the elevator. “My lord, do you know, who the governor would be?” I asked, and his lips curled up in a smile.
“The decision hadn't been made yet,” he replied.
I feel like there is something he isn’t telling me, and I didn’t ask. Instead, I joined the party with him.
It is already past twelve, but it is packed, no one had left since coming here at six and nobody seemed to be in the mood to do that.
Everyone who is something in the city is here, from the leaders of guilds to the higher-ups in the army.
I had also invited the captains, who had saved me multiple times. However, they were only able to stay for an hour.
Caena is moving around the guests, talking to them. The other madams were also there; I could see Lancel’s face would sour, seeing them, and a small change would appear on Count's face, but both of them didn’t say anything.
They understood it was a brothel. Though the Count had hinted I should keep madams limited to three upper floors like before, but I won’t be listening to him.
There are not only Caena and assistant madams but also Carla, Margaux, Lola, and Ina.
Though, they are present as guests of the party.
Many people glanced at them when they saw them, but soon began talking to them. Though the first one to do that was Valentina; she did it, the minute she came inside.
Soon, it was one am, and the first person left the party. It was Count; he left. Though not Lancel, he is still enjoying the party.
“Good night, my lord,” I said as I sent him off to his carriage. “Have a safe journey, Remus,” he said and sat in the carriage.
I watched till his carriage rolled out of the gates before walking inside. There, I talked to people, from collogues to friends to people, I barely know, before I reach the person I have been wanting to talk to.
“You took a lot of time to come to your friend,” she said as I approached her. I had talked to her, before, but only a few words; I didn’t get much chance to talk to her freely, with Count in the company.
She is not alone, there is her girlfriend Lena and architect Davidson. The last one is her friend Ed.
She is one of few people here, who was able to bring more than one person. Initially, I had only planned to invite her and the old man, but then, I found out, her girlfriend had returned to the city.
She also wanted to bring her friend, Ed. I had to cut two people to adjust them.
It is not a ballroom, there are much less people here.
“Who said I had come to talk to you, I had come for Lena,” I said and turned to her girlfriend. “I hope you have been well, Lena,” I asked her girlfriend, who smiled charmingly. 
“I am, and thank you for the invitation, Lord Silver,” she replied, while Valentina glared at us. 
“Remus will do, Lena,” I replied, to which she smiled.
A moment later, my smile muted, and I turned to Valentina. “I am leaving for Inam in an hour, after I come back, we will have a lot of things to discuss about the establishment,” I said to her, and confusion appeared on her.
“Inam, why are leaving for Inam?” she asked. I smiled and was about to reply when her friend spoke.
“I think Mr. Silver is going to meet the guide, Valentina. I heard the new hosts of legacy go to old hosts to learn its ways,” he answered, and she looked at me in question.
I nodded.
I have the legacy and could control anything, but I barely knew of to run things with these new changes. The same for my people; they need to learn how to use the legacy.
Like this party, everything is going great. People are enjoying themselves, but things could get better.
Especially, with the most signature ability of the establishment, mixing the emotions with the food and drinks. 
I have not let them do that, not because I couldn’t do that. I could provide them with the emotional mist they need, but they don’t know how to use the emotions, use them properly.
I am taking some of my staff with me as well; not just chefs and bartenders, but others as well.
This is just a prelude to a huge celebration that will happen soon. Where the important people from the entire empire would come.
I have to create something that will imprint this on their mind. It is not just them, but every person who comes to my establishment should leave with unforgettable experiences of their desires satiated.
It is why I am going to Iman, just a day after getting a legacy. I am not enjoying it properly.
I will do it after I come back. 
“I will be waiting then.” She said, with her eyes shining.
Valentina will be very important in that effort. I have plans, but before I can start with any of them, I have to learn the limitations and rules of the legacies.
There are many, one of which you can’t make too many changes to it. If you swerve it too much from originality, you will lose the legacy.
I need to understand how to use it.
Of course, everything could be used, even a disadvantage could become an advantage if used well, said one of my professors in law school. Ask anyone of my past profession and they will tell how true it is.
I talked to a few more people before finally reaching the two. An old man and a raven-haired woman of the same age; are talking to each other with wonder in their eyes.
They are the only people who are not from Greltheaven, but I have to invite them.
“Mr. Kadal, Mrs. Kadal, I hope you are having a good time,” I said to the old man and his wife. 
He is the man who spoke those words to me yesterday, and it turned out; he didn’t speak to me alone, but also to Taren, saying it is not a good thing to crush the dreams of people, to satisfy one's ego.
He spoke to me when others avoided me like the plague. His words were somber, but they helped me when I was at my worst.
“The best time in our life. We never thought we would ever step into the legacy. Thank you for inviting us, Lord Silver,” said the old man, shaking my hand gratefully.
“It is my pleasure,” I replied.
I talked to them for a minute more, before stepping into the elevator, with Caena and Carla following behind me.

