Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 376: Quinn Hears The News...

Chapter 376: Quinn Hears The News...

Chapter 376: Quinn Hears The News…

A few hours earlier.

A shooting star soared through the air with horrifying speed and the figure was none other than Atherston and with the unconscious Quinn on his shoulder….

Moving with a horrifying Mach 12 speed, completely ripped apart the space surrounding him and that was when suddenly his eyes furrowed dangerously before immediately changing, and instantly, he immediately paused on his feet.


A devastating ripple tore throughout the entire place as a massive shockwave rippled throughout the entire space due to the sudden stop.

Standing in the void, his eyes looked directly at his front, his heart violently beating in his rib cage.

“And who the hell are you?” Atherston asked as he reigned in the fear that suddenly bloomed in his heart.

“It’s been a long time, Atherston…” The voice rang out which seemed more like a thousand tortured souls screaming out to him from the dark void of space. Dirt which looked like flowing ink surrounded the place and a figure coated in dark robes slowly exited the void of space spreading through the places.

Instantly, Atherston moved three steps backward gaining a distance of 100 meters from the figure, his eyebrows still furrowed dangerously.

“From the robed figure. His brain was ringing out loudly of danger. It was as if he was finally standing before the so-called death and its mere presence made his blood slowly begin revolving with speed within his body.

What made him even more conscious was his Void eyes not being able to pierce through the figure. All he saw was a dark entity seemingly made of gas.

“That boy on your shoulder…” The multitude of Voice rang out in his ears as Atherston’s eyes furrowed dangerously.

“He will be coming with me…” the voice rang out once again in his ears as Atherston’s face furrowed dangerously before immediately they returned to their normal calm.

“I’m very sorry, I can’t just give my son out to a stranger…” Atherston replied, his voice leaving no room for discussion.

“Then guess I’ll have to forcefully take him from you.” The voice replied and instantly a gigantic scythe brimming with dark lightning and with a ruinous aura.

Immediately, Atherstone’s eyes furrowed before a glint of determination flashed in them.

Stretching his hands to the side, Quinn’s body moved backward before it was immediately wrapped in the same cage that wrapped around Horora.

With Quinn successfully secured, he turned back to look at the figure standing in his way before cracking the bones in his body.

“Are you really sure you want to fight me?” Atherston asked once more and instantly the figure moved, an ocean of dark ink rushing from behind him as he raised his gigantic scythe into the air, the size reaching a min-numbing size of 5 meters and brimming with dark lightning.

“I’ll take your answer as a yes.”

Atherston said and sinisterly he flared out with unbelievable power as his body rapidly expanded and he reached a good three meters in height.

“One move!” The voice gently whispered from Atherston’s mouth, the same time that the scythe slashed down on his head brimming with apocalyptic power.

Raining both hands up, hundreds of sales were performed by Atherston as he turned his head to look at the figure running towards him and stretched out his hand.

“Void-Space Art Ultimatum, Space-Time Stop…” Atherston said out loud and instantly the scythe which was slamming down towards his head, the robed figure who was running towards him, all stood were thy rooted.

But that only lasted for less than a split second before the figure took a step and a step and then another step, their motion increasing as time passed by.

“You can even slow down my Time stop art? Just who are you…” Atherston mused out loudly as he immediately disappeared from where he stood, and in the next second, he arrived being the robed figure.

“It’s all useless…” He whispered to the air before he immediately pulled off the head covering surrounding the figure.

And Instantly long purple hair poured down like a waterfall as Atherston’s changed and instantly he severed his left hand and shot backward with horrifying speed.

Arriving a good distance from the figure, Atherston turned to look at his own hands which were floating in the empty void of space and slowly dispersing into nothing.

He could immediately tell if he had not severed his own hands, he would have immediately dispersed into gas just like his severed arm.

And slowly the scythe in her hand disappeared and she slowly turned to Atherston.

Immediately Atherston’s eyes widened in shock as he looked at the figure.

A world-shattering beauty with purple hairs and eyes that had a dark gas revolving sat its middle.

