City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 273: Party

Chapter 273: Party

“Lord Count,” 
Greeted Taren as the winston hall; one of six places Count receives important people depending on their stations and his liking for them.
Winston Hall came in the middle. If it had been Taren’s father; he wouldn’t have received him in this hall.
Thankfully, here, Taren had followed the proper etiquette without the slightest disrespect to the Count.
He understands with whom he could mess with and with whom he couldn’t. It seemed to make Lancel angry, but he kept it to himself.
“Welcome to Greltheaven. Lord Zanav,” Count welcomed, shaking his hand. “Thank you, my lord.” He replied and took a seat in front of the Count.
“How was your journey?” Count asked. “Great, my lord. Especially in the wasteland. It is best for my cavalry,” he replied, and the Count smiled.
“Your Lord's father had also said the same thing when I had met him last time,” said the Count.
Their polite conversation continued. It is customary.
The Count is not immediately going to ask the questions, he really wants to ask. It is not a time; they will ask them during the private meeting tomorrow, where nobody is allowed.
We all remained quiet while they talked. They lasted for more than half an hour.
“Rest, Lord Zanav. Tonight, there is a party in honor. It would please me greatly if you would attend it,” said Count Darrow.
“I wouldn’t miss it, for anything, my lord,” he replied.
I took him toward his suit; it is a guest wing, where important guests stay. Even here, he is not staying in the best suit, but better than what his station would allow.
On the way, we talked a little. It was mostly me, informing him of things he should know.
He didn’t listen; he seemed to be deep, in his thoughts. It was fine by me; this man is trouble and I want to talk as less as possible to him, in case he takes offense to something.
“I would come to receive you at nine, my lord,” I said with a bow. 
He didn’t even acknowledge and entered inside after his guards gave all clear. 
I walked away as the doors of his suit closed. 
Till now, everything has gone well, not smoothly, but well enough. I have to keep it like this till tomorrow night. Once he leaves; I will be able to focus back on the things, that matter most to me.
Soon it was eight, and the guests started coming for the party.
Welcoming them wasn’t my responsibility; it was Robin’s. Though I am the one who planned it; added things he liked, and even the guests on the lists had been tailored to invite the type of people, he liked the most.
I looked at all the preparations and changed my clothes before going back to his suite.
I didn’t immediately knock; I had come fifteen minutes early. I feared something might have happened, but it seemed like, I was worrying too much. 
Knock Knock 
Ten minutes passed, and I finally knocked. The door didn’t open immediately nor, did I knock on it again. 
One and a half minutes later, the door opened, and Taren Zanav came out. I have to say; he is handsome and despite wearing a formal suit; the air of bad boy didn’t leave him. 
It seemed to become heavier.
‘No, wonder; women threw themselves at him,’ I thought.
“Lord Count is waiting for you, my lord,” I said, and he nodded. I led him to where Count Darrow and Lancel were waiting for him, both dressed for the party.
“Lord Count,” greeted Taren.
“You look very handsome, Lord Zanav. Seeing you, I couldn’t help but remember my younger days,” said the Count.
“You are still a handsome man, Lord Count.” Said Taren with a smile. “It might not be true, but I like, what you had said, Lord Zanav,” said Count Darrow and laughed.
“Lord father, it's time,” said Lancel, in a tone that tried to be polite, but failed miserably.
Count nodded and turned to Taren Zanav.
“Lord Zanav,” said Count and walked out of the room with me and others following behind them.
“Lord Count,”
Rang in unison when Count, Lancel, and Taren entered the ballroom, packed with people. It is more guests than usual, with half of them being a woman; beautiful women, dressed in finery.
 Just the way Taren likes it.
I am a little ashamed, but I want everything to go perfectly and will do things, I wouldn’t usually do to achieve it.
“Everyone, thank you for coming for the honor of Lord Zanav, who had graced our beautiful city with a wondrous presence…”
He begins to speak, while I watch expressions on Taren’s face, gauging his mood with my skill. Which is hard. Unlike Lancel, Taren is higher leveled and has a good grip on his emotions.
Soon, the Count finished his speech and gave the stage to Taren.
“Thank you, Lord Count, for this honor…” he didn’t speak for long, about half a time as Count, before starting to mingle with the crowd in the company of the Count.
