City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 278: Birth of Legacy II

Chapter 278: Birth of Legacy II


In the opulent conference room, twelve people are sitting. For the first house meeting in their new headquarters.
The meeting had been going on for several hours, discussing many topics, before coming to the most important one.
“Brother, we shouldn’t withdraw our business whole from risky regions. We should only scale them down, after all the war, could also present a great opportunity,” said the silvery-grey-eyed old woman.
“It is too risky, Aunt. We should withdraw completely from risk and only keep operating in the safe ones or the losses would be immense,” said the middle-aged man.
They all looked old man sitting in the head chair, Edmon Silver, head of the House of Silver.
“What is your view on it, Gerald?” asked Edmon to the man on the right. The youngest and newest member of the house council.
“I” Gerald had opened his mouth when suddenly, the old man on the left got up. It was so sudden, the chair, he was sitting in clattered on the floor.
Gerald turned to the man and saw deep shock all over the old man’s face. It surprised Gerald too, he had known the man his whole life but never saw him so shocked.
“Thompson, what happened?” asked Edmon. 
“Give me a minute,” replied the old man and walked out of the room in a hurry, while others watched in shock.
“Edmon, it is time, you should think about retiring Thompson. There are many in the house, who could contribute to the house more productively, with that seat,” said the oldest man, elder brother of Edmon Silver.
Many seating, nodded in agreement.
Not many people like Thompson, he is the only non-silver on the house council and wields too much power because of his close friendship with Edmon Silver. 
Edmon didn’t reply, he just looked at them; some wanted to speak, but shook their heads. It is not the first time they have spoken about it and every time; the answer is the same, but more people are joining the chorus.
However, there are few opposed to it, like Gerald.
Seconds passed and nobody spoke; a woman on the right had opened her mouth and was about to speak when the door opened.
Thompson came inside, and there were tears in his eyes, which shocked them. The one who is most shocked is Edmon himself. 
The last time he had seen Thompson cry was decades ago.
However, the one thing that shocks him is even more than crying, is expression on his friend's face, was not a hint of sadness, but joy, immense joy.
“Thompson, what happened?” asked Edmon, with his heart beating wildly. He had a feeling, that it was something life-changing.
Thompson brought his lips to his friend's eyes and whispered something. A shock, they had never seen on the face of the leader of the house
“This is not some big joke from our enemies, right?” he asked breathlessly. “I have confirmed from seven different people, including Graham and the mage guild,” replied Thompson.
For a moment, the old man didn’t speak, before a small appeared on his face, that soon turned into a wild laugh.
He began to laugh, so hard that tears started to stream down his face and even then, he didn’t stop.
“Edmon, what happened?” asked the oldest man, but the man kept laughing.
Seeing that, he turned to Thompson, who had put his chair back and sat down.
“Thomson, what is it?” he asked again, but Thompson remained quiet. A flash of irritation appeared in his eyes, but he controlled himself and decided to wait for his younger brother to calm down.
He did, after more than a minute of laughing hard.
“Finally, the greatest dream of a House of Silver, had been realized,” he said, and the eyes of the oldest man went wide.
There are a few more who reacted, including Gerald, understanding what he meant, while some watched in confusion.
“I…is it really true?” asked the oldest man shakingly, with tears streaming down his face. 
Edmon didn’t reply and instead turned to the table.
“I, as head of House of Silver, appoint Remus Silver, to the house council,” he declared, immediately shocking some people.
“Uncle, he is just a child, not to mention a bastard and the business he runs. He hadn't even contrib,”
“Shut up, Jens!” shouted the oldest man.
“Father!” complained the middled man, but the oldest man just glared, before turning to his brother.
“If it is true; I agree with it wholeheartedly. Even willing to give up my seat,” said the oldest man, shocking some on the table. It is the thing, they love the most, and wouldn’t give up without a struggle.
There was quite a drama when Gerald replaced the previous holder of that seat.
“I also agree,” said Gerald. “Me too,” said the woman. One by one the others agreed, while some still looked in confusion and anger.
Wondering what the hell, had happened.