“Sa….Safrya?” Atherston asked in shock as she looked at the lady whose red lips curbed to the side in a smug grin.

“It’s been a long time, punk…” The lady replied, creating a comical scene of someone much younger calling an older one punk.

“I can’t believe you’re still alive and you now work for the EIA?” Atherston asked in shock as she watched the lady float over to the cage where Quinn’s body lay.

“So, this is your son, he looks like you. Stubborn, concealed under an innocent expression…” Safrya said with a grin before turning to look at Atherston.

“Wait, wait, you’re the Death Goddess of the EIA!!?” Atherston asked in shock as Safrya snorted.

“Tch, what a ridiculous name. One of the kids told me you barged into my house and forcefully capture one of my sons. I thought you had lost your mind or you’re finally ready to die? I never knew it finally turned out well for you…” Safrya said giving Atherston a narrowed look as Atherston scratched the bag of his head and smiled foolishly.

“I have watched your fight with Horora. I’ll have to say that cat truly is a strong one and I now understand where you get your stubbornness from. I won’t interfere with your Family issues and let him be with you, for now.” Safrya said as an incredibly sweet smile appeared on Atherston’s face.

“You know well what would happen if even a hair on his body is injured, right” She asked as Atherston’s eyes immediately focused.

“Um, you’ll take him back?” He guessed.

“No, I’ll be coming for your head.” She answered before pushing the cage to Atherston and walking off.

“Safrya, maybe it’s time you also try to mend things too,” Atherston said but she didn’t turn back and soon disappeared into the empty void of space.

Even as Atherston rapidly continued moving downward with speed, the thought of the lady he just met couldn’t help but flow through his head as he thought of both of them backstory.

They had met with each other when they were very young, talented and free. But life doesn’t always torn out as one wants.

Life made him, the joyful and playful one become incomparably cold and villainous, even risking the life of his entirely family for a goal. That was simply how life works.

But Thankfully he had been able to reign over the risk and prevail. But the same couldn’t be said for his child hood friend who had been forced onto a path of death. He had thought she would have died but it seemed she was stronger than he thought and even managed to survive.

Still, it couldn’t be helped. She has now become a creature of death that could only wander in the shadows and the emptiness of void.

Otherworldly strong, but incomparably lonely. She simply had too many lives in her hands to ever think of living a normal life once again. It could be said that she had simply got to far on the path of no return…

“Life…Life. Just what are you, really. The weak pray and struggle to be strong all the time, but the strong are helpless and completely lost too. It’s a unending circle that can never be broken, no matter how weak or strong an individual is…” Atherston mused and unconsciously he held the body in his grasp tightly and rapidly approached the blue planet.

— — —

“Guess the EIA don’t really abandon their disciples then…” Quinn said after listening to Atherston’s story as they all laughed and continued their meal.

And that was when Quinn finally directed his attention to his watch. It had already been almost four months now that he had last touched his watch.

He should have gotten quite the amount of notifications already…

And truly there were hundreds and hundreds of notifications, mainly form the various ‘chicks’ in the EIA.

But through them, there was a single message at the top of it all which unlike the other was inscribed in red colour.

“Hmmm, the EIA from Zeras?” Quinn thought as he looked at the contact information before clicking on the message.

And slowly reading the news, his hands which was heading for his mouth automatically hung in space as his jaws dropped to the ground his expression rapidly changing before he suddenly jumped off from the dining chair as his parent looked at him worriedly.

“Crippled and Resigned From The EIA! Impossible…” Quinn roared out loud in disbelief and instantly, he directed his attention to both his father and mother before giving a respectful bow.

“An important situation came up . I’m sorry I won’t be able to complete the dinner with you. Although I definately won’t miss my mom delicious cooking…” Quinn said as he packed some of the food on the table and hurriedly ran out of the room.

“Don’t be late, ok?” The void rang out as Quinn gave a genuine bod with an incredibly beautiful smile before closing the door.

But immediately exiting his face changed massively as he hurried down the staircase while muttering continuously

“Impossible, it is impossible…”

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