Are you really, not coming?” asked Carla to her friend, who shook her head. “You know, she misses you a lot and if not for you stopping her, she would have already come here to meet you,”
Pain and longing could be seen in her eyes. She is missing her daughter a lot and isn’t going to meet her for some reason.
“I will soon,” she said, wiping the tears. The only thing Carla could do was sigh and hug her friend.

“Is everyone ready?” I asked to people standing in front of me.
I am at the back of the garden, with Carla and Caena, along with twenty-three of the staff. Drev and three chefs were coming, along with four from the bar.
Maeve also brought three of her staff, while the tavern didn’t have a spa, I am sure, they will be able to learn something from it.
There are many other people like, like our musicians. Charen is the only is coming from the band. He also had expressed a willingness to sign a long-term contract.
I already had a five-year-long contract with him and will think about extending it further. It is the only reason I am taking him with me.
The other three musicians are girls, including Della, who is wonderful with the flute. 
I am more than willing to girl's chance, than the other people. It is why Cresa and Wanda are coming with us, despite there being more skilled chefs and bartenders working in the establishment.
It is the same for Lenore and Asne from the studio and spa. 
I would have brought more girls perusing the different professions, but their skills have not reached high enough. 
They didn’t need to be disappointed. We have a legacy. They will get more than enough chance to practice with emotions as long as they prove themselves.
“Let's go then,” I said, seeing everyone nod and sit in the carriage with Carla, while others sat in carriages waiting for them.
Of the madams, only Della and Gloria are coming. Caena, Margaux, and others are staying at the establishment. Caena wanted to come, but it was risky given her class.
I invited Margaux, but she declined. As for Lola and Ina, both of them are leaving in the morning.
Soon, the carriage walked through the establishment, and I felt like I was naked again. The establishment was like a blanket; I could feel it around me and now, there is only a string connecting me with it.
I could still tug it to control a few things in the establishment.
I wanted to go back immediately, but I controlled the urge. In the afternoon, when I went out of the establishment, it was so intense that I nearly asked the driver to go back.
Now, it is a little controllable, but it would take a while before I would get complete control over it.
“It had been only a day, and the life had changed, so thoroughly,” said Carla and her eyes turned distant.
“The people who weren’t even willing to talk to me are now fawning; those who said they don’t deal with whores are now placing big orders,” 
“You are not rejecting those deals, are you?” I asked, and somberness in her voice flew off, and a laugh escaped from her delicious mouth.
“No, of course. I am not an idiot to let ego come between the business,” she replied, and a pride couldn’t help, but flash in my eyes, along with something else.
“Come here,” I said, and she smiled, before getting up and sitting on my lap. 
I looked at the amber eyes before I took her enchanted lips into mine. As those lips melded into mine, I finally got the nectar that I had been thirsting for long.
We kissed gently and intensely with our hands, moving across the bodies of each other. 
The time passed so quickly that we reached the port before we knew it and had to stop.
A moment later, both of us walked out of the carriage, looking at our finest. There are no swollen lips or crinkled clothes. We looked good, too good, that some could tell what happened, but nobody said anything.
“It is really a beautiful yacht,” said Carla in wonder.
I am going to buy a yacht like this one day, and it is not a dream anymore, I am going to do it.
“It is a good place to finish what we have started,” I said, and her amber eyes smoldered.
“Definitely,” she replied with a grin. I grinned back and took her hand in mine before walking toward the yacht.

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