Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 84: Temporary Truce

Chapter 84: Temporary Truce

I could only watch as the monster come charging at me. Both Seniors Trent and George were down for the count and I was too injured to actually make a stand. I could make my fox fire flare but I was not sure how long my body would hold up since Im injured.

All of a sudden, a rectangle white paper with some sort of inscription appeared in front of me. When the monster brought down its clawed fists unto it, it didnt go through and instead it got thrown away.

-A barrier?

A figure darted from the trees and dropped a kick on the monster. It roared loudly and started clawing whoever went attacking it.

Luna! Yahoo!

I turned to the direction and saw Senior Andrei, waving at me as if we were longtime friends.

Senior Andrei? I called.

Hello Luna. he paused and looked at me from head to toe. You look like shit.

-This guy-!

I decided to not mind his comment and calm myself. He did save me from becoming shreds.

What are you doing here? I asked him. I was a little unnerved at the unfading smile on his face though.

Hunting of course. It is the main content of this event you know?

-Calm down Nyxtriel. Calm down.

What I meant was what are you doing here, in this area?

Well, we were looking for monsters to hunt, but then we sensed a particularly strong one here. We saw you and your teammates fighting this abnormally strong monster so we decided to help. he glanced to the side where a female teammate of his was standing by. Erika, have our healer take a look at Trent Kidlat and George von Demarem, and get them out of here.

She replied with a nod and was about to leave but I called her attention.

Theres a safe zone about five hundred meters from here. Two survivors from Cedi Royal Academy are staying there to recuperate. I added.

Survivors? From Cedi? questioned Senior Andrei with a confused look on his face.

Yes senior. That monster fought with the Cedi Team and three of their members perished. We saved the two survivors and have been fighting it before you arrived.

I see. The death toll is no joke alright. We already heard that quite a few students from other schools have already died over the last two hours. The G.A. Games really is not something to be underestimated.

I see.

Of course I was already aware of the death toll. I was also worried that me or any of my teammates my end up dead during the events, but I guess it was something I want to face no matter what. And I think it was the same thing to the participants.

Junior Luna, I have a proposal.

I raised an eyebrow at his words but motioned for him to continue anyway.

Lets have temporary truce. The Hunting Event will finish in thirty minutes. This monster is not something any of us can handle. So, why not team up together to defeat it. Im pretty sure with my teammates capabilities, my magic and yours as well we can bring down this monstrosity.

I looked into his eyes as he spoke, but he did not waver. I could see it in his eyes, he was telling the truth.

Very well. You better not hold me back.

He laughed and clutched his stomach. Okay then. But first, lets have someone take a look at you-

No need.

Ha? But you have a dislocated arm and a sprained ankle!

As if to make a point, and maybe to give some sort of proof, I fixed my own arm by re-aligning my socket back to its place, holding back a grunt as I did. I checked my ankle and smiled once I no longer felt pain on it.

-At least my rapid self-healing works.

Ill be fine Senior Andrei. Lets take this monster down.

Senior Andrei suddenly started laughing like a madman. I was surprised the monster did not go after him even though his voice echoed all over the place. Well, it was preoccupied by his teammates so I guess it did not really have a choice.

Luna, youre really interesting. I cant help but like you more.

A chill went up my spine at that moment. I wasnt sure if it was fear or just being creeped out, but it was something negative nonetheless.

-Last I saw him, he looked like he would murder me, now hes just plain crazy.

Anything youd like to say before we proceed? he asked me which immediately make me cease getting creeped out.

Break the black crystal on its forehead then we can bring it down. But its harder and sturdier than the previous ones I encountered so its definitely a disadvantage to our side.

No worried. You heard her guys! Lets do this!

I was not sure what to do, after all we werent teammates and I wasnt sure how to work with them. But as if to answer my doubt, Senior Andrei said to me; Just attack to your hearts content, we will be the ones to adjust for you.

I just nodded my head and lunged at the monster. Since my swords were still stuck on the monsters back I had no other choice but to attack without a weapon. Although I wasnt exactly weaponless since I was using <Mystic Arts> to strengthen myself and my physical attacks. I was regulating fox fire all over my body, coating the body part I would deliver my attack with.

Sometime later, we managed to injure the monster quite a bunch and I noticed it was starting to slow down. But I knew it wont be enough because of the black crystal on its forehead.

I landed not that far from the others and stumbled a little, almost losing my balance. I steadied myself and tried to catch my breath. I circulated my energy around me again. I also pulled some energy from the surroundings to replenish those that I lost.

I took a deep breath and prepared to attack again.

All of a sudden, Senior Andrei called me so I went to where he was.

We will make a path for you, and I will help amplify your speed. Once youre in range, give it everything you can to crush that crystal. And then we will finish the monster once thats done.

I nodded my head in agreement.

Stand still.

I could feel magic power gather around my body, amplifying the current energy I have. My body also felt as light as a feather.

-Support Magic?

Ready? he asked in which I nodded. I watched as the monster was brought to its knees. Now!

I used Flash Step and I felt like I zoomed past everyone who kept attacking the monster. In the blink of an eye, I was face to face with the monster. In a split second, I gathered most of my energy on left hand. Because of the amount of energy pooling on my fist, it looked like my hand was on fire. It also looked identical to my bluish-white fox flames in which I wondered why. But I didnt really think about it back then and just delivered a powerful punch to the monsters forehead where the black crystal was.

<Fox Technique Energy Series First Form: Super Energy Fist>!

I felt the crystal crumble upon contact of my energy coated fist, but it didnt stop there. The technique went through all over the monsters body, cracks appearing and finally exploding. I was thrown backwards by the impact of the explosion, but a pair of arms caught me; Senior Andreis.

I suppose thats a win on both our sides. he smirked. You can have the golden tag after all you were the one that killed it. The next time we see each other, it will be on the battlefield and against each other.

Senior Andrei and his teammates left me there with a confused expression.

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