Amberhold, Oksall.
“If all the parties are like; then I want to attend every one of them,” said Varza, looking around with wide eyes.
It is her first party, and the girl is impressed. Ina couldn’t help but wonder how the girl would react when she attended parties at Navr.
The undead kingdom throws the best parties, and they also discriminate much less; it makes their parties enjoyable.
“To be honest, I don’t like much. Though I would love to see the Mage shows that you and Remus had talked about,” said Carla.
They are in a merchant guild of Amberhold, at their annual ball. Master Silver had secured them the invitation.
I have been in a circle for ten days, as he ordered me to. I didn’t want to rest, seeing it was not the first time, I had experienced it like this and there was too much work, but it had helped tremendously.
More than I am willing to admit. 
He even sent Carla with me, for support. I felt a little bad, seeing how busy she was.
“I think, it is time to leave. We have already met the people, we needed to meet, talk to those we needed to talk to,” I said, and a mirthless smile appeared on Varza’s face.
“Not that, many were willing to talk to us,” said the young woman.
They know what we are and might be willing to deal with us privately, but many hesitated to talk to the public. Some didn’t even acknowledge us; it is a stark difference from the establishment.
Carla and I got used to it, and Varza will, too.
“Let’s leave,” said Carla, and I nodded and was about to leave when the crowd parted in front of us.
I saw the two people coming toward us with a smile on their faces. I looked around to see where they were going. They shouldn’t be coming to us.
They are the Lord and Lady of Amberhold. We have been instructed to stay away from them by the one who provided us with the tickets.
They stopped in front of us, while the whole ballroom watched.
“Lord Blackwell, Lady Blackwell,” greeted Carla, smoothly despite her surprise and bowed with grace. 
I and Varza followed after hurriedly.
“Ms. Salt, I have heard so much about you. You two must be Miss Knox and Miss Steele,” said the beautiful elf lady in a melodious voice.
“It is our great honor, my lady,” replied Carla, smoothly again, but more questions appeared in her eyes.
There should be no reason, for Lord and Lady Blackwell to come to us personally and even know our names and talk to us politely. That, I am beginning to suspect, is an illusion spell cast on us for their sick amusement.
“Please congratulate Lord Silver on behalf of the House of Blackwell for gaining the legacy,” said Lord Blackwell with a smile.
His voice is like thunder to our ears and heard by the rest of the hall. Thanks to the skill, he used.
Lord Silver? Legacy? The questions begin to appear in my mind. I become even more sure; this is some kind of sick illusion.
“L..Legacy?” asked Carla, with her voice finally breaking apart. Seeing that, the beautiful elf smiled gently.
“Your Lord had gained the legacy; I am sure your mage will be able to confirm that,” said Lady Blackwell melodiously, looking behind us.
I looked back, only to see Shaun and Hugo coming toward us hurriedly, before stopping beside us.
“Is it true?” asked Carla in a barely audible voice. “Yes, Zela had personally informed me. I had even asked the old man who conformed to it,” he replied, with his voice brimming with joy.
“Mr. Silver wants three of you, back to the Greltheaven as soon as possible,” he added a moment later.
It took one and a half hours for us to get out of the ballroom.
Everybody wanted to talk to us and sent their congratulations to Master Silver. The people earlier, who didn’t want to acknowledge us in public, fawned over us, without shame.
To me, it all seemed unbelievable. Even now, I am feeling I am in an illusion.

Valentina was reading the book on the way back to the Greltheaven. She had gone to the Lauryl Town with Ed, to discuss his project with Baron Hanes.
It took me a lot to convince the man, but he finally agreed to give a job to Ed after seeing his designs.
It will be his first job, and he seemed excited about it.
Manors aren’t the things he is interested in, but it is work, which he desperately needs.
She was reading when her ring flashed with a message and shock appeared on her face. She was barely able to control her emotions when the ring flashed again and again. Informing her of the same thing.
“I’ll be damned!” I cursed while grinning like mad.
“What happened?” asked Ed, worried, moving the books floating in front of him. 
“A very good thing, my friend,” I replied.

“A legacy, it will make conquering back, what is ours even more fruitful,” said the man on the throne.

Dustorn Fortress 
“Fuck, a legacy! Now, Tabes will want to eat us alive,” said the man, hitting the table hard with his fist.
“Send the message to the Majesty’s war office and ask them for more men.” 
“We won't be able to deal with Tabes with what we have, now that legacy is dangling in front of them,” he ordered and looked out fortress toward Tabes with worry on his face.

Paerus Estate, Harsoth Empire
“You said he was interesting, but he produced a damn legacy,” said the middle-aged man, grinning.
He is none other than Prince Grelt, and he is happy. It is the best news he has received in these past few months, where nearly everything going wrong for him.
“Even I didn’t imagine it, Your Highness,” said Viscount Atre, shaking his head.
“You sound disappointed, Vincent?” said the prince. “I have been keeping an eye on him and would have preferred him at Your Highness’s side, rather than cooped up in legacy,” he replied, and the prince smiled.
“You are underestimating the value of the legacy far too much, Vincent,” said the prince and the viscount smiled.
There was silence for a few seconds.
“What is Your Highness’s plan for the legacy?” asked the Viscount finally, and the prince grinned. 
“Since it is my territory, it is mine,” he replied.
“His Majesty won't like it,” said Viscount, and the prince smiled, before his expressions turned serious.
“Who do you think, we should send it for the legacy's guardian?” asked the prince, avoiding the question.
 “There are few, I think, would be best suited for it,” replied the Viscount after a moment of silence.

The appearance of the legacy had added another layer of complexity to people’s plans. Some cursed at its birth, while others cheered.
Some had decided to watch quietly and wait for the opportunity.

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