As I was walking behind them. I felt the angry gaze at me; I turned and saw Norman Lucas, looking at me like he wanted to bury a hundred daggers at me.
Carla had told me that he had sent his man Chase to get back their madam. I really wish I had been there to see it, but unfortunately, I have been busy here. I couldn’t even go and talk to Lucas, rub some salt on him.
I have to follow around the Count.
He has the skill to remember people's names, but I provided him with other information about the guests. Like their personal life or their business, so he could communicate smoothly and project himself as a caring lord.
He didn’t care much about them, but cared about his image; it was the same thing for most nobles. They only care about one thing, and that is power in all its aspects. 
An hour passed, and then another.
Taren seemed to be enjoying the party. Talking to guests and their wives and girlfriends. 
The hotter they are, the more he will talk to them. 
He had used Privacy to talk to a few and, looking at their expressions, many of them were interested in what he said, bringing seductive smiles on their face, but some had gotten angry.
Though they didn’t say much, understanding the gap between their stations and things, he could do if they were to escalate things.
“Lord Taren; it is getting late for this old man. I will call it a night, but Lancel and you enjoy the party,” said Count Darrow as the clock rang twelve.
“Good night, Lord Count,” said Taren as the Count left.
The moment, Count disappeared; four of his lackeys appeared beside him, including Javier Ronda.
“Since the Lord Count had left; we can leave for some real fun. Lancel, are you interested in coming?” asked Taren.
“Where are you planning on going?” asked Lancel, irritatingly.
“To brothels, of course. They are the only things that could be enjoyed at this time,” Taren replied with a smile on his face.
“Not interested,” Lancel replied, and once again, I cursed the bastard. Seeing how miserably he is failing in the job his father had asked him to do.
"You will be missing a lot of fun,” said Taren and turned to me. 
“Which is the best brothel in this tiny city?” he asked. It is the first time; he has spoken to me directly. 
“It's Red Fragrance, my lord,” I replied, and immediately a mirth appeared. 
“Don’t lie to Lord Zanav, Silver. It is your brothel. That is the best brothel in the city.” Said a familiar voice; I didn’t have to look to know who this irritating voice belongs to.
“I am not lying, Major Ronda. I am just stating a fact; Red Fragrance is the biggest brothel in the city. Owned by the House of Lucas, which has the best brothels in the whole empire,” I replied with a smile.
“Is that velvet something, that you were talking about non-stop?” asked Taren to Javier. 
“Yes, velvet garden, my lord. I had only gone there once, and it had given me an unforgettable experience,” he replied, and I wanted to curse the lying bastard.
He had never come to the establishment. He wanted to, before leaving for Navr, but something had come up, and wasn’t able to.
The next day, he left for Navr.
“Since you have been praising it nonstop, we will go there. I hope it won’t be as disappointing as the brothels of your city have been,” said Taren, freezing the smile on his face for a moment.
“I promise, it won't be my lord,” promised Ronda and looked at me.
I could clearly see the anger in his eyes. This bastard had planned this, his revenge for the beating I had given me.
Taren walked toward the exit, and I looked at Lancel, hoping he would understand what I wanted.
He did understand what I wanted, but had no intention of coming to help me. Instead, he is feeling the sick joy from my predicament.
‘Bastard!’ I cursed and followed the Taren.
We appeared in the compound and sat in the carriage, and soon we were out, with six rhinos in front of us and six behind.
Those rhinos create noise, and it is night, but he doesn’t seem to care. 
It is not about the security, but a show. 
A High-Mage is responsible for his security, with many experienced soldiers and mages, covering every angle.
We have no problem with him bringing his security. He can bring, however, a number of people he wants, but would have appreciated it if he had reduced the number of beasts to one or two.
They chatted as the carriage strode toward the entertainment district. I remained quiet, speaking only when I was spoken to.
Soon, fifteen minutes passed, and the carriage reached in front of the establishment. 
The feeling, I am getting worsened immediately.
It was going to be bad; I could feel it in my bones. I just hope the preparations I made will keep it contained at bad. They should stop them from becoming worse